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  1. #1
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Orbis T400 PIP/infection

    35, 225, 13% 5'10

    Brothers, I got a problem and I'm sure it's the gear. Injected 2 ml into quad Monday AM, was ok for 6 hours, then PIP, now it's swollen, burning and I can't move it properly. So I ran the bottle under hot water before I injected again this morning, now 2ml in my ass. It's going the same way, red inflamed, swollen, ice pack brought the swelling down on the quad. I am also flushed, aching and tired although I am working nights.

    Suggestions please.
    Is the gear dirty ?
    Can I boil it in a pan ?
    Do I need a dr ?

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you showing a fever yet??
    Correct me if I am wrong t400 is 400 mg per ml
    So you are inject 800 mg twice a week 1600 mg total a week ??
    I used and still do t400 and it does suck for pip
    never mind on question I looked it up -----Orbis T400 Test P 50mg Test C 150mg Test E 200mg 10ml Vial
    So 800mg test e week 200 test p week 600 test c week
    seems like a lot I was running just under a ml of t400 a week for 700 mg a week and mix with deca to cut it in same pin
    Last edited by derekkpapa1; 02-05-2014 at 04:34 PM.

  3. #3
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Bro, I'm flushed in the face, legs/joints aching.

    I'm competing may 10 - 13 weeks away

  4. #4
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    If there is fever around the injection site you are going to need to see a dr
    As for the gear I would change it. But you can autoclave it or use a pressure cooker or for poor folks like me put the vial in a pot fill the pot with saffron oil 3/4 up the vile. Get the oil to 350-400 deg Fahrenheit for 30-40 min

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    T400 is the one anabolic I have the biggest issues with. More than 90% of the time I have severe PIP that lasts usually a week or more, swelling in the injected area, and usually a hard lump at the injection site. I've autoclaved, heated, injected deeply, massaged the area immediately after, used heating matter what, the severe PIP beats my ass.

    I've had to use lower volumes (.5ml) and do multiple injection sites at once to get the desired dose with minimal pain.

    In many (but not all cases) infections are associated with constitutional symptoms (fever, aches, local pain, nausea, loss of appetite, general malaise). Cellulitis, (inflammation of connective tissue cause by strep or staph bacterium) is a common infection brought about by I.M. drug use. Clinical presentations are usually defined by redness, soreness, and stiffness in areas surrounding the primary injection site. Fever, loss of appetite, and general malaise are atypical unless the inflammation progresses to a generalized sepsis (caused when the bacteria enter the lymphatic or circulatory systems). People who are immunosuppresed are more prone to cellulitis (and anabolics are immunosuppressive so bare that in mid).

    I've had cellulitis twice. Once in my arm, the other my quad. The one in my quad was severe. It began with localized redness and soreness, but by the third day, my entire quad from the patellar tendon to the lateral tensor fascia was rigid to the point where I could not bend my leg. I hit it with bactrim and clindamycin and it took two weeks to fully recover. Advanced stages of cellulitis could take as much as 6 months to completely resolve.

    I'd recommend an examination by your MD. It's very rare but if staph or strep strains of bacteria reach the deep layers of the fascias plane, necrotizing fasciitis ("flesh eating disease") can occur.

    Best to have this properly examined and treated accordingly.

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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  7. #7
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Ok. So iced this morning for some mild comfort
    Taken ibuprofen
    Girlfriend got me some penicillin
    Slept 16 hours

    Ordered a pressure cooker - awaiting delivery

    Got in touch with supplier who got in touch with manufacturer who says it's made with EO ( ethyl olate) to which I could be allergic. First thing ever in my life to be allergic to anything.

    Swelling and soreness still there

  8. #8
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Initial investigation into EO allergies are basically saying don't use it. Side effects may be reduced when a tolerance builds.

    Never had a problem with any make of gear before.

    Maybe that's why it was so cheap

  9. #9
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Sterilising that gear didn't make one bit of difference. Definitely an allergy.

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