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  1. #1
    youngnewfie is offline New Member
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    cycle planning help

    Im 22, 6 foot, 192 lbs and in between about 8 and 10 percent bodyfat.
    Im planning on a cycle of 10 weeks with test e (400mg/ml), 1 ml a week. I am going to kickstart it with dbol for 4 weeks at 40mg a day and would like to end with anavar for four weeks at 40mg a day.I am going to purchase nolvadex , clomid and aromasin . I am wondering if the aromasin is completely necessary for during cycle and if nolva would be good enough if i noticed any sides. I stupidly done a dbol only cycle and got itchy nipples toward the end and started some nolvadex.
    My plan is as follows

    test e 400mg/ml 1ml/week, weeks 1-10
    dbol 40mg/day week 1-4
    anavar 40mg/day week 8-12

    start pct week 12 of either:
    clomid and nolva ,
    or, nolva and aromasin

    Also, as i mentioned earlier, i done a dbol only cycle for 6 weeks, and done nolva for a pct. after pct my libido was brutal, obviously due to the dbol only cycle and lack of knowledge.
    This made me think of purchasing hcg for this cycle, because i want to have my nautral test in check and my balls working perfect the whole time. so if you have advice on hcg and how to run it with my cycle feel free to let me know

    I am sorry for any lack of knowledge and stupidty this may contain, i am trying to educate myself and do it safely so consider that and help me out.

    1: Should i use the test 400 i have available which is a test e 400mg/ml blend at 10ml a bottle and use 1 ml a week for cycle, or spend the bit extra and get test e 250mg/ml 10ml bottles to dose my 10 week cycle

    2:If the dbol gave me sides on a dbol only cycle should i use tbol instead? personally like the idea of dbol better, and when i used nolva itchy nips went away

    3:is that a correct way to dose the anavar? i want anavar to harden a bit better and give the extra edge coming off cycle as id rather nail a good cycle then have a poor one

    4:which way is the best way to do my pct? clomid and nolva or nolva and aromasin?

    5: should i use the aromasin on cycle or just use nolva if i feel necessary? if u use aromasin what is the best dosage?

    6: Should i invest in the hcg after telling u about my low libido? and if so how is the best way to use it. Ive read its best the last 5 or 6 weeks once a week up to pct? correct me if im wrong

    Its alot of questions i know, but its the last things i wanna clear up before purchasing my gear, any input is appreciated

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Read these

    Have you had any bloodwork done since your ill advised d'bol cycle?

  3. #3
    youngnewfie is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014
    i have read those threads and i am gonna do it anyway. i am just looking for advice to perfect the plan i have

  4. #4
    gold43's Avatar
    gold43 is offline Associate Member
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    You should always cycle with hCG and an AI.
    Standard PCT is
    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    You really need to get blood panels so you have a starting baseline.

    1.)T-400 blend you're going to need to be shooting it EOD, if its crap UGL its gonna be painful. 187.5 mg of test cyp, 187.5 mg of test enanthate , and 25 mg of prop. Not enough prop to even do anything. You should just go with a Test E @250mg twice a week.

    2.) Run an AI starting day two. It will minimize any sides. (EDIT: For the Dbol ) You will probably still be a little bloated, but its a good kick started. Run it 20mg morning/20mg evening.

    3.)Yes, Anavar is a non aromatsing steriod and therefore can be used when a hard look is required. If you are on test then this aromatises heavily and therefore more water retention will be present. Continue your AI with this.
    Taking anavar towards the end of the course in my opinion would be a good thing as this will help to harden up your gains and help you look leaner, dryer and more vascular.
    As it is a oral you can also slowly taper off the dose in the final week making for less of a crash when the gear leaves your system.
    Anavar is also one of the best steroids for strength gains, therefore you may see extra increases on your weights when you add this in to the course.

    4.)Standard PCT will do. You can start 2 weeks after your last injection.

    5.)You can use Aromasin . Use it ON cycle, don't just have it on hand waiting. Start with 12.5mg ED. Every body is different. If you see Estro sides, up the dose to 25mg.

    6.) YES! ALWAYS cycle with hCG! Dose at 250iu twice a week.

    Read these:
    Last edited by gold43; 02-16-2014 at 12:05 PM.

  5. #5
    youngnewfie is offline New Member
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    thanks for the awesome feedback gold43, and i know what ur saying about test400, but apparently this lab makes it just from test e at 400mg/ml so i was wondering if i could just use this as its cheaper, also u say an ai after day 2 at 20mg morning and 20 evening, but isnt that the aromasion just at 12.5mg ed? also if u dont mind how would u run the anavar on a schedule so i can see what im doing correctly?

  6. #6
    gold43's Avatar
    gold43 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngnewfie View Post
    thanks for the awesome feedback gold43, and i know what ur saying about test400, but apparently this lab makes it just from test e at 400mg/ml so i was wondering if i could just use this as its cheaper, also u say an ai after day 2 at 20mg morning and 20 evening, but isnt that the aromasion just at 12.5mg ed? also if u dont mind how would u run the anavar on a schedule so i can see what im doing correctly?
    sorry typo. 20mg morning/20mg evening was for the Dbol .
    Your AI if Aromasin is ED starting at 12.5mg. Up it to 25mg if Estro sides occur.
    As for the Anavar it has an 8hr half life. Run it 20mg morning/20mg evening. You can taper off the last week to reduce the "crash" if you want, but not necessary.

    And the Test400, if its just Test E, then its not a blend. You can run it at 200mg twice a week.
    Last edited by gold43; 02-16-2014 at 11:55 AM.

  7. #7
    tarmyg's Avatar
    tarmyg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You're under 25 and mixing three compounds in a first cycle? Sounds like you have a plan!


  8. #8
    youngnewfie is offline New Member
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    awesome thanks for the advice appreciated

  9. #9
    gold43's Avatar
    gold43 is offline Associate Member
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    Knowing he is already going to do it, I only wanted to provide him with the proper info on his determined plan.

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