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  1. #1
    Jwez's Avatar
    Jwez is offline New Member
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    Question about Prohormones.

    Hey guys, i'm bulking right now i've decided to be natty until my 26 ou 27. I'm 18 years old know. I'll be on a cutting phase in three months ( April ) but the idea of loosing some mass un muscle size bothers me. I've found a prohormon, which is sold legally. The stuff is called Trenadrol.
    It says that it :

    Fusion Supplements Trenadrol 90 Caps

    Powerful Lean Mass Builder
    Fusion Supplements are proud to introduce Trenadrol - the ultimate lean mass building prohormone.

    Trenadrol will provide a rapid boost in lean muscle mass and strength gains to help you shatter your PBs. In addition, Trenadrol's positive effects on body composition make it the perfect choice when on a cut or body recomp, as well as when bulking. One bottle of Trenadrol will provide users with:

    Dramatic improvements in strength
    Huge increases in lean muscle mass
    A reduction in body fat levels
    ZERO convrsion to estrogen

    I want to know if it's a kind of steroids , or it's less dangerous/safer and less potent. If it can screw my testosterone production ? If it's ok to take it.
    Cheers guys and thanks for answering.

  2. #2
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm not an expert on prohormones but from what I do know stay away from them especially at you're age.

  3. #3
    RipOwens's Avatar
    RipOwens is offline Member
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    Are you in the U.S.? I don't think these are legal here in the U.S. Be sure to understand the risks of PHs.

  4. #4
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    "trendadrol"??? LMAO, has to be shit. wouldn't waste my time on PH anyway....ZERO gains kept.

    And I wouldn't advise it, and yes, it would probably shut your test production down.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    That one converts to actual Trenbolone . Definitely not a good idea. It would be equivalent to a low dosed tren -only cycle.

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    More dangerous. Yes it can screw your own testosterone production.

    At your age you need to worry more about diet and lifting programs. Please visit our nutrition forum and read the relevan stickies. I'm not sure why you will want to cut when you are 5'8 and weigh 158lbs but post your diet plan in the nutrition forum and you will be steered in the right direction

  7. #7
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    So basically oral tren ....hope you got life insurance lol

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Jwez
    Hey guys, i'm bulking right now i've decided to be natty until my 26 ou 27. I'm 18 years old know. I'll be on a cutting phase in three months ( April ) but the idea of loosing some mass un muscle size bothers me. I've found a prohormon, which is sold legally. The stuff is called Trenadrol.
    It says that it :

    Fusion Supplements Trenadrol 90 Caps

    Powerful Lean Mass Builder
    Fusion Supplements are proud to introduce Trenadrol - the ultimate lean mass building prohormone.

    Trenadrol will provide a rapid boost in lean muscle mass and strength gains to help you shatter your PBs. In addition, Trenadrol's positive effects on body composition make it the perfect choice when on a cut or body recomp, as well as when bulking. One bottle of Trenadrol will provide users with:

    Dramatic improvements in strength
    Huge increases in lean muscle mass
    A reduction in body fat levels
    ZERO convrsion to estrogen

    I want to know if it's a kind of steroids , or it's less dangerous/safer and less potent. If it can screw my testosterone production ? If it's ok to take it.
    Cheers guys and thanks for answering.
    Don't believe the advertising hype. This is liver damage in a pill.

    Train ridiculous, eat meticulous and let your natural hormones do their job. If you eat like a champ and train like a monster, you'll grow. Pro hormones will do more harm than good. Leave that crap alone.

  9. #9
    chaps is offline Associate Member
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    No drug is gonna help you right now. If you want to minimize muscle loss, then cut slowly (if your losing more then 1/2 lb week, up the calories). For me, I've found the trick to being bigger and leaner is not to cut (calorie restriction) but to keep eating big and up my exercise: 4 days of the week lifting and cardio (at separate times of the day) and cardio on off days. Something intense like swimming or hill starts for cardio.

    I'm sure there is room in your diet for improvement too. I've never met an 18 year old in my life that had his diet nailed down right.

    At 158 though you really shouldn't be thinking about cutting until your at least close to 190. A cut before then will just bring you back to nothing.

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    That one converts to actual Trenbolone. Definitely not a good idea. It would be equivalent to a low dosed tren-only cycle.
    Low dose tren oral equal high liver enzyme levels and testosterone shutdown.

    In other words stay away. Pro hormones should be more illegal than injectable aas.

    One reason I dont visit the Q&A section to much anymore is from reading several pro hormone ED related and other side effects every day. I'm VERY thankful I never went down that path.

    What you need is food. If I knew 1/2 about diet when I was 18 as I do now I would have been 3x the size I was and I really dont know that much now.

    Get into the nutrition center and you will be very thankful like the rest of the guys who have listened.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-19-2014 at 04:35 AM.

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