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Thread: First cycle help. Week 6 Test E

  1. #1
    dlynch1992 is offline New Member
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    First cycle help. Week 6 Test E

    I did my 6th shot of Test E this week and I'm a little concerned, but hopefully over thinking. I've made weight gains in the 6 weeks. My strength gains have gone up but not Terribly.. and I'm not sure what to expect with this.. but my balls are perfectly normal. Hangin low and no decrease in size or anything. My libido is increased but this could be placebo, who knows.
    My question is what kind of strength gains should I be feeling here on out and a lot of people told me my balls are gonna be like raisin, but they don't seem to have changed YET. Wondering if they will? My friend says week 6 is okay and I'm just getting to the good part of my cycle for strength gains. I'm not so sure..
    Any advise would help me out. Thanks

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    HOw many mg's of test E are you running?

  3. #3
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    like ive said before most people expect to much from there first cycle...your should be experiencing some strength gains but for me its nothing super human just steady gains in size and strength throughout the for you testes I some peeps like myself never experience testicular atrophy, it just goes to show you that we all react differently so there's no way to tell you just how much size and strength gains you will ultimately are getting to the good part of the cycle so relax roll with it and enjoy...
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  4. #4
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Agreed with above, im also on my first cycle and was expecting too much.

    my sense of well being increase a bit but nothing extreme same for libido(once or twice a day is plenty)

    strengh as gone up about 10-20%

    everyone react differently.

    about the balls you should run HCG anyway. Hcg is not only cosmetic it has an important role in recovery.

    plus you could pin twice a week. it would greatly help keeping your level steady.

    Im scared to ask but are you running an AI??

    also knowing your complete cycle would be nice to know so we can comment efficiently.

  5. #5
    dlynch1992 is offline New Member
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    So I guess Im just a lucky one and my balls don't shrink too bad.. lol
    As for an AI, I have Aromasin that I have used sparingly, for water weight ect but have only used as needed. First couple weeks I blew up with water but 12.5 ed only for a couple days as needed seems to be working well with me

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlynch1992
    So I guess Im just a lucky one and my balls don't shrink too bad.. lol As for an AI, I have Aromasin that I have used sparingly, for water weight ect but have only used as needed. First couple weeks I blew up with water but 12.5 ed only for a couple days as needed seems to be working well with me
    Just keep in mind just because you are not noticing atrophy does not mean the testies are functioning. Hcg would help with that if you are concerned. Are you aware of the risks of cycling at your age?

  7. #7
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlynch1992 View Post
    So I guess Im just a lucky one and my balls don't shrink too bad.. lol
    As for an AI, I have Aromasin that I have used sparingly, for water weight ect but have only used as needed. First couple weeks I blew up with water but 12.5 ed only for a couple days as needed seems to be working well with me
    Use aromasin at 12.5mg everyday. no matter if you feel the need or no...

    you have to control your estrogen and using it when bloat is there is stupid!

    High E2 is really bad for your health.

    you should not have started cycling if you don't know about that...

    best thing you could do is stop and educate more before playing around with your body.

    Pct two week after last pin and read here you have plenty of info to do a good cycle...

    I wont comment on your age cause im young myself, however this is highly irresponsible to cycle without knowing exactly what you are doing.

    not only you are risking permanant damage to your endocrine system(not lethal but it highly decrease your quality of life) but you are also risking cardiac issue and this may become lethal.
    so yes cycling like you do may cut down some precious year to your life...

  8. #8
    dlynch1992 is offline New Member
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    I started out my cycle on aromasin and had sides like really bad joint pain. So I lowered the dose until I am comfortable which is usually 12.5 eod or just as needed. Not sure but I think a lot of people don't run AI full cycle unless they know they need to. My estrogen sides are honestly not much, so I won't be dosing it every day like you say to

  9. #9
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlynch1992 View Post
    I started out my cycle on aromasin and had sides like really bad joint pain. So I lowered the dose until I am comfortable which is usually 12.5 eod or just as needed. Not sure but I think a lot of people don't run AI full cycle unless they know they need to. My estrogen sides are honestly not much, so I won't be dosing it every day like you say to
    many people are doing it wrong, its not because you feel it that high estrogen is not there.

    not every one bloat, not everyone have gyno.

    but everyone is affected negatively from High E2.

    I personnally know a man who went to the world strongest man running over 1g test/ week with tren and anadrol year round without any knowledge on arimidex pct or any accilary.

    and he is probably never going to hit 65YO.
    his heart is in bad shape...

    if really your joint pain are caused by low E2. go for 6.25 mg ED
    of course if you are running 300mg it may be possible, but for a normal dose like 500mg, 6.25ED is low.

    get bloodwork done I think youd be surprised...

    and find some HCG .

    you still need to dose it everyday due to the halflife of aromasin .

  10. #10
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    Sorry to say but how your balls look have very little to do if atrophy has set in. So if your injecting test you are shut down no matter how you think it looks. I would always run HCG it can’t hurt and will absolutely make your PCT way easier and for me it is a must. I personally would not run a single thing without it. Good luck
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  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlynch1992
    I started out my cycle on aromasin and had sides like really bad joint pain. So I lowered the dose until I am comfortable which is usually 12.5 eod or just as needed. Not sure but I think a lot of people don't run AI full cycle unless they know they need to. My estrogen sides are honestly not much, so I won't be dosing it every day like you say to
    This is very naive. Can you see a stroke, DVTs, emboli forming? A heart attack generally doesn't warn you until it hits. These ARE real risks with elevated estrogen. To many ignorant guys listening to people who know very little about human physiology or the effects of hormones when elevated beyond normal/physiological levels, assume that man boobs or ED are the hallmarks of E2 elevation. Gynecomastia and ED are only two of many effects of elevated estrogens and the others are far more severe.
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  12. #12
    dlynch1992 is offline New Member
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    First, I'm not here to step on anyone's toes or to try and prove anyone wrong, so I'm sorry if I sounded cocky or otherwise rude
    Secondly as my AI I started 25 a day, had joint pain in about 3 days lowered to 12.5 ed then after about a week I have Been doing 12.5 eod. I know the risks of high E and the reason I lowered aromasin isn't just because "I didn't see much bloat, so I think I'm good". I was curious about my balls just because that's it, curiosity. Sorry to have offended anyone
    Last edited by dlynch1992; 09-23-2013 at 07:35 PM.

  13. #13
    dlynch1992 is offline New Member
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    Also I forgot to add, I had pre cycle bloodwork done, and I have blood work scheduled beginning of October and then after pct also to see where I'm at

  14. #14
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Good with the blood work ? Mid cycle ? FYI I have never paid attention to my balls. They never changed much in size, but if they did, I would maybe expect that, big or small that didn't tell me anything. ...crazy mike

    So much bro-science these days

  15. #15
    dlynch1992 is offline New Member
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    I'm sure theres not really much of a point mid cycle to check bloodwork on a test only cycle, but I'm just curious how its effecting me and my doctor will run it.

  16. #16
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    Took a long time for my balls to shrink, but they did.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlynch1992 View Post
    I'm sure theres not really much of a point mid cycle to check bloodwork on a test only cycle, but I'm just curious how its effecting me and my doctor will run it.
    Depends on what youre checking. I run lipid and hepatic function mid way as a rule. If things don't look so good you can abort. Hormone panels can tell you a lot mid cycle too. Is your AI dose correct?Is the HCG dose correct? Etc. you can't get blood work too often imo. We take better care of our cars than our own bodies.

  18. #18
    Boxtrot is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlynch1992 View Post
    I'm sure theres not really much of a point mid cycle to check bloodwork on a test only cycle, but I'm just curious how its effecting me and my doctor will run it.
    Well let me jut say this, i felt the same way you did, but my stuff was fake, confirmed that on week 6 with blood work. There you go.

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