Before I say anything I did use the search feature, I have done a lot of reasearch and have a mild bakground in the medical field, so save your smart ass coments for other threads.

Hears the deal I have 2 bottles of AT epi-drol (15mg epi; 25mg halodrol), 2 bottles of purus labs organ sheild, 5000iu hcg , and getting either clomid or nolva soon.


Epistane 30 30 30 45 45 45
Halodrol 50 50 50 75 75 75

Hcg 250iu every other day
Purus Lab Organ sheild
Fish Oil

Clomid or Nolva
Organ sheild
Possibly hcg
What do yall think? Also I was considering running with test w or c, would that be appropriate? I am not sure the best way of doing it, should I stack them? How long should I run test? Ideas