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  1. #1
    Rodder1016's Avatar
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    Hcg and correct timing and doses. Opinion vs facts? You decide...

    Hi guys/girls....hcg . Help understanding old beliefs vs new. Opinions vs facts. You decide.

    HCG .... Most of us know this is an important pc of gear and part of the puzzle. However, as many threads that exist already on this particular item (tons of which I have read), I still see the same few things.....I see members making references to differences on timing of use and I see responses on each where many members seem to still have questions. So, for the more advanced and seasoned veterans, I look to you to try to better educate, or give a more polled/agreed timing response. I have my opinion which based on facts and threads I have read, and that is that I myself would agree "ON CYCLE" is "best" timing for use.

    But, within this site I have seen the following:

    On the main page outside forum, reference is made to "late great Dan d." It speaks of hcg after a cycle of AAS being used during pct for "best" results. Further down in paragraph, reference is then made to use hcg starting your last week of cycle? Contradictory .. A dose of 250iu to 500iu ed for 2 to 3 weeks and your pct items overlap which you continue to do until the end of their cycle (pct time) etc etc

    One thread in FAQs asks
    Question: "Can I use hcg during cycle and when?"
    Answer: "Yes". to "best" benefit from Hcg is to run it the last 3-4 wks of your aas cycle. Goes on to describe dosing to be at 500iu and/or 1000iu during the last 4 wks of a cycle and the choice being that you shoot 500iu of hcg 2x's a wk or 1000iu 1x a wk. For pct, 500iu ed or 1000iu eod.

    One thread states to start use of hcg as of wk 1 of your cycle yet timing does not matter as long as you run 250iu 2x's wkly and never back to back days. Then further states at 250iu twice wkly to run every 3.5 days like Wednesday Sunday. If you choose 3 times weekly, run it Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 750iu wkly.

    There's only so much stimulation that can occur with hcg. Doses in excess of 500iu at once should not be run. If you're injecting 250iu and after several weeks you're still experiencing some issues, increase your dose 100iu's at a time (350 vs 250 etc), NOT TO EXCEED 500iu's 2x's wkly. Your weekly grand total should NEVER exceed 1000iu EVER!

    So already you can see some differences with timing and doses!

    A cpl thread responses I read I wanted to quickly touch on also...

    Some commented simply that they think hcg is merely more about looks and is personal preference, not a required pc of gear for a cycle?! Also that particular aas users don't care about "tuck." Nor were they concerned with protecting maturing sperm or the other "benefits" etc. Some also believing that your pct is enough of an aid and hcg pushes you closer to gyno which they wanted to avoid. Is this opinion, bro science vs hard fact etc?

    4 main Reasons why "I agree" with those who choose "ON CYCLE" are:

    1Prevention of testicular atrophy.
    -- mimicking LH/restarting natural test production in the testes.
    2Speedy recovery
    -- mimicking LH so that your Leydig cells remain stimulated.
    3Balances hormonal fluctuation. (Mainly TRT patients and dose dependant)
    -- By strategically timing hcg injections, you prevent "dips" in serum levels.
    4Hcg is involved in the process of production for DHEA, Cortisol and Pregnenolone.
    -- benefits of this will combat fatigue and stress, better your mood, has a role in energy, reduced cardiovascular risk, immune stimulation, betters memory, and more.

    So regardless on what my choice or yours, I'm still interested in answers to the following:

    Question 1) best timing of hcg and "if" during cycle, best start time
    Question 2) doses
    Question 3) can a successful cycle be achieved without using this pc of gear? Is it more looks and personal pref or factual info benefits/side effect possibilities to be looked at

    Question 4) I have not seen any direct answers to this Very important question: Does hcg have ANY effect on someone w an existing thyroid issue and/or currently taking medication for whether hypo, hyper etc

    {thanks for taking the time to read and write. And apologies for lack of links to threads being questioned etc} -happy lifting-

  2. #2
    Rodder1016's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Read Austinite's thread why you should use HCG on cycle.

    It's in his educational database.

  4. #4
    gold43's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Rodder1016's Avatar
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    I understand why it should be used "on" cycle. I also mention at least twice I get that and understand it very well. However there is still some questions unanswered. I.e. Thyroid. Issue or not? And another common unanswered question from tons of members is can a successful cycle be had w the exception of this item if an AI and pct are used. Etc. and not to sound redundant but my thread is basically asking why so many differences on answers from senior members about start stop times etc.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodder1016 View Post
    So regardless on what my choice or yours, I'm still interested in answers to the following:

    Question 1) best timing of hcg and "if" during cycle, best start time
    Question 2) doses
    Question 3) can a successful cycle be achieved without using this pc of gear? Is it more looks and personal pref or factual info benefits/side effect possibilities to be looked at

    Question 4) I have not seen any direct answers to this Very important question: Does hcg have ANY effect on someone w an existing thyroid issue and/or currently taking medication for whether hypo, hyper etc

    {thanks for taking the time to read and write. And apologies for lack of links to threads being questioned etc} -happy lifting-
    1. Only relevance to timing is to split it to every 3-4 days. On cycle you're not using it for an additional T boost like on TRT. I would start a couple days into your cycle.

    2. 200 - 250 iu's is normally sufficient

    3. Sure. But as you stated yourself it is simply better to maintain some function thus making restarting easier / more productive. Science has evolved.

    4. Yes it can. HCG is a weak TSH agonist.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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