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Thread: 44 year old 1st timer needs advice..

  1. #1
    rnincharge2010 is offline New Member
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    44 year old 1st timer needs advice..

    New 44 year old to this forum needs some advice.
    Hello Everyone,
    First a little about myself.
    I'm 44 years old. Never been on a cycle but I think it's finally time to try. It seems like every other time I'm at the gym someone is asking me what I'm on. I have occasionally aches and pains to both rotator cuffs as well as the occasional elbow tendonitis. My knees also hurt occasionally. Yes..I'm ****ing falling apart. I do a good job of working around these issues and continuing to train. I'm 175lbs, 5'8" and my bodyfat is appx. 14% on those crappy home scales. Flexed arms are 18", and my lifts are what I consider decent. I won't bore you all with those. Here are my questions...

    1. I plan on doing a 12 week Cypionate cycle of 400-600 per week. Weeks 1-4, 400. Weeks 5-8, 600 per week and then Weeks 8-12, 400 per week. Is this advisable or should I just start on 400 or 500 and maintain this for all 12 weeks. Whichever your suggestion please follow it with a rationale.

    2. For PCT I have Novaldex. I plan on starting 60mg for weeks 13 & 14, then 40mg weeks 15 - 16, and finally 20mg weeks 17 & 18. Is this correct or should the dosage be different?

    3. If I begin experiencing gyno during any part of the cycle should beginning the Novaldex at that point be O.K. at say 20mg per day? Will this stifle my growth?

    4. Lastly, considering my age and proposed dosage, what gains should I experience and what is the best way to minimize water retention?

    Thank you for your advice and patience.

  2. #2
    auswest is offline Banned
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    18" arms on a 175lb frame would look rather large.

    You have a fair amount of reading to do, don't be discouraged plenty of info here.

    Don't ramp up/down your test dose pick a dose and continue with it. 500mg is a typical starting dose

    Depending on the test ester you are using will determine when you start your pct if using prop you will want to start 3 days after last shot test e 14 days after and test cyp 18 days after

    Pct should look something like
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Example 1st week 100mg clomid every day with 40mg nolva every day and so on
    Week1 every day/week2 every day/week3 every day and so on

    They're the dosages I use, both products can be bought through the site sponsor ar-r

    To reduce/prevent the risk of gyno your estrogen should be controlled with the use of an ai through out the entire cycle, need to do some reading on that controlling estrogen is very important not just to reduce the risk of gyno.

    Gains are purely user dependant way too many factors, how far along in your training you are, your diet life style and much more, go into it fully prepared and disciplined and you'll receive maximum results.

  3. #3
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    Should also consider running HCG @ 250 iu's 2-3 times per week throughout cycle to keep the testes working...

  4. #4
    DontTaseMeBro is offline Member
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    Welcome. I'm 44, too - so I know all about those aches and pains!!! The pyramid thing you propose is kinda the way we did things 20 years ago before we knew about AI and PCT. Check out the First Cycle sticky. Lots of good info here. Good Luck.

  5. #5
    Milly23's Avatar
    Milly23 is offline Junior Member
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    I thought I waited a long time (31) but 44 damn lol. Goodluck

  6. #6
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    So never to late I've got almost 10 years on you OP. auswest gave some good points. Look at Austinites stickie of first cycles. Be sure to have everything on hand before you start. The AI on cycle is a must. Prevention is better than rescue.
    rnincharge2010 likes this.

  7. #7
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    At 44 (my age too), if you have diet and training essentially dialled in, going from a state of lower test (compered to 15 years ago), you should see great gains!
    That said, beware of the extra strength and energy. Your shoulder/elbow/knee issues (I have the same) may worsen, if you push yourself too hard. Listen to your body!!
    rnincharge2010 likes this.

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Great advise from many of our vets. I did my first cycle at 39 years of age.

    Your growth will have more todo with diet. Don't underestimate the importance of your nutrition. Nothing happens without it and how much you retain post cycle is absolutely diet-dependent.

    I recommend lower doses for PCT. 100mg of clomid can be a problem for many people. You may want to try that dose but back it down if sides are an issue. Typically I recommend 50/25/25/25 and 40/20/20/20 (clomid, tamoxifen , respectively.

    Always USE an aromatase inhibitor on cycle.

    HCG is certainly recommended as well.
    rnincharge2010 likes this.

  9. #9
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Its never too late! I was 41 when I did my first. Its been two years and I feel and look better than when I was 26
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  10. #10
    stevet68's Avatar
    stevet68 is offline Member
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    I am also 44, and just finished my 2nd cycle. I'm in the best physical shape of my life. My only advise is to follow all of the advised protocols (AI, HCG , PCT) I kept HCG on hand for my first cycle and noticed the shrinkage of my testes a little too late.
    rnincharge2010 likes this.

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