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Thread: First cycle (20 week test e/tren a)

  1. #1
    Alexander12 is offline New Member
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    First cycle (20 week test e/tren a)

    Hey guys, I'm currently on the 13th week of my first cycle and had some questions. I'm 19 years old which I regret doing but I'm going to medical school in a year so I kinda wanted to do my experimentation with this stuff now before I got tested working at hospitals for the rest of my life. I started at 160 lbs and am now around 180. This is what I've done so far.
    Weeks 1-3
    Test e at 300mg a week (2x150)
    25 mg dbol ed
    Weeks 3-13
    Test e at 500 mg a week (2x250)
    Weeks 8-13
    Adex 1mg EOD

    I was wondering if I could continue weeks 14-20 with 500mg a week of test e and also run Tren A. I have the tren but I have no idea what dose to run it at. I know this probably isn't the best idea but was just wondering anybody's opinion so I don't **** shit up completely. I have 5000 ius HCG but don't know if I should start taking it now or stack it during the end and at what dose. For pct I planned the first 2 weeks of 40 mg ED then 3 weeks at 20mg ED because I heard clomids side effects are awful. I do plan on doing a second cycle in about 3-4 months after this one. I would appreciate any input, thanks!

  2. #2
    ickythump's Avatar
    ickythump is offline Member
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    This is all terrible, you probably know why, and might even be making this all up....if you don't know why, then do some research, you'll know why...and if you continue test, tren is highly unsuitable for a first or even second cycle even at proper age....not gonna waste much time on this as like I said, you know you shouldn't do it

  3. #3
    Alexander12 is offline New Member
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    I should've also mentioned I'm 5'10". But I don't know entirely why it's all terrible which why I'm asking. Why couldn't tren be run exactly?

  4. #4
    DrewZ's Avatar
    DrewZ is offline Productive Member
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    So many things are wrong with this.

    Please do yourself a favor and read this

  5. #5
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Best if you go ahead and PCT now. This being your first cycle and you being only 19, the risk of permanent HPTA shutdown is higher for you, especially with a 20 week cycle.

    At 13 weeks in you're past the point of diminishing returns, you haven't been running HCG , you're taking 1mg of adex EOD (Overkill). Adding in trenbolone for 7 more weeks will only cause more testicular atrophy along with the sides associated with that drug.

    Best course of action would be to blast the hcg that you have for 2 weeks while you get your hands on some nolva and clomid and then run a full PCT
    Nolva 40/30/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

  6. #6
    ickythump's Avatar
    ickythump is offline Member
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    Thanks alpha Mike, exactly as you said

  7. #7
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    1. Bad cycle.
    2. Start PCT.
    3. Don't use AAS until your 25 and have properly researched them.

  8. #8
    Alexander12 is offline New Member
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    Okay thanks, that's what I thought which is why I was making sure. Should I run the hcg for 2 more weeks with test or just stop the test now? Also, how should I dose it? I only have nolva for the plan I stated above because I thought it does the same thing as clomid with less side effects but it's just slower?

  9. #9
    CompetetiveEater is offline New Member
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    Stop test and run hcg 3x per week at 250iu, take up to 3 days before pct which would be 14 days after your last pin. Alpha mike has been kind enough to give your pct layout

    Nolva and clomid work better together than alone. They go into competition mode in binding to receptors.

    Check out Austinites educational article data base on the stickies section.

    AAS isn't something you want to necessarily experiment with. I'm sure plenty of members and vets here can tell you stories about their experience. Beings as you're going into med school I'm sure you already know a good deal about your endocrine system and how AAS can effect it at a young age.

  10. #10
    Alexander12 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate the input. So if I stop now only nolva as I stated earlier wouldn't cut it with the hcg ran like you said?

  11. #11
    CompetetiveEater is offline New Member
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    Everyone is different but why would you risk not recovering as well and sacrificing gains that you've worked for the past 13 weeks? Check out the sponsor site ar-r for all your ancillaries, you have two weeks to get your clomid

  12. #12
    skaz915 is offline Member
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    Your 19 5'10 and were 160lbs .. ..your kidding right? Lay off the aas. The only thing your should be on is eatalotoffoodobol and some liftsomedamnweightsupobol
    ickythump and JoeC6Z51 like this.

  13. #13
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander12
    I should've also mentioned I'm 5'10". But I don't know entirely why it's all terrible which why I'm asking. Why couldn't tren be run exactly?
    Is this for real? You are "going to medical school" in a year and you don't know why suppressing the HTPA of your developing neuroendocrine system is a bad idea!?!?

    I covered neuroendocrinology in pre-med. You can't possibly be that naive!!!!

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skaz915

    Your 19 5'10 and were 160lbs .. ..your kidding right? Lay off the aas. The only thing your should be on is eatalotoffoodobol and some liftsomedamnweightsupobol
    I might have to take a hiatus for awhile. All these young guys with no clue what steroids do, the changes and risks attributable to using supraphysiological doses, or the importance of nutrition and training long before steroids should even be considered an option, is starting to push me over the edge.

  15. #15
    Alexander12 is offline New Member
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    In terms of biochemistry I understand what I am doing, and if you go solely by that it varies so greatly to the point where no one honestly can give true insight how it will affect me due to many reasons. I was asking based on someone with experience for insight/advice. This criticism on that I shouldn't be doing it at all because of all these risks can go for everyone and I know that for a fact. I wasn't asking for criticism, just advice.

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alexander12
    In terms of biochemistry I understand what I am doing, and if you go solely by that it varies so greatly to the point where no one honestly can give true insight how it will affect me due to many reasons. I was asking based on someone with experience for insight/advice. This criticism on that I shouldn't be doing it at all because of all these risks can go for everyone and I know that for a fact. I wasn't asking for criticism, just advice.
    If you can't handle criticism then clearly you aren't mature enough for steroids or didactic conversations. Do you honestly think your life will always be full of affirmation and accolades? Wow, are you in for a surprise. The risks described do apply with respect to biochemistry, but its definitely not a "one size fits all prescription" and just like anything in medicine, prescribing patterns must take several patient parameters into a single diagnosis and treatment protocol. AGE is most certainly a relevant individual variable that must be considered.

    Would you prescribe the same dose of medication to a 65 year old male that you would a 20 year old male? Would you follow the exact same treatment program or clinical work up? Don't even try your crap with me. If you're smart enough to even apply for medical school, take your head out of your ass and think logically about the risks. You should be worried about YOUR health, the possible impact of suppressing your HTPA before it may have reached full maturation, not the adverse effects others may or may not be subject to.

    Have a read of some of the threads here by men your age who ran proper cycles but their HTPA remained suppressed post cycle. Are you really prepared to face possible erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, depression/anxiety, sleep disturbances, lethargy - all because you fvcked up your HTPA??? Or maybe you can find enlightenment in the threads by other men your age seeking help to come off cycle because of the problems it's caused.

    Lately there's been an influx of young men aged 19-23 filing in her asking about steroids. It's a bloody epidemic! People who have done anabolics and/or trained longer than you've been sucking air into your lungs volunteer their time and knowledge to try and prevent the younger members from making mistakes or hurting themselves. You KIDS act like we are trying to hoard all the steroids and don't want to share our toys in the anabolic playground. Get a grip kid.

    In the end, it's your decision. Most of us don't give a damn if you do or don't, if you're safe or not. We offer information based on EXPERIENCE and its a far more valuable learning tool than anything you'll ever read in a damn text book believe me.

    So do whatever you want. There will be another dozen kids in here asking the same tired questions with the same pompous attitude shortly after we're done with you.

    The decision is yours. Many of us will NOT endorse something we feel is too soon for you. If you are convinced you know better, go ahead, we won't stop you. Just try not to whine like a bitch later when things go wrong.

  17. #17
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This is just a straight up fail get some clomid and pct ASAP.

  18. #18
    Alexander12 is offline New Member
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    Alright, I never said I couldn't handle the criticism, I just didn't want to deal with an argument where I already knew what was going to be said. I know you guys are experience hence me asking instead going based off solely biochemistry knowledge. I also agreed to not doing the tren and stopping now with the pct based on the advice. I never gave any crap, I understand where you're coming from I just don't see where I refuted to cause such aggravation? I said I regretted starting it at this age because my buddy who I thought was expert in this appeared to be a complete dumbass which lead me to vigorous research on the chemistry is this shit but as I said that doesn't give clear cut answers. I'm agreeing, I just began with a series of questions first. So with 13 weeks if test hcg and nolva wouldn't be sufficient for a pct without clomid? And not to be an ass, I was accepted* into medical school at 19 hence me kinda rushing myself into this before I have no life other than school.

  19. #19
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Run the hcg for the 2 weeks leading up to pct then nolva and clomid for 4 weeks that is your best chance of recovery now.

  20. #20
    Alexander12 is offline New Member
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    So if I just ran the nolva for 40/40/20/20/20 I'm screwed?

  21. #21
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Not necessarily, if at all possible it is worth getting clomid you might be fine without out it. You also might never recover with both. Only time will tell, your body isn't fully developed making steroids far more risky than they would be say at age 25.

  22. #22
    Alexander12 is offline New Member
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    Yeah I know I regret it. I know someone who was my age who somehow recovered from sust with no pct but then again every freaking person is different. Thanks though, I think I should be fine without the clomid since it's too late to get now. Appreciate the help.

  23. #23
    CompetetiveEater is offline New Member
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    Stick around and continue learning. They also happen to have a great nutrition section and as much as you don't want to hear it but that's all you need to get down pat. Figure out your tdee, get into a calorie surplus and get meal prepping. You can't out train nor run AAS with a bad diet.

    As muscleink stated he and many other knowledgable members here volunteer their time essentially every day to educate, I've learnt a hell of a lot from him and others. They don't have to but fortunately they do

  24. #24
    ChestNBack's Avatar
    ChestNBack is offline Associate Member
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    OP there are plenty of pro bodybuilders who started cycling at your age and some of them now in older age have some issues, some dont. It all depends of various things but if you can't face the consequences of your actions if things turn out bad then don't play ball. Adding tren in your cycle after 13 weeks at such a young age is crazy. And its obvious you are focused on being a doctor and not a pro bodybuilder so don't risk your health.

  25. #25
    ChestNBack's Avatar
    ChestNBack is offline Associate Member
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    BTW OP when you become a doctor make sure you come back to this forum and hook us up with some good pharm grade scripts.
    Red Bastard likes this.

  26. #26
    JoeC6Z51 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skaz915 View Post

    Your 19 5'10 and were 160lbs .. ..your kidding right? Lay off the aas. The only thing your should be on is eatalotoffoodobol and some liftsomedamnweightsupobol
    This is Awesome! The best stack for the young lifter!

    liftsomedamnweightsupobol and stack with eatalotoffoodobol

  27. #27
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    It's not too late to get clomid, check the board sponsor.

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