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Thread: TRT & The Young

  1. #41
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2011
    All these people on TRT or with low T levels, couldn’t try a PCT before deciding to throw the towel??
    I mean, I’ve been a normal test teene, until I started with a therapy of paroxetine. From there on my Libido went to the ground. I was able to have sex once a week without needing more. I left that therapy but never recovered even in 6 years. Then I did an oral cycle and I went from once a week sex to once a month. With PCT (no HCG ) I recovered only a small part. I felt very bad, but then I did an injected cycle with test , and a PCT with HCG and nolva and clomid. I got a crazy boost, and needed sex 2-3 times a week. Then I did other 2 cycles with even more test, and I ended up with sex ED, even 2 times a day. Now I’m 8 month after cycle, and still high libido although I ran into erecction problems with my last GF, but I think its her fault, because with others it works well. I never had a BW done, but I’m happy with my libido. So It worked for me, a long ester test cycle to rise psycologically your libido, and then a high dose HCG PCT with some good clomid and nolva doses to activate your endogenous test production. I read that an HCG and clomid / nolva overdose can produce a hyper-testproducction, and there where cases that people had to take AI, due their raised producction.

  2. #42
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    All these people on TRT or with low T levels, couldn’t try a PCT before deciding to throw the towel??
    I mean, I’ve been a normal test teene, until I started with a therapy of paroxetine. From there on my Libido went to the ground. I was able to have sex once a week without needing more. I left that therapy but never recovered even in 6 years. Then I did an oral cycle and I went from once a week sex to once a month. With PCT (no HCG) I recovered only a small part. I felt very bad, but then I did an injected cycle with test , and a PCT with HCG and nolva and clomid. I got a crazy boost, and needed sex 2-3 times a week. Then I did other 2 cycles with even more test, and I ended up with sex ED, even 2 times a day. Now I’m 8 month after cycle, and still high libido although I ran into erecction problems with my last GF, but I think its her fault, because with others it works well. I never had a BW done, but I’m happy with my libido. So It worked for me, a long ester test cycle to rise psycologically your libido, and then a high dose HCG PCT with some good clomid and nolva doses to activate your endogenous test production. I read that an HCG and clomid / nolva overdose can produce a hyper-testproducction, and there where cases that people had to take AI, due their raised producction.

    Sry but if you never had BW done, your say are only speculation. You still can have low test and having high libido. its not the only factor in libido.

    You are probably more screwed than you think and if your only reference point is how you feel...

    I know a dude that have been on gear for 5 years straight using anything he could put his hands on. (drugs, medecine, suplement, steroids ... anything...). Never did any kind of PCT.
    He had BW done and he is perfectly healthy, his testosterone level his still through the roof, liver, kidney, prostate, pancreas, intellect, all perfect.
    Some dude just can't be screwed... But that's a Huge minority of people.

    If you feel right, thats great for you. But you may be a kind of people who feel great no matter what happen. BW is the only thing that can assure you that you are truly healthy.

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