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  1. #1
    JayMoe is offline New Member
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    First Steroid Cycle - Making sure I'm ready to go

    Age: 24
    Height: 70"
    Weight: 188lbs
    Body fat: 12% as measured by calipers (+/- 1-2%); visual/mirror test I would have guessed closer to 14-15%. Abs are all visible, but could definitely be a bit more defined.
    Training experience: 8 years total. Have been hitting it much harder the last 3 years after recovering from a couple of injuries including a nasty broken hand and a car accident in my late teens/early 20s.
    Previous cycles: SARMS only. I've run several cycles of Ostarine and S4 and one cycle of LGD-4033. The Ostarine/S4 combo was nice and after 6 weeks, I cut body fat slightly and added about 3-4lbs of muscle while adding strength. Water weight gained/lost was minimal. For LGD, I shot up about 8lbs on a 4 week cycle and kept about 3lbs afterwards. A lot of the weight lost was visible water weight, but my strength notably went up during that timeframe as well. It has been a while since I've run any SARMS cycles and have been fluctuating around the same weight for the last 4-6 months (as high as 193 with water weight and a full stomach of food, and as low as 184 with notable dehydration while I was sick with tonsillitis).

    Current max lifts: Bench press: 275lbs Squat: 365lbs Deadlift: 425lbs (I had a little more leeway with the squat and deadlift weights, but didn't want to risk injuring my back as I've had problems in the past.
    Goals: I'd love to hit 200lbs at roughly the same body fat percentage after PCT. That may be a bit overzealous, but that's what I'm going to shoot for. In regards to lifts, My general goals are rounding off the plates; 315 bench, 405 squat, and 455 deadlift.

    Cycle layout:
    Weeks 1-10: 500mg test enanthate per week (250mg Monday morning and Thursday evening)
    Weeks 1-10: 500iu hCG per week (250mg Sunday morning and Wednesday evening)
    Weeks 1-12: 25mg Aromasin per day (12.5mg twice per day)

    Weeks 13-16: Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Weeks 13-16: Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    I have both Letro and Raloxifene on hand if needed. I have a very small amount of gyno from adolescence that has not wanted to go away, so I'm being overly cautious and planning for being extra prone to estrogen effects while on cycle. I don't have any basis or experience with this since I didn't have any gyno symptoms while on SARMS, but naturally I'd like to play it safe and be overprepared if necessary.

    Macros are roughly 50% protein, 30% fat, 20% carbs. I eat about 3000-3500 calories per day, though I will be trying my hardest to increase this during the cycle and especially during PCT. My diet is usually a modified Paleo diet; Paleo but without cutting out dairy. Typically I allow myself one cheat day per month, though I will admit that with it being the holidays, I have been cheating a bit more lately and will have a couple more cheat days in the next couple of weeks. I don't plan on starting the cycle until the middle to end of January, so that will give me a couple of weeks after New Years to ensure that my diet is back on track. If I find that I am not getting enough calories while on cycle, I will switch the macros to a 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat diet and include rice and grains to allow for a more diverse selection of food I can eat.

    My usual workout is the Dorian Yates' Blood and Guts routine and I typically lift to failure with the help of a spotter for almost all of my exercises. I try to hit abs and calves at least twice a week, and I will occasionally throw in a dedicated arms day. During the winter months, I haven't been quite as good about keeping up with my HIIT cardio, but once it starts warming up again and I can run or bike comfortably outside, that will be a little bit easier. I will find a way to make do with cardio a couple of times a week in the gym, but I hate running on the treadmill, the elliptical doesn't interest me, I don't have bike shorts for the stationary bikes, and there's only one rower machine that someone is almost always using - as you can see, I have my excuses well rehearsed for winter cardio. I will make a much greater effort while on cycle to keep up with it.

    1. In regards to dosing the hCG, should I inject at the same time as the test, or should I spread them out to different times during the week? I've heard some people say that it doesn't matter and others say that they usually like injecting their hCG roughly 12 hours before their test injection.
    2. I'm debating including SARMS in this cycle as well. I've considered S4 on cycle closer to the end (weeks 6-10) to help with muscle hardening and minimizing water weight gained and possibly Ostarine during and slightly after PCT to help hold onto gains. Does anyone have any experience with this? I know that Ostarine is minimally suppressive, but the fact of the matter is that it's still suppressive and I don't know if the longer recovery time would be worth potentially holding onto a couple pounds of mass by using it during PCT.

    Thanks for the assistance, everyone. I've been biding my time before considering a cycle, and I've learned a ton of information on here from other peoples' cycles and other peoples' input. Thank you Austinite for the first cycle guide you have stickied; I based most of my cycle planning off of that thread. Any additional input or experience is absolutely welcomed and encouraged. I want to make sure I do everything right the first time to set myself up for success in the future.
    Last edited by JayMoe; 12-16-2013 at 11:15 AM. Reason: Updated OP

  2. #2
    4linked's Avatar
    4linked is offline Associate Member
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    The hcg should be pinned the day before test. Sunday snd wed

  3. #3
    4linked's Avatar
    4linked is offline Associate Member
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    I'm not sure about the sarms I think I would stay away from that. I'm not an expert but your proposed cycle looks good. Glad to see you did your own research.

  4. #4
    4linked's Avatar
    4linked is offline Associate Member
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    You should split your ai dose into morning and night 12.5 taken with fats. It has a short half life

  5. #5
    JayMoe is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    Thanks for the advice. I've changed the OP to reflect the hCG and AI doses and days to take them. I've still been finding conflicting opinions about SARMS during PCT, though more of them are geared towards avoiding them until at least after PCT.

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