First of all, i've been reading this forum for quite a while and finally decided to make an account. I love what you guys are doing here: great info... However, whenever superdrol is mentioned, it doesn't seem like many of you guys know a whole lot about this particlar compound. I have used it far more than I probably should, and i'd just like to let you guys know my opinion on Sdrol. It's fine if any of you disagree with what i'm say: this is just information from my personal experiences.

Superdrol Pros:
1) Sdrol is the best oral steroid out there in terms of mass and strength gains. It blows all other oral steroids out of the water (except maybe p-plex). Dbol and adrol don't even come close to Sdrol
2) It dries you out. If you add it to a wet stack, it will noticeably reduce bloat. If i'm running a stack like test and deca , I will sometimes add in superdrol a day before a social event to get rid of moon face.
3) You can still buy it with a credit card in the US. Amazon and ebay have it, if you know where to look. many online British supplement shops also will ship SD to the US.
4) It's cheap. Before the ban, you could pick it up for 8-9 USD per gram. I won't discuss the current price, but it is definitely more expensive than it was previously.
5) If you add Sdrol to a bulking stack for 4-ish weeks, you will get the best gains of your life. it's just insane--i can't stress enough how much i love superdrol for the mass and strength gains

Superdrol Cons:
1) The major con - this shit kills you slowly (or actually rather quickly). you can literally feel yourself dying with every pill you pop.
2) It kills both your kidneys and liver. All three of these organs will give you physical pain on a superdrol cycle. Your pee will get progressively darker, and eventually you will be peeing blood if you run it long enough. TUDCA helps with this a little bit
3) It messes with your stomach. A newbie superdrol user will probably throw up a few times after the second or third week of a superdrol cycle. Major heartburn. I have thrown up blood on this before, and i'm not sure if that was because of kidney/liver failure or a stomach ulcer.
4) (not really a con, just some info) You will have less sides and less organ failures from running 100dbol+200adrol ED than from running 40mg Sdrol ED. This is some nasty shit.

Conclusion: Sdrol is really a guilty pleasure. If you want to make some sick, quick gains, just pop a little bit of sdrol and watch as your body shuts down. I hate hate hate the shit it does to my health but i keep coming back to it....almost like a bad sdrol addiction. Anyways, i'm not trying to encourage or discourage anybody from using sdrol, just trying to provide some info.

feel free to ask me about dosing/cycles/whatever else you can think of.
