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  1. #1
    BeannBurrito is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014

    Need help on 1st cycle.

    Okay to everyone that's reading this i am 18 years old almost 19 I have been lifting for about three years but have only took it seriously the last year and a half ago. I started a very strict diet counting my macros and all that jazz 50% Protein 30% carbs 20% fat and I have always have had a stomach I've never gained the accomplishment of having a six pack. I way 165 lbs and I am 5 foot 8 inches with about 14 % body fat. I have taken 2 pro hormones and have gained a total of around 25 pounds in three years .Anyways I want to take my first cycle of "steroids " or testosterone . I want to make gains while leaning out if that's even possible I just need you guys to shower me with knowledge in what I should do for my first cycle in order to make clean gains without getting fat so lean gains I guess you could call it. tell me the stacks and all the supplements. EVERYTHING. Thank you guys so much.

  2. #2
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Best knowledge:
    Don't take steroids or pro hormones they will screw up your still developing hormonal system.
    Train hard and eat big. You would have gained that weight just due to the fact your still a growing young man.

  3. #3
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    At age 18 the only thing you can accomplish is permanent damage to your HPTA. I will, as will others, advise you to not touch steroids until your mid 20's. You have so much to learn, and are still developing physically. Stay away from pro hormones as well, they are worse than steroids. As far as gaining muscle, check out the nutrition thread, that is your best bet for gaining weight and muscle. Be thankful for a working HPTA and don't be so eager to screw it up.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    These gentlemen are very knowledgable and have years of experience behind them. I know it's not what you wanted to hear but please heed their advice. You can gain significant size if you are eating correctly and can leave the steroids until your HTPA is closer to full maturity.

    What's your TDEE and your current caloric intake daily?

  5. #5
    Reiid13's Avatar
    Reiid13 is offline Member
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    Everything you want from steroids , you can gain from nutrition and hitting the gym .

    I appreciate its not what you wanted to hear but people wont shower you with how to cycle steroids at 19 .

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