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  1. #1
    ditalian is offline New Member
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    Test Sustanon250 / Halodrol Stack - Cycle Review/Opinions/Criticism

    Hello guys,

    My pet Squeaky the mouse would like to get opinions or constructive criticism for his next cycle:

    Also keep in mind that he just got his blood work/EKG results yesterday and he is perfectly healthy.

    He came across 20ml of Pharma grade Test-Sustanon250 after he already got his hands on Halodrol (Prohormone).. Also the test does expire later this year so why not stack?

    Halodrol (Halo Mass - Celtic Labs) = Lean Gains / Cutting cycle / Does not aromatise (Been reading some amazing stuff about this compound)
    TestSus250 = Huge Gains / Bulking Cycle / Does aromatise

    Sustanon Mix Break Down:
    Testosterone -Propionate 30mg
    Testosterone-Phenylpropionate 60mg
    Testosterone-Isocaproate - 60mg
    Testosterone-Decanoate -100mg

    Most people like to jump start their cycle with a PH but introducing it later with a change in diet will help cut down a little before spring break.


    Week 1-3 TestSus250 - 500mg a week
    Week 4-10 TestSus250 - 300mg a week
    Week 4-10 Halodrol - 75mg ED for the full 6Weeks

    Week 11-14 Toremifine - 120/90/60/30mg + PCT Assist

    Plenty of support on hand for on Cycle/PCT:

    LIV-52 (necessary for all PHs)
    Lipid Stabil (gotta keep that good cholesterol)
    Cycle assist
    PCT assist
    Farestone Toremifine (SERM)
    Aromasin (AI) If needed at 12.5mg EOD

    Squeaky has some good experience with PHs/Gear and has gained pretty good weight keeping about 10-15lb after each cycle. He has always been on the safe side and has never experienced any sides on any of his cycles. Currently sitting at 5'11 180lb

    Compound Experience:
    Trenadrol/Dimethazine/Primo/Test Prop/Anavar /Test E

    Most of you will ask why the stack of a Prohormone when you can just use real gear? Squeaky has had absolutely incredible results with just PH cycles with no affects on lipids and with the two bottles laying around the house, we have decided this will be the last Cycle that will include a PH.

    Main question is,

    Can these two compounds be stacked safely?
    Should the test be bumped up at 500mg a week for the full 10weeks or is that too much to stack with Halodrol?
    If the test stays low I doubt there will be a need for the AI? At 500mg I would use as needed..

    Any opinions greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ditalian
    Hello guys,

    My pet Squeaky the mouse would like to get opinions or constructive criticism for his next cycle:

    Also keep in mind that he just got his blood work/EKG results yesterday and he is perfectly healthy.

    He came across 20ml of Pharma grade Test-Sustanon250 after he already got his hands on Halodrol (Prohormone).. Also the test does expire later this year so why not stack?

    Halodrol (Halo Mass - Celtic Labs) = Lean Gains / Cutting cycle / Does not aromatise (Been reading some amazing stuff about this compound)
    TestSus250 = Huge Gains / Bulking Cycle / Does aromatise

    Sustanon Mix Break Down:
    Testosterone -Propionate 30mg
    Testosterone-Phenylpropionate 60mg
    Testosterone-Isocaproate - 60mg
    Testosterone-Decanoate -100mg

    Most people like to jump start their cycle with a PH but introducing it later with a change in diet will help cut down a little before spring break.


    Week 1-3 TestSus250 - 500mg a week
    Week 4-10 TestSus250 - 300mg a week
    Week 4-10 Halodrol - 75mg ED for the full 6Weeks

    Week 11-14 Toremifine - 120/90/60/30mg + PCT Assist

    Plenty of support on hand for on Cycle/PCT:

    LIV-52 (necessary for all PHs)
    Lipid Stabil (gotta keep that good cholesterol)
    Cycle assist
    PCT assist
    Farestone Toremifine (SERM)
    Aromasin (AI) If needed at 12.5mg EOD

    Squeaky has some good experience with PHs/Gear and has gained pretty good weight keeping about 10-15lb after each cycle. He has always been on the safe side and has never experienced any sides on any of his cycles. Currently sitting at 5'11 180lb

    Compound Experience:
    Trenadrol/Dimethazine/Primo/Test Prop/Anavar /Test E

    Most of you will ask why the stack of a Prohormone when you can just use real gear? Squeaky has had absolutely incredible results with just PH cycles with no affects on lipids and with the two bottles laying around the house, we have decided this will be the last Cycle that will include a PH.

    Main question is,

    Can these two compounds be stacked safely?
    Should the test be bumped up at 500mg a week for the full 10weeks or is that too much to stack with Halodrol?
    If the test stays low I doubt there will be a need for the AI? At 500mg I would use as needed..

    Any opinions greatly appreciated.
    Squeaky probably shouldn't use anabolics.

    For you, not many people here will give you an endorsement for pro hormones. Most are of the opinion they are garbage and unsafe. I wouldn't use them if they were given to me for free. Much safer alternatives to PHs. Personally, I'd just leave those alone.

    I'd run the sustanon at a stable dose of 500mg for the duration.

    An AI is NOT an option. Use it. You can be asymptomatic for many risks associated with elevated E2 (arterial disease, changes to hematocrit, increased risk for MCI, thrombosis, DVTs, prostate disease, etc). Don't take unnecessary risks by not using an AI during the cycle.

    Consider adding HCG to your cycle.

    Liv52 is a weaker hepatic support option. NAC, Ursodiol or TUDCA are superior choices.

    Add clomid to your PCT. I'm not a proponent of Fareston (toremifen) because of the risks of QTc prolongation (cardiac dysfunction) with this drug.

    No need for cycle assist or PCT assist if the cycle is developed properly.

  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    He's a big enough mouse as it is!!!!

    ^^^^what he said. Including the big words I don't understand

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    He's a big enough mouse as it is!!!!

    ^^^^what he said. Including the big words I don't understand
    I don't understand them either - I just use them at random. Sounds convincing though.

  5. #5
    ditalian is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Squeaky probably shouldn't use anabolics.

    For you, not many people here will give you an endorsement for pro hormones. Most are of the opinion they are garbage and unsafe. I wouldn't use them if they were given to me for free. Much safer alternatives to PHs. Personally, I'd just leave those alone.

    I'd run the sustanon at a stable dose of 500mg for the duration.

    An AI is NOT an option. Use it. You can be asymptomatic for many risks associated with elevated E2 (arterial disease, changes to hematocrit, increased risk for MCI, thrombosis, DVTs, prostate disease, etc). Don't take unnecessary risks by not using an AI during the cycle.

    Consider adding HCG to your cycle.

    Liv52 is a weaker hepatic support option. NAC, Ursodiol or TUDCA are superior choices.

    Add clomid to your PCT. I'm not a proponent of Fareston (toremifen) because of the risks of QTc prolongation (cardiac dysfunction) with this drug.

    No need for cycle assist or PCT assist if the cycle is developed properly.

    Thanks for the quick feedback!

    - That's pretty interesting about Toremifene, all the research I've done over the years and the steroid bible "Anabolics" by William LLewellyn has nothing on the risks of Cardiac Dysfunction with the compound. I'll have to do some more digging, have used it on 4 cycles so far with no issues.

    - Thanks for the AI info, I'll def start that up first thing.

    -As far as clomid, it's only a partial anti-estrogen and I've read plenty of stories and studies that describe the prolonged visual disturbances that in most cases are irreversible from the compound.. but then again everyone is different and I'm sure any prolonged use of a compound has it's bad sides.

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ditalian

    Thanks for the quick feedback!

    - That's pretty interesting about Toremifene, all the research I've done over the years and the steroid bible "Anabolics" by William LLewellyn has nothing on the risks of Cardiac Dysfunction with the compound. I'll have to do some more digging, have used it on 4 cycles so far with no issues.

    - Thanks for the AI info, I'll def start that up first thing.

    -As far as clomid, it's only a partial anti-estrogen and I've read plenty of stories and studies that describe the prolonged visual disturbances that in most cases are irreversible from the compound.. but then again everyone is different and I'm sure any prolonged use of a compound has it's bad sides.
    Many in the medical community believe the QTc effects observed with toremifen are dose/concentration related, however, the risk of ventricular tachycardia (commonly referred to as Torsade de pointes if you want to search for it) has led many to select tamoxifen as an alternate. At doses and durations used in body building, it's much less of a concern but if minimizing risks was a concern, I'd personally use tamoxifen.

    You are correct about clomid. At doses ranging from 25-100mg for 4 weeks, the side effects are less of a concern. One of the earliest indicators of clomid overdose/toxicity are severe ocular headaches that radiate temporally. If you start to experience these, you could discontinue.

  7. #7
    ditalian is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Many in the medical community believe the QTc effects observed with toremifen are dose/concentration related, however, the risk of ventricular tachycardia (commonly referred to as Torsade de pointes if you want to search for it) has led many to select tamoxifen as an alternate. At doses and durations used in body building, it's much less of a concern but if minimizing risks was a concern, I'd personally use tamoxifen.

    You are correct about clomid. At doses ranging from 25-100mg for 4 weeks, the side effects are less of a concern. One of the earliest indicators of clomid overdose/toxicity are severe ocular headaches that radiate temporally. If you start to experience these, you could discontinue.

    Great info, I just did the research and you are 100% correct.. Can't believe I missed those Qt issues..
    What sucks is that I have two 3600mg 60ml brand new unopened bottles of toremifine.. Wondering if I just lower my does to 90/90/60/30 would be safe enough.. after this cycle I would be switching to Tamoxifen..
    Any last opinions MuskleInk?

    Again thank you for the quick feedback

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ditalian

    Great info, I just did the research and you are 100% correct.. Can't believe I missed those Qt issues..
    What sucks is that I have two 3600mg 60ml brand new unopened bottles of toremifine.. Wondering if I just lower my does to 90/90/60/30 would be safe enough.. after this cycle I would be switching to Tamoxifen ..
    Any last opinions MuskleInk?

    Again thank you for the quick feedback
    For the short duration you should be fine if you have no history of cardiac events (tachycardia, arrhythmia, bradycardia, hypertension). Short term events induced by anabolics is not a considerable issue. If during the toremifen use you experience any tightness in your chest, difficulty breathing, dizziness, I would recommend discontinuing the therapy.

    You can always PM me with questions or concerns as necessary.

  9. #9
    ditalian is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    For the short duration you should be fine if you have no history of cardiac events (tachycardia, arrhythmia, bradycardia, hypertension). Short term events induced by anabolics is not a considerable issue. If during the toremifen use you experience any tightness in your chest, difficulty breathing, dizziness, I would recommend discontinuing the therapy.

    You can always PM me with questions or concerns as necessary.

    Tried to pm but it won't let me.. Had a few questions.

    Cycle is going great, 3 weeks in and I've gained 12lb and my bench went up almost 60lb.. Feeling ok besides a few headaches here and there.

    Lately I've been feeling a slight tightness in my chest like it needs to constantly be cracked.. I was able to crack it a few times with some good stretching but it seems like it's happening daily. I've had an EKG and lipid test before the cycle and I was 100% healthy with no abnormal heart beats or issues. Could it be that I'm simply growing?

    No shortness of breath, no dizziness, no sleep problems

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