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Thread: drop EQ and up the deca ??

  1. #1
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    drop EQ and up the deca ??

    so really planning for next cycle and am open minded for it, will be 5th cycle, never used EQ before mainly as i hear its "junk" however i was planning on using it next cycle with test and deca all at 600mg each for 10-12 weeks, here was cycle plan

    week 1-12 test enanthate 600mg a week
    week 1-10 deca durabolin 600mg a week
    week 1-10 EQ 600mg a week
    week 1-12 arimidex .25mg eod
    week 14-18 clomid 100/100/50/50 & nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    HOWEVER now im thinking would i be better of with this cycle:

    week 1-12 test enanthate 750mg a week
    week 1-10 deca durabolin 750mg a week
    week 1-12 arimidex .25mg eod
    week 14-18 clomid 100/100/50/50 & nolvadex 40/40/20/20

    so basically if next cycle im literally looking for mass would i be better of dropping the EQ and upping test/deca or keep the EQ involved and see what happens, never know i may fall in love with the stuff.

    opinions please

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Save your money on the eq.
    What did you run your test at on the last cycle?

  3. #3
    katelly is offline New Member
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    imo drop eq add mast p. but if you want an appetite eq is great for that

  4. #4
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you should get a better end all result with the deca test vs eq test cycle

  5. #5
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Drop EQ and leave test and deca at 600mg each

  6. #6
    spiralkut is offline Associate Member
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    if its only gonna be 10 weeks id drop the EQ unless u can change it to 14+weeks then id keep it

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You really need to stop cycling, 5th cycle at 21 yrs old and all those sides you have had previously. We all told you when you first asked about cycling to not cycle your not ready yet you ignore everyone.

    Crazy kids
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  8. #8
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    marcus ive never had any major issues, most on this board have probally been thorugh what i have, tiny bit of gyno size of half a pea under one nipple which freaked me out and lost my wood for 2 weeks after deca cycle which was because i didnt run test longer, i have a good knolage about anabolics and believe me i know the potential sides etc etc, its risky for everyone no matter what age you are ! like i said im just trying to gain knolage as i dont want to be putting something in my body that doesnt work, however alot of guys say eq is deffo worth running hence my post, one thing with eq is they say to run it longer than 10/12 weeks will this not make recovery very hard if using eq for 14 weeks ?

  9. #9
    John Andrew's Avatar
    John Andrew is offline Member
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    Mate you are headed for a wreck. Listen to Marcus. You are far too young. Eq is good for horses. I have never met a person who actually recommends its use!

    By the way I am 58 and I listen to members far younger than me. They are educated on steroids . Read Austinites work. Read all about what you are doing and think.

    If a man kept jumping in front of moving cars you would call him a fool. We all know cars are dangerous. We all also know steroids do not mix well with growing bodies.

    I knew all about alcohol when I was young and could drink any man under the table. I was given 3 months to live age 24. How am I still alive, I listened to other people and decided I had and wanted an entire life to live.

    Good luck. John
    Java Man, marcus300 and ghettoboyd like this.

  10. #10
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    marcus ive never had any major issues, most on this board have probally been thorugh what i have, tiny bit of gyno size of half a pea under one nipple which freaked me out and lost my wood for 2 weeks after deca cycle which was because i didnt run test longer, i have a good knolage about anabolics and believe me i know the potential sides etc etc, its risky for everyone no matter what age you are ! like i said im just trying to gain knolage as i dont want to be putting something in my body that doesnt work, however alot of guys say eq is deffo worth running hence my post, one thing with eq is they say to run it longer than 10/12 weeks will this not make recovery very hard if using eq for 14 weeks ?
    Shut up. Trying to justify your stupidity. You sound like an addict. Nobody here is going to help you with aas now that we know youre 21, on your 5th cycle, and still asking dumb questions. By your 5th cycle you should be answering questions, not asking "guys, does my cycle look good"? Like the.little kid that you are. Grow up. It looks like you pick the answers you like and ignore the rest. Youre dangerous, and quite possibly a tad insane.
    Last edited by Java Man; 10-06-2013 at 05:25 AM.
    marcus300 and Capebuffalo like this.

  11. #11
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    shut up ? "java man" with a comeback like that it shows your bored ! well if that was the case if youve done 5 cycles thers no need to ask questions then what on earth are people like you and others doing on this site ????? haha i love how your getting annoyed, people like you clearly have nothing better to do on sundays but have a moan. posts like yours that have no useful information get half read ! if your not helping dont post ! im happy for someone giving me advice recomending me not to cycle but your comment is a joke (like your DP) ! touche

  12. #12
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Ph yeah, and youre using equipoise !

  13. #13
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    marcus ive never had any major issues, most on this board have probally been thorugh what i have, tiny bit of gyno size of half a pea under one nipple which freaked me out and lost my wood for 2 weeks after deca cycle which was because i didnt run test longer, i have a good knolage about anabolics and believe me i know the potential sides etc etc, its risky for everyone no matter what age you are ! like i said im just trying to gain knolage as i dont want to be putting something in my body that doesnt work, however alot of guys say eq is deffo worth running hence my post, one thing with eq is they say to run it longer than 10/12 weeks will this not make recovery very hard if using eq for 14 weeks ?

    anyone acan look at your previous thread where your going crazy because you cant get hard, gyno and your cycling without any breaks but to top all this your cycling at 21 yrs old and on your 5thy cycle. You think I am so hard nut bashing your balls but I guarantee in a few months you will be crying with symptoms of low test and your whole life will take a nose dive. ive told you and told you so many time but you just disregard my comments.

    Ive been cycling longer than you have been alive and trust me your heading for trouble, cycling with any breaks, hitting tren on your first few cycles and all the sides you have is a warning sign.

    I give up but one day you will pm me asking for help because your whole life feels like its not worth living.


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  14. #14
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flyguy6661 View Post
    shut up ? "java man" with a comeback like that it shows your bored ! well if that was the case if youve done 5 cycles thers no need to ask questions then what on earth are people like you and others doing on this site ????? haha i love how your getting annoyed, people like you clearly have nothing better to do on sundays but have a moan. posts like yours that have no useful information get half read ! if your not helping dont post ! im happy for someone giving me advice recomending me not to cycle but your comment is a joke (like your DP) ! touche
    answering questions. Duh.

  15. #15
    flyguy6661 is offline Member
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    ive never used tren before, also im concidering using eq ! and i have cycle + pct time off, if its this much of an issue i wont ask questions its just i fail to see my questions upsetting people ?

  16. #16
    Java Man's Avatar
    Java Man is offline Known Troll
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    You've been told numerous times by the most experienced members on this board NOT to cycle and why, yet you choose to ignore that and continue to ask for cycle advice. That is what youre doing wrong at the root. We're not going you fvck yourself up. If you do it anyways, you can only blame one person when it happens. I'm not bored (well yeah, I am its 4am and I can't sleep) that's not why I spend time here. I've been cycling about as long as you've been alive, too. Believe it or not I care about the futures of the young kids that asking questions but you don't listen so I see no point in reiterating what others have already said over and over. Instead, I suggested that you shut up and listen instead of sniveling and whining because you.don't like what youre hearing.

    I'm out too. See you in trt therapy or the kidney waiting list perhaps.

  17. #17
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    The one time I don't check profile.

    Stop. Stop stop.

  18. #18
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yea, I didn't know the kid was a kid lol, opps

  19. #19
    spiralkut is offline Associate Member
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    this is the best way i can put it. You're upsetting people because you come on here asking for help. Although people aren't answering your questions they are giving you advise and you are ignoring it. You might say its my body why do you care what happens to me, and you're right although it wont effect anyones day on here if you **** your body up, its just the type of people that are on this forum (people that have a sense of respect for other peoples health and safety). Id put it as defining what kind of person you are, example someone drops a $20 note and doesn't realise, the majority of people on this forum would pick it up and let the person know.

  20. #20
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiralkut View Post
    this is the best way i can put it. You're upsetting people because you come on here asking for help. Although people aren't answering your questions they are giving you advise and you are ignoring it. You might say its my body why do you care what happens to me, and you're right although it wont effect anyones day on here if you **** your body up, its just the type of people that are on this forum (people that have a sense of respect for other peoples health and safety). Id put it as defining what kind of person you are, example someone drops a $20 note and doesn't realise, the majority of people on this forum would pick it up and let the person know.
    Yeah. I'd let the person know that the 20 I'm holding was theirs a minute ago. Lol. J/k.

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