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  1. #1
    eljefe29 is offline New Member
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    40 yr old Noob Maiden cycle help

    I've done some researching for my first cycle and have kind of narrowed it down to a D-bol / HGH cycle. Not sure I'm cool with injecting myself but have not seen any powder or oral HGH that seem legit. Any recommendations or comments are appreciated.

    About me, fairy active tennis at least once a week, workout 2-3 times a week. Looking to add endurance and lean mass 15-20lbs max.

    Any suggestions on what to take are greatly appreciated. Starting to get brain overload with all the info that out there.

    About Me 41 to be exact, , 5'10", 175 LBS, 21% body fat. Don't want to hulk up or take anything with huge side effects. Prefer oral product to injections.

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    hgh is also injected. not oral.

  3. #3
    DexterMorgan's Avatar
    DexterMorgan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'll try to keep it short, you have to read and educate yourself to avoid serious health problems.

    If you can't handle needles, steroids are not for you PERIOD.
    Testosterone should be included in each and every cycle. No Oral Only Cycles.
    For your 1st cycle you need to use Test only, see how your body reacts to it.
    Thanks to Austine I don't have to type an essay.
    So take a look at this thread, there is so much useful info put in such a short article.
    There you will find ideal 1st cycle example.

  4. #4
    SlinKing is offline Banned
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    Orals generally have very harsh sides.
    Here's what I would suggest:
    ~Dbol will have very harsh sides when starting out. Like you might want to kill yourself on week 2-3. The sides start to wear off after your body adapts to the hormone influx
    ~Winny is a little bit less harsh than dbol. will dry you out, kill your joints, and it won't be good for endurance.
    ~Adrol is similar to dbol
    ~Superdrol don't even consider it if you're worried about sides. Best oral ever, but a bullet to the head will be inviting after day 5-6
    ~High dose anavar is probably your best bet with your goals. It should help you maintain muscle mass/gain a bit of mass while cutting fat <<<diet. Low sides but expensive and not very powerful in the mass department. Good for joints/tennis

    And yeah, without a testosterone base (inject) you might have issues with libido and stuff. also oral side effects will be more pronounced. I have done a bunch of successful orals only cycles but I don't get libido/ED sides. In general, orals only cycles are more aligned with powerlifting/strength goals. (just to clarify adding test is always better than orals only)

    But yeah, also look into AI's and SERMS and PCT stuff

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    At 21% BF, the only thing you need is our nutrition section. Too many complications at high body fat.

    Good luck man.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Sorry man but you have so many things wrong. Work out 2-3 time per week, why steroids ? Not enough training to be worth it. Never Dbol for first cycle, where did you get that idea. BF% is way too high, need to diet. Dbol will slow your tennis and fill you full of water.
    That's just a quick remark. You need to read more. Go where Austinite said and read that. Read steroid profiles. . Please with all due respect you are way off base with thinking about steroids. ...crazy mike

  7. #7
    eljefe29 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the sound advice. I will be addressing my nutrition and amping up my work-outs. I figure the diet alone is good for dropping about 5-7 lbs. Still hard to believe my BF% is in the 20's!! I maintained 135-140 into my mid 30's. Now that I guess my metabolism has slowed down it all seems to be going to my waistline.

    I attached a few pics. Any advice on what steps I should take to get cut would be appreciated. Is Austin's Beginners Sticky a good starting point for me..after nutrition is addressed of course?

    40 yr old Noob Maiden cycle help-2013-08-14-07.25.40.jpg40 yr old Noob Maiden cycle help-2013-08-14-07.27.37.jpg40 yr old Noob Maiden cycle help-2013-08-14-07.27.47.jpg

  8. #8
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eljefe29 View Post
    Is Austin's Beginners Sticky a good starting point for me..after nutrition is addressed of course?
    After you get your bf% down. Yes.

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