Hi guys I need done advice on my cycle that I will be starting next week,

This will be my 4th cycle

I have done test e and equipoise

Test prop, masteron and tren a

DNP , winstrol , test prop

I am going too start now a tren and test cycle stacked with andrex(test pills) and proviron for minimal water retention,

I am looking too pick up some size as Iv done mainly cutting cycle and there is many debates on the amount of test over tren,
my stats are as follows from my biokentist
Height 176cm
Weight 82kg
Age 23

My cycle is as follows:

Week 1-4
Test 900mg wk mon+wed+fri
Tren 450mg wk mon+wed+fri
Andrex 100mg Everyday
Proviron 40mg Everyday

Week 5-12
Test 750mg wk Monday+wed+fri
Tren 600mg wk Mon+wed+fri
Andrex 100mg Everyday
Proviron 40mg Everyday

Week 13-14
Test 600mg wk Mon+fri
Proviron 40mg Everyday
Followed by pct 2weeks after last shot