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  1. #1
    Millard Baker's Avatar
    Millard Baker is offline Respected Member
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    May 2008

    Don Hooton Worries Steroids Damaged Alex Rodriguez Physical and Psychological Health

    Does Hooton really have any reason to be concerned about A-Rod's physical and psychological well-being?

    What do you guys think?

    Of course, I have my opinion. Sport itself is usually much more dangerous than steroids

    Rodriguez has suffered physically. That much is certain. But it hasn't been due to steroids. It has been due to the demands of sport. In the past five years, Rodriguez has suffered a strained quadriceps, a sprained left thumb, a fractured left hand and surgery on a torn labrum in the right hip, surgery on a torn labrum and impingement in the left hip, and surgery on a meniscus tear in his right knee. He has missed 244 games as a result.

    Since Rodriguez has had a significant number of injuries in recent years, it seems more likely that any decision to use prohibited substances may have less to do with the “addictive powers of these drugs”, as Hooton would say, but more to do with a desire to rehabilitate and recover from the physical toll placed on his aging body by the sport of baseball.
    My full article/commentary: Don Hooton Worried About Impact of Steroids on Alex Rodriguez's Physical and Psychological Health

  2. #2
    efiles123 is offline Associate Member
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    May 2008
    I wouldn't believe anything that guy says. I think it was an episode of MTV true life where he said, "guys shoot these steroids in the blood stream".

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