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Thread: Which route would you go Deca or NPP?

  1. #1
    brazuka's Avatar
    brazuka is offline Associate Member
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    Which route would you go Deca or NPP?

    Here is the scenario I would like to know which route you guys would take and why...

    Week 4 of test+dbol cycle, stopping the dbol at the end of the week. I would like to throw in some deca but here's the problem I'm already 4 weeks in and Ideally I would have liked to run the deca for 12 weeks which means the test would be run for 14 weeks. However if I choose to run the deca now then it would mean my cycle would be 18 weeks total since Im nearing my 4th week on test. Not sure if a 18 week long cycle would be good for me, so I was thinking about NPP instead. 8-10 weeks of NPP would mean a 14-16 week cycle

    My concern with deca is that it takes really long to kick in, and really long to be completely out of your system which I am assuming would make recovery much harder than say NPP. NPP on the other is a bit more expensive (I don't really care much about cost though) and also I would be pinning about 4x a week since it's an EOD pin and I would have to pin my test as well...

    So which would you guys throw in? If I could go back 4 weeks I would have added the deca to my cycle but the thing is I wanted to find out how my body reacted to the Dianabol first since I have already run test only in the past. I'm not so sure adding the deca in now would be a good idea since it would make my cycle 18 weeks... 4 weeks too long than what I would have liked it to be and the real concern is the length it would take to recover since deca stays in your system for so long...

    Lastly, Deca vs NPP dosages go pound for pound? So 400mg of deca is the same as 400mg of NPP, the difference is just in the esters? Definitely need to clear that up, I will also have some caber pharm grade on hand. Let me know guys, currently unsure but need to make my decision within a few days! Thank you!
    Last edited by brazuka; 10-11-2013 at 03:17 AM.

  2. #2
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Defo npp as you said you should have started the deca from the start and ideally you want to run the test a few more wk than the deca at the end anyway so the npp would be best this time round and yes they are the same as you stated just the easter that's different

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Is this your first cycle? If so finish test only. Now that you are already 4 weeks in I see more reason to add another compound. That's usually fora kickstart and you should be feeling the test by now. This is why you should have everything you need before you start your cycle
    Euroholic likes this.

  4. #4
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2013
    Npp is my choice.

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