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Thread: The importance of cycling

  1. #1
    Projectswole44 is offline Junior Member
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    The importance of cycling

    So here we go. Everyone I personaly know who is a serious juicer doesn't cycle off. I am a noob yes I have one cycle under my belt. My thought is, how importantnis it to cycle off. How do we know that it isn't worse for your body to spike it with juice then stop and shut yourself down just to spike it up again. Why couldbt a person do a cycle then supplement with a lower dose in between adding more juice. I know everyone is going to jump all over this with a bunch of stuff they read. BUT steriod use just hasn't been studied for a long enough time to prove that cycling is the safest way to do it as far as I can tell. Basically I went through shutdown and lost some size and bla bla bla and I'm wanting to know the real risks of not cycleing. I mean we are doing something harmful to our health, how much worst for you is it to not cycle?

  2. #2
    t-dogg's Avatar
    t-dogg is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Soooo if enough studies haven't been done, why are you even asking.... Btw your shut down while your on gear, it's not just as you stop the cycle.

    Very simple way to look at this. Do you run a car at red line none stop? Do you work 24hrs a day without sleep? Get the point.?
    Docd187123, MuscleInk and Java Man like this.

  3. #3
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    You should put this question to the trt section and ask how they feel about been on injections for the rest of their lives. It might help some of the older fellas but at 25 I think the risks far out weigh the benefits IMO
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  4. #4
    Projectswole44 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    Soooo if enough studies haven't been done, why are you even asking.... Btw your shut down while your on gear, it's not just as you stop the cycle.

    Very simple way to look at this. Do you run a car at red line none stop? Do you work 24hrs a day without sleep? Get the point.?
    Hmm I'm not really talking about cars or sleep so both of those things don't apply. I can kinda see what your saying, but im not sure it relates to injecting hormones into the human body. I'm just wondering if the studys have been done and proven that this is the best way to do it. I know people who who stright up dont cycle and claim that its better. Seems risky to me but then again is it good to be stoping and then starting again all the time, seems like its a little harsh on the system

  5. #5
    Red Bastard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Projectswole44 View Post
    Hmm I'm not really talking about cars or sleep so both of those things don't apply. I can kinda see what your saying, but im not sure it relates to injecting...
    Do you understand what an analogy is?

  6. #6
    Projectswole44 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post

    Do you understand what an analogy is?
    yeah I do. What im saying is I dont think his analogy explained anything, yeah ok so he's saying you need to take a break. Ok I already know that. What I'm wanting to know is why?. I feel like so much information out there is just recycled crap that someone said one time. Jm wondering if anyone has read any published info on why cycling is such a gold standard for juice. The smart remarks and analogys are of no use...brah

  7. #7
    sportsman23's Avatar
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    It's really hard for the body when coming off steroids to having to start making its own testosterone again. If your just the average gym rat just trying to look good I wouldn't recommend it. If you compete in competitive bodybuilding and want to go far in the sport then I think it should be something to look into don't just take one guys word for it though do your own research too and make your own decision weigh the risks over benefits.

  8. #8
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Projectswole44 View Post
    So here we go. Everyone I personaly know who is a serious juicer doesn't cycle off. I am a noob yes I have one cycle under my belt. My thought is, how importantnis it to cycle off. How do we know that it isn't worse for your body to spike it with juice then stop and shut yourself down just to spike it up again. Why couldbt a person do a cycle then supplement with a lower dose in between adding more juice. I know everyone is going to jump all over this with a bunch of stuff they read. BUT steriod use just hasn't been studied for a long enough time to prove that cycling is the safest way to do it as far as I can tell. Basically I went through shutdown and lost some size and bla bla bla and I'm wanting to know the real risks of not cycleing. I mean we are doing something harmful to our health, how much worst for you is it to not cycle?
    I'll be honest, I don't come off. But I also know that I'm hurting my body, I just don't know how bad. At my level, and chasing a pro card, I can't afford to come off as my time is limited. I coach many guys, and have all of them cycle off.
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  9. #9
    Matt's Avatar
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    Your body is a machine with many perfectly working hormones running it, those hormones have been fine tuned over thousands of years and each hormone works in harmonious sink with each other....

    Would you believe that massively altering this evolution over extended periods of time would be healthy?? If this were the case don't your think after these thousands of year of evolution i would be naturally producing 1000mgs of testosterone every week???

    See my point....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Think about what you are asking here. How in the world would you ever pass a study through a bioethics committee when the design involved a group or strata of patients who will cycle in definitely versus a second cohort who will cycle on and off. Every research study ever published in a reputable peer reviewed journal has to be reviewed AND approved by an Independent Review Board (IRB) or Internal Ethics Committee (IEC). I have served on both such committees and I can tell you, no study involving animals or humans that does not put the subject's health or the cumulative benefits of a study first, will never be approved. The type of study you are implying should exist, will NEVER pass an ethics review.

    Moreover, the analogies offered ARE certainly applicable. To even question why cycling of anabolics should be done presuppose that you do not understand the fundamental risks and dangers of steroids . Anabolic compounds WILL affect a number of blood parameters and cardiac function (hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia) to name only a few. It's not smart or even advisable to cycle permanently.

    Quote Originally Posted by Projectswole44 View Post
    Hmm I'm not really talking about cars or sleep so both of those things don't apply. I can kinda see what your saying, but im not sure it relates to injecting hormones into the human body. I'm just wondering if the studys have been done and proven that this is the best way to do it. I know people who who stright up dont cycle and claim that its better. Seems risky to me but then again is it good to be stoping and then starting again all the time, seems like its a little harsh on the system
    Red Bastard and bigspin like this.

  11. #11
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Projectswole44
    yeah I do. What im saying is I dont think his analogy explained anything, yeah ok so he's saying you need to take a break. Ok I already know that. What I'm wanting to know is why?. I feel like so much information out there is just recycled crap that someone said one time. Jm wondering if anyone has read any published info on why cycling is such a gold standard for juice. The smart remarks and analogys are of no use...brah

    Ok so let me break it down. When you push something to the limits non stop, it breaks. It's a no brained, with anything.

    If what I say didn't make since, think about your body or others who don't use gear, but train, compete, ect. Ever see injuries? Torn muscles or tendons? Things wear out. Now think about the body when it's super charged with no break at all, I.E running a cycle nonstop.

    So if you can't comprehend this BRAH, you shouldn't even think about running a cycle....
    Red Bastard likes this.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by AshopRep View Post
    I'll be honest, I don't come off. But I also know that I'm hurting my body, I just don't know how bad. At my level, and chasing a pro card, I can't afford to come off as my time is limited. I coach many guys, and have all of them cycle off.
    Do you have your PM turned off for a reason?

  13. #13
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985
    Do you have your PM turned off for a reason?

    It shows pm when I check it out.

  14. #14
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Projectswole44 View Post
    So here we go. Everyone I personaly know who is a serious juicer doesn't cycle off. I am a noob yes I have one cycle under my belt. My thought is, how importantnis it to cycle off. How do we know that it isn't worse for your body to spike it with juice then stop and shut yourself down just to spike it up again. Why couldbt a person do a cycle then supplement with a lower dose in between adding more juice. I know everyone is going to jump all over this with a bunch of stuff they read. BUT steriod use just hasn't been studied for a long enough time to prove that cycling is the safest way to do it as far as I can tell. Basically I went through shutdown and lost some size and bla bla bla and I'm wanting to know the real risks of not cycleing. I mean we are doing something harmful to our health, how much worst for you is it to not cycle?
    I'm beginning to think hormone addicts exist. Looks like you're searching for any possible reason to never come off.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post
    It shows pm when I check it out.
    hmm, strange it shows none for him. I thought I had been a good boy lol.

  16. #16
    Projectswole44 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post

    I'm beginning to think hormone addicts exist. Looks like you're searching for any possible reason to never come off.
    Yeah I I wish I didn't have to. Just always trying to gain more Information

  17. #17
    Projectswole44 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by t-dogg View Post

    Ok so let me break it down. When you push something to the limits non stop, it breaks. It's a no brained, with anything.

    If what I say didn't make since, think about your body or others who don't use gear, but train, compete, ect. Ever see injuries? Torn muscles or tendons? Things wear out. Now think about the body when it's super charged with no break at all, I.E running a cycle nonstop.

    So if you can't comprehend this BRAH, you shouldn't even think about running a cycle....
    I see what your saying brah. Thanks for your input

  18. #18
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What is all this Brah talk. Juvenile nonsense.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  19. #19
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Your body is a machine with many perfectly working hormones running it, those hormones have been fine tuned over thousands of years and each hormone works in harmonious sink with each other....

    Would you believe that massively altering this evolution over extended periods of time would be healthy?? If this were the case don't your think after these thousands of year of evolution i would be naturally producing 1000mgs of testosterone every week???

    See my point....
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Think about what you are asking here. How in the world would you ever pass a study through a bioethics committee when the design involved a group or strata of patients who will cycle in definitely versus a second cohort who will cycle on and off. Every research study ever published in a reputable peer reviewed journal has to be reviewed AND approved by an Independent Review Board (IRB) or Internal Ethics Committee (IEC). I have served on both such committees and I can tell you, no study involving animals or humans that does not put the subject's health or the cumulative benefits of a study first, will never be approved. The type of study you are implying should exist, will NEVER pass an ethics review.

    Moreover, the analogies offered ARE certainly applicable. To even question why cycling of anabolics should be done presuppose that you do not understand the fundamental risks and dangers of steroids. Anabolic compounds WILL affect a number of blood parameters and cardiac function (hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia) to name only a few. It's not smart or even advisable to cycle permanently.
    End of story...
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  20. #20
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    What is all this Brah talk. Juvenile nonsense.
    Daggum whipper snappers

  21. #21
    Java Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Projectswole44 View Post
    So here we go. Everyone I personaly know who is a serious juicer doesn't cycle off. I am a noob yes I have one cycle under my belt. My thought is, how importantnis it to cycle off. How do we know that it isn't worse for your body to spike it with juice then stop and shut yourself down just to spike it up again. Why couldbt a person do a cycle then supplement with a lower dose in between adding more juice. I know everyone is going to jump all over this with a bunch of stuff they read. BUT steriod use just hasn't been studied for a long enough time to prove that cycling is the safest way to do it as far as I can tell. Basically I went through shutdown and lost some size and bla bla bla and I'm wanting to know the real risks of not cycleing. I mean we are doing something harmful to our health, how much worst for you is it to not cycle?
    Anabolic steroids were first synthesized in the 1930's. Much study was done. Hitler may have been a complete psycho but he was not stupid. He had the best minds working on a formula for a super soldier. What do you think they were studying? Bingo. Bodybuilders have been using and documenting that use since the early 60's. Countless controlled academic studies have been published since the first anabolic steroids were synthesized. What are you talking about?
    Last edited by Java Man; 10-18-2013 at 11:02 PM.
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