MY last cycle was test ace and tren ace run them both for 12 weeks!! made amazing gains..
I went from 180- 200lbs


age 26
height 5'11
ive been training for over 3 years consistently,im the gym 6 times a week for 1 hour

i'll be running sustanon 250, tren ace, equipoise and winstrol

Sustanon 250 E3D 2.5cc (week 1- 12) = 500ml a week
Tren ACE EOD .75cc (week 1 -12) = 3ml a week
Equipose E3D 2cc (week 1 - 12) = 4ml a week
Winstrol ED .5cc (week 6-12) = 35ml a week
A.I nolva 40mg EOD (week 1- 12)

PCT hcg 5000iu and clomid (week15-18)