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  1. #1
    calstate23 is offline Banned
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    Dec 2007

    Are you ready for steroids? (Or any other hormones for that matter)

    Yes, everyone has different goals...This is for the wanna be bodybuilder or anyone that wants to just "look" like a bodybuilder...

    First and foremost, have you trained a MINIMUM of 2-3 years CONSISTENTLY?

    During these years have you made TREMENDOUS progress?

    Do you TRULY understand how to diet?

    Do you have A LOT of strength?

    Are you below 10% bodyfat?

    Are you not only below 10% bodyfat but are you proportioned? Full and hard? Broad shoulders and small waist?

    Are you MINIMUM 21 years old?
    (Now, I don't condone anyone this young to use hormones...But the ONLY TIME I agree is if you are at least 21 and NOT ONLY want to be a Pro Bodybuilder but ACTUALLY HAVE THE POTENTIAL to become a Professional bodybuilder)...And are working with someone who knows hormones inside and out

    Now for the person that isn't sure if they are in good enough shape to start steroids ...Here is the Layman's way to tell...

    Everytime you go to the gym does someone say you're "huge", "shredded", "ripped"...Do young kids come up to you and ask for advice? Do old men ask for training advice as well?

    Do girls try to come up and talk to you? Do they say you're "Buff" lol....

    If you're not sure and these things are happening to you then you are most likely in shape enough to start your hormones....

    Now, you don't have to be over 200 lbs. for this to be happening...You could be 175 lbs...But since you are so lean and shredded you look much bigger...This will happen at 175 lbs if you are average height...

    So for anyone that is NOT that MIRACULOUS 21 year old with potential to become a pro at that age, if you answered no to ANY of my beginning questions then I would HIGHLY suggest you wait....

    But if you want to just be big, bulky, hold A LOT of water with wide waist then go ahead...The guy who looks impressive with shirt on but looks shameful next to 185 lbs at 6% with shirt off then go ahead....

  2. #2
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by calstate23 View Post
    Now, you don't have to be over 200 lbs. for this to be happening...You could be 175 lbs...But since you are so lean and shredded you look much bigger...This will happen at 175 lbs if you are average height...
    Funny you say that because when I get asked how much I weigh by people my age and I tell them, I always get the same responses. "No way dude you look bigger than that I thought you would be at least xxx." Always 10-15lbs more of what my actual weight is.
    Last edited by brazuka; 08-16-2013 at 11:36 AM.

  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Feb 2012
    nice post, Cal

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