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  1. #1
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    my 1st cycle and..

    24 yrs male
    Height 5feet 11 inches
    Weight 17o pounds
    4 years workout experience
    Body fat under 12%
    Aim to gain lean muscle (dont wanna get bulky)
    Want to start my 1st cycle!!
    So I hav been reading many threads over here and have gained basic knowledge about nutrition, 1st cycle, pct. Now the main topic. I was keen on starting cycle so I asked my trainer to help me getting the stack. So he gave me pronabol-5, winstrol and anavar . He was giving me testosterone depot which had mixture of 3 contents. But I am keen to taking testosterone enanthate . He was also giving me nolvadex during cycle. Now I m sure he does not hav knowledge about pct. So I dont trust him. Now I am on my own and I hope to get help from the members here. Kindly suggest me a cycle.

  2. #2
    ppwc1985's Avatar
    ppwc1985 is offline Productive Member
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    Welcome at 170 u can another 20 pounds before you cycle you need to learn how to eat.. If you do not know how to eat right any gains made on cycle you will lose it kind of defeats the purpose. Head over to the nutrition forum and post your diet up and let them help you.

  3. #3
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2012
    12 week cycle
    1-12 testosterone enanthate 250mg×2
    1-13 arimidex 0.25 eod
    1-14 hcg 250iu × 2. Day before test e
    14-18 nolvadex 40 40 20 20
    14-18 clomid 100 50 50 50

    Now the main question is what can I do the stack that I hav already bought.
    Winstrol 10mg (100 tablets)
    Pronabol-5 5 mg (200 tablets)
    Anavar10mg (100 tablets)
    Can someone make a cycle out of these.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beginner91
    24 yrs male
    Height 5feet 11 inches
    Weight 17o pounds
    4 years workout experience
    Body fat under 12%
    Aim to gain lean muscle (dont wanna get bulky)
    Want to start my 1st cycle!!
    So I hav been reading many threads over here and have gained basic knowledge about nutrition, 1st cycle, pct. Now the main topic. I was keen on starting cycle so I asked my trainer to help me getting the stack. So he gave me pronabol-5, winstrol and anavar. He was giving me testosterone depot which had mixture of 3 contents. But I am keen to taking testosterone enanthate. He was also giving me nolvadex during cycle. Now I m sure he does not hav knowledge about pct. So I dont trust him. Now I am on my own and I hope to get help from the members here. Kindly suggest me a cycle.
    In all your reading here, this is one of the first things you should have read:

    Testosterone alone (propionate , enthanate, or cypionate ) should be the only compound on your first cycle. Forget the other junk. You need an AI (aromasin or arimidex ) and HCG on cycle as well and PCT is clomid AND tamoxifen .

    Time to read a bit more!

  5. #5
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    I have read the nutrition threads and have made the changes in my diet. I have been building lean muscles and kept fats under control. I just want to add 8-10 pounds of lean muscle.

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beginner91
    I have read the nutrition threads and have made the changes in my diet. I have been building lean muscles and kept fats under control. I just want to add 8-10 pounds of lean muscle.
    That's not going to happen in one cycle.

  7. #7
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    You guys wont believe my instructor told that there is no need for hcg . But after spending time here reading several posts od experienced members I have decided not to compromise on safety. So guys please comment on pct if it is sufficient to get my things working as before

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by beginner91
    You guys wont believe my instructor told that there is no need for hcg . But after spending time here reading several posts od experienced members I have decided not to compromise on safety. So guys please comment on pct if it is sufficient to get my things working as before
    I'd lower the first week of clomid to 75 or 50mg. I know some recommend 100 but that dose is higher than necessary and many people don't tolerate it well.

    Not surprising about your instructor. Many people are poorly informed on safe anabolic use.

  9. #9
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    That's not going to happen in one cycle.
    Okay what should be my gain in this cycle if done with proper nutrition and workout. its my first cycle and I m bit of nervous as I think I will not be getting proper guidance during the cycle by my instructor. So I will be sharing my queries with you guys.

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That really depends on your nutrition. No matter how clean you eat, if your daily caloric intake isn't at least 500 calories above your TDEE, you wont see any significant gains and you need to sustain that level of eating post cycle or you will lose most of it. 3-5lbs of lean muscle in one year would be realistic but even that still depends on your cycles, nutrition, and training. Gear wont grow muscles if you aren't eating enough calories.

    Quote Originally Posted by beginner91 View Post
    Okay what should be my gain in this cycle if done with proper nutrition and workout. its my first cycle and I m bit of nervous as I think I will not be getting proper guidance during the cycle by my instructor. So I will be sharing my queries with you guys.

  11. #11
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    That really depends on your nutrition. No matter how clean you eat, if your daily caloric intake isn't at least 500 calories above your TDEE, you wont see any significant gains and you need to sustain that level of eating post cycle or you will lose most of it. 3-5lbs of lean muscle in one year would be realistic but even that still depends on your cycles, nutrition, and training. Gear wont grow muscles if you aren't eating enough calories.
    This man is spot on. A complete newbie to the gym can add significant amounts of lbm with a good diet and training protocol without gear. The clsoer you get to your genetic potential the slower the gains come in both size and strength. Diet is the most importsnt factor and as MuscleInk said: "Gear won't grow muscles if you arent eating enough calories"

  12. #12
    beginner91 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    That really depends on your nutrition. No matter how clean you eat, if your daily caloric intake isn't at least 500 calories above your TDEE, you wont see any significant gains and you need to sustain that level of eating post cycle or you will lose most of it. 3-5lbs of lean muscle in one year would be realistic but even that still depends on your cycles, nutrition, and training. Gear wont grow muscles if you aren't eating enough calories.
    Thank you so much for helping me.
    And should I add pronabol-5 and anavar to the cycle. Really want to add one oral.

  13. #13
    John Andrew's Avatar
    John Andrew is offline Member
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    Read ppwc1985 again. You can add at least 20 lbs naturally in 12 months. You do not need steroids you need to eat properly and train properly! You are 24 try another few years learning what you can do naturally! Good Luck John

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