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  1. #1
    Pedros is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Hi all, Got myself into a bit of a pickle

    [INDENT]Hi all,

    My name is Pedros and I am in a situation where I am going to travel overseas at the end of my cycle which will prevent me from my planned PCT. This was not planned and I am hoping their may be some advice from the members of this site on how to not crash and loose all gains etc achieved over this cycle. I have provided some details below:

    Age 31, height 5 foot 8', 85 kg
    14 week cycle - currently mid cycle
    Deka 300mg with Test E 300mg Wednesday Evening once a week
    Test E 300mg Sunday morning once per week
    Arimidex - on hand for estrogen inbalances
    Novadex - post cycle

    Leaving on the 14th week - three weeks overseas.

    I have recently purchased tribulus and estrogen blockers which are both tablet form/legal and can be taken on the plane. I am hoping this may maintain test and estrogen levels till I return to begin Novadex? Or should I cease Deka two weeks before leaving and pin the day before I leave a larger dose of Test E to try to even out the two over the three weeks due to Deka extended half life?

    Please help, any suggestions

    Thankyou . Pedros

  2. #2
    Machdiesel's Avatar
    Machdiesel is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Two options. Just put your pct pills in an Advil or Tylenol container. Second option buy the liquid form and put it In a used travel shampoo bottle.

  3. #3
    Pedros is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Thankyou for your post, iam not looking at hiding PCT therapy on the plane as the PCT pills I recently purchased are legal but weakened versions of desired Novadex etc as I purchased these as a last resort to take with me. im wondering if I should cease cycle early to have the PCT wrapped up before I leave or try to sustain a balanced estrogen and test levels till I get back to take my desired Novadex cycle by adjusting my last shot?

    thankyou for your hep


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