Im getting started planning my second cycle.
First was just Test cyp
Going to add deca into the mix, with a better diet, adding some cardio in etc.

Anywayyy... Im not sure when I want to do this one. The timing has me wondering what I really should do.

I can expect to bulk and get some water during cycle, then lose water and weight while off of course.
This would make me want to cycle during the end of spring/ beginning of summer so I can show off my size.

But on my test cycle I got some acne on my back, so I was thinking that if I did happen to get it again maybe it would be better to cycle during the middle or end of winter, giving my body a chance to get rid of the acne post cycle, and during the cold weather I would be wearing long sleeves and not going shirtless much anyway. Im sure some of the acne was dieting error, and because I kept raising my test dosage because I thought it wasnt working. So its possible that I may not get as much or any acne this time, but just to be safe.

With the water/weight loss after a deca cycle would it be best to be on cycle while I can show it off, or will I still be able to retain enough gains to have something to show off during the summer?

I only plan to do one cycle this year, so I dont really want to do a full out winter bulk cycle, and summer cut cycle (even though that would probably solve most of my problems in that regard). So I want to make this one count.

What are your opinions? Anyone put any thought into this themselves? I was thinking maybe just do a natty bulk throughout winter and towards the end of winter (first few months of the year) start my cycle. Then continue to bulk as much as I can until about 4 weeks are left in the cycle then I can cut calories a bit and really add some cardio in to lean it out for the remainder. Then maybe my losses wont be as dramatic post cycle?

What do you guys think?