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  1. #1
    programdude is offline Junior Member
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    Are anti infection antibiotics only available through a doctor?


  2. #2
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by programdude
    Yes, in most cases a Rx is required for the more effective antibiotics.

  3. #3
    programdude is offline Junior Member
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    That sucks. I actually dont know if I have an infection(symptoms have been almost nonexistant but now I feel sick, could be unrelated), but if I do whats the best way? Would calling the doc and just saying I have an infection work?

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by programdude
    That sucks. I actually dont know if I have an infection(symptoms have been almost nonexistant but now I feel sick, could be unrelated), but if I do whats the best way? Would calling the doc and just saying I have an infection work?
    What leads you to believe you have an infection? Other symptoms other than general malaise (feeling sick)?

  5. #5
    programdude is offline Junior Member
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    Well most my injections other than one which I stupidly pinned too close to a recently pinnes area have been totally fine.

    I pinned my delt for the first time and it was all around a sloppier pin due to the angle etc. it hurt and seemed to swell pretty immediately, and has consistently been uncomfortable since monday with no other symptoms other than being swollen a bit. Tonight randomly a wave of slightly scratchy throat, runny nose, and the general feelings of a head cold came on.

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by programdude
    Well most my injections other than one which I stupidly pinned too close to a recently pinnes area have been totally fine.

    I pinned my delt for the first time and it was all around a sloppier pin due to the angle etc. it hurt and seemed to swell pretty immediately, and has consistently been uncomfortable since monday with no other symptoms other than being swollen a bit. Tonight randomly a wave of slightly scratchy throat, runny nose, and the general feelings of a head cold came on.
    Generally speaking, a runny nose and scratchy throat are more typical of an ENT infection (bacterial or viral) and would be atypical of a septicemic type of infection. Severe fevers, chills, body aches are more typical of an infection that is spreading from a point of origin and usually the area where the infection began becomes very inflamed, red, and painful to touch.

    It sounds more like you may be fighting a cold/flu virus. Anabolics have a suppressive effect on your immune system increasing your susceptibility to viral/bacterial infections. If the symptoms increase in severity or the injection area becomes extremely painful, red, hot, and more swollen, you would need immediate medical attention.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 01-24-2014 at 01:26 AM.

  7. #7
    programdude is offline Junior Member
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    How long of my delt being somewhat sore/inflamed should I be concerned with? Its basically been 5 days at this point and while its improved from the day after, hasnt made too much progress since. Its not really red or anything.

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by programdude
    How long of my delt being somewhat sore/inflamed should I be concerned with? Its basically been 5 days at this point and while its improved from the day after, hasnt made too much progress since. Its not really red or anything.
    Doesn't sound like an infection. Most serious infections will start to show evidence of increased severity within 48 hours. You've likely caused trauma to the area with the injection or the gear is absorbing slowly because the volume/concentration was too much for the area. A warm compress or heating pad (medium NOT high setting) and a very light massage will help break up any gear sitting in the area but be careful not to traumatized it further if the needle has caused a minor injury.

  9. #9
    programdude is offline Junior Member
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    gotcha, but at what point if it doesnt go away should I be concerned?

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by programdude
    gotcha, but at what point if it doesnt go away should I be concerned?
    The swelling, pain, or sore throat? None of the symptoms should persist more than 14 days. Soft tissue injuries can take 10-14 days to heal. Some people heal faster than others but if the area remains sore longer than two weeks, I'd be concerned. More importantly, if the soreness or redness INCREASES in that time, it's a greater concern. New symptoms (chills/excessive sweating, high fevers, loss of appetite) would be something of greater concern.

    You've already mentioned the injection site isn't as sore as it was initially. An infection would cause more pain, not less.

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