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Thread: Advice please

  1. #1
    Greg10587 is offline New Member
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    Advice please


    Me and my pal have just done a 8 week course of sustanon 250 and nandrobolin deca 250 I have noticed a lot of strength from it but not much gain in size where my mate has seen the opposit. We was jabbing in the arse only , now is this normal do I have to wait abit longer until I see results ? Also we done our last jab last Week and where gonna do another course beginning of January do you think we will need to take clomid in such short gap or just leave it and carry on next course in January? The January course we was gonna do was a 12 week one then take the clomid afterwards at the end of it, we have had no side affects at all from taking sus and dec so was gonna do the same again but double up as was only taking 1ml sus and 1ml dec together every 4 days so was gonna change it to 2ml any suggestions would be helpful.

  2. #2
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg10587 View Post

    Me and my pal have just done a 8 week course of sustanon 250 and nandrobolin deca 250 I have noticed a lot of strength from it but not much gain in size where my mate has seen the opposit. We was jabbing in the arse only , now is this normal do I have to wait abit longer until I see results ? Also we done our last jab last Week and where gonna do another course beginning of January do you think we will need to take clomid in such short gap or just leave it and carry on next course in January? The January course we was gonna do was a 12 week one then take the clomid afterwards at the end of it, we have had no side affects at all from taking sus and dec so was gonna do the same again but double up as was only taking 1ml sus and 1ml dec together every 4 days so was gonna change it to 2ml any suggestions would be helpful.
    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    Also this

    Start from scratch learn whats going into your body and what side effects may occur

    Come back when you have done sone reading!!

  3. #3
    bigspin's Avatar
    bigspin is offline Junior Member
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    start reading bud

  4. #4
    Greg10587 is offline New Member
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    So I've done some reading and it sure goes into a lot of depth about everything, all I wanted to no really then is I've taken sus and dec together and do I need to take clomid hcg or something to bring me back down even though I'm going to be starting a new cycle in January on the link you have me it says to be taking hcg everyday with your cycle can someone give some advice on what you suggest for now and my next cycle I will prob take sus and dec again as I've had no problems yet with this. So what u reckon ppl ??

  5. #5
    aussie made's Avatar
    aussie made is offline Associate Member
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    You need to take nova and clomid. Then it's time on. Time to pct. time for pct (4 weeks) = time off. So if u done a 10 week cycle. Plus 2 weeks plus pct = 16 weeks. Then that's the time off u need. So u will not be able to cycle again in jan

  6. #6
    Greg10587 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussie made View Post
    You need to take nova and clomid. Then it's time on. Time to pct. time for pct (4 weeks) = time off. So if u done a 10 week cycle. Plus 2 weeks plus pct = 16 weeks. Then that's the time off u need. So u will not be able to cycle again in jan

    What is the full name for nova I can't find out anywhere I already have clomid ?

  7. #7
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Brother you need to know what you're putting in your body and the adverse effects it will have if you're not careful. From the sounds of your posts, you're looking for a quick answer. Fact is, this is a very in depth thing you're doing and it would benefit you greatly to be educated about it.

    You supress your HPTA when administering steroids , in order to 'restart' your system, you need to adminsister a PCT protocol, most commonly with Clomid and Novadex (tamoxifen citrate). As stated above, you should wait until PCT is complete and then do not consider starting again until you have waited the amount of time equivellant to your time on cycle. This way you give your system a proper chance to recover and run less risk of permanent damage.

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