Hey fellas,

I've decided to run a cycle in about 3-4 months to build up some good size. As this will be my second cycle ever running testosterone , I'm just a little confused on what I should run, the cycle length, dosage amounts and how often I should pin etc. Post therapy advice and breakdown is also very much appreciated.

I've only ever been on Test400 before and that was for a total of 3 vials which completed my cycle before starting post therapy which consisted of Nolva. I've been training for about 8 years on and off and have been consistent for about 3 years. I'm 27 years old, 6' and weigh in at 175 lbs at the moment. I made some good gains from the t400 cycle (gained about 20 lbs, eating 2600-3000 cals) and although I'm back to the same weight right now, I'm definitely more lean, with more muscle definition, as I started reducing my caloric intake (about 1600-1800 cals) a few weeks before I started on the last vial.

deca VS tren and if I do decide to go with deca is it better to stack with test e as I would with the tren? Would cycling anything else be more beneficial? Just trying to get an idea of what I would like to cycle through other peoples experiences with advice coming from more experienced people. Your help is greatly appreciated, Thank you!