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  1. #1
    chuans0n is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Testoviron 250mg/week cycle

    I just had my doctors appointment yesterday and discussed with him that I want to start my cycle. He basically didn't want to give me a prescription for 500mg testoviron per week but had no issues with 250mg...he said that he first wants to see how I react on 250mg and how my blood values are before he goes up to 500mg. I convinced him also to give me Arimidex . When I asked him for hcg he answered that hcg only makes sense for shorter amount of time (2-3 weeks) and loses its effect if taken any longer...He also said that using clomid/nolvadex combo is an overkill for 12 weeks of 250mg/week and proposed me to gradually go down with the dose (every two weeks..every three weeks and then off) for PCT. I plan to cycle on/off and not stay on gear. If it goes well, then I would like to up to 500mg and plan to stay there (for the moment..)

    I've read the stickies and from what I've researched so far it just doesnt make sense to me what the doctor says...

    I therefore intend to do the following cycle:

    250mg/week (I know about the recommendation of 500mg/week but I prefere to go with 250mg original Testoviron then some ulab stuff...) for 12 weeks
    0.25mg Arimidex every 3 days (instead of EOD as aromatase at 250mg will be less then on 500mg)
    2 x 250i.u HCG (will get this as original pharma grade from a dealer)

    for PCT i have no issues getting Clomid but having a VERY hard time to get Nolvadex/Tamoxifen ...Would Clomid only be good enough (with the dosages described in the sticky)?

    My stats:
    220 pounds at 16% bodyfat
    Working out since about 4-5 Years (pretty strict dieting/trainning throughout the time)

    What do you guys think...does it make sense the way the cycle is setup?

  2. #2
    chuans0n is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    any feedback?

  3. #3
    kronz is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    He's just giving you test for a cycle?

  4. #4
    chaps is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I need a dr. like this.

  5. #5
    chuans0n is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    He's a known doctor to my gym, where a lot of athletes go to him. He did powerlifting himself in the past and used gear 15-20 years a go.

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