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Thread: Test Prop - Tren - Mast Cycle and PCT Layed Out....ALL Oppinions Appreciated

  1. #1
    Schwarzeneger is offline New Member
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    Test Prop - Tren - Mast Cycle and PCT Layed Out....ALL Oppinions Appreciated

    Here's what I have planned out. Already have all the compounds and am ready to go (both for cycle and PCT).
    Please let me know what you think.

    If you want to shit talk like all the people have done thus far, then please just don't post.

    Have For Cycle
    1000mg Test Prop

    20mg Adex (AI) (x40 .5mg pills)

    12,000mg Andro Blend (Prop-Tren -Mast) 150mg/ml
    =50mg each compound

    5000 iu HCG

    Have for PCT *(Options)*
    600mg Nolva (x30 Tabs) 20mg/Tab

    1500mg Clomid (x30 Tabs) 50mg/Tab

    3600mg Torem (Liquid) 60mg/mL

    Cycle Dosages

    Weeks 1-10 300mg Andro Blend EOD
    (=100mg Prop-100mg Tren-100mg Mast/EOD)=10,500mg

    Weeks 1-10 .5mg Adex EOD
    (=35 pills)=17.5mg

    Weeks 5-10 500iu HCG 2x/Week=1000iu HCG/Week

    Weeks 10-12 100mg Prop EOD

    PCT Dosages
    Starting PCT day after last prop only injection.

    Torem: 120/90/60/60
    Clomid: 50/50/25/25


    Nolva: 20/20/20/20
    Clomid: 50/50/25/25

    I'm still undecided whether I'll run Nolva and Clomid or Torem and Clomid...Probably going to go with the Torem/Clomid combo; however I have never used clomid and hear there are sometimes sides..

    Well that's it. Any and all oppinions suggestions and comments welcome.

    I'd also greatly appreciate people letting me know what kind of 'normal' vitamins I should stack along with this cycle..

    Last edited by Schwarzeneger; 02-24-2014 at 11:20 AM. Reason: haters spamming thread

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    As you ran your first 'cycles' so badly you should consider running a test only cycle depending on your stats.

    Bodyfat %?
    Training history?

  3. #3
    Schwarzeneger is offline New Member
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    My first Cycles were a little while back. I already have all the compounds so i'm going to use them. I go to the gym every day and am not coming off a long break or anything..i'd say im in pretty good shape. I was slacking a little a few weeks ago, but have been on the steady grind since then. I put on some weight/fat, but am quickly losing it with cardio.

    Age: 24
    Height: 6'6
    Weight: 240 lbs
    Body Fat: around 15% (estimate)

  4. #4
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    For a second I thought I started this thread seeing the OP name but I was like wait no I didnt... Lol

  5. #5
    Battleplan's Avatar
    Battleplan is offline Junior Member
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    I would shoot the Andro blend @ 150mg ED until it is gone and use the prop at 100mg ED either at the start or end of the cycle.

    Adex started at .5mg EOD at the most and adjusted as needed.

  6. #6
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Tren a second cycle = no (ok 3rd cycle but 2nd injectable and the first injectable cycle was too short anyway)

    Mast at anything above 15% = a waste

    How about you post a pic OP so we can help estimate your bodyfat better?

    I highly recommend you run a proper test only cycle.

  7. #7
    Schwarzeneger is offline New Member
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    Like I said. I already have all my compounds and just wanted opinions regarding dosages and timing. Other thoughts are welcome, but im doing this cycle I have posted here. I actually did 2 oral cycles of the beastdrol so technically it will be my 4th cycle, but yes; only 2nd injectable. My first test cycle wasn't by any means bad..I did and handled everything properly, just ran it 2 weeks short. I'm older now and ready for a little more than just test. IMO the beastdrol which was superdrol and dianabol was wayyy to strong and potent a mix for first 2 cycles, but I did it anyway..and now I personally feel ready for a better injectable cycle. Thus the thread posting and asking of extra info and input because I want to do this one right.
    I appreciate your concern Back in Black, but I'd rather your opinion on this cycle and running it without concern for previous cycles run.

    Ill post a pic soon, but i'm no 15%. That was a high guestimate

  8. #8
    slfmade's Avatar
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    So let me get this straight...You want our advice, but you only wanta take the advice you want to hear. If you don't trust us enough to listen to our advice about running a test only cycle why would you trust us about what you want to hear?

  9. #9
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by slfmade View Post
    So let me get this straight...You want our advice, but you only wanta take the advice you want to hear. If you don't trust us enough to listen to our advice about running a test only cycle why would you trust us about what you want to hear?
    Amazing the amount of people that do this.

    Well, good luck OP please come back and let us know how you did.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Because you "have it" you're going to "run it."

    That makes perfect sense to me.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  11. #11
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Because you "have it" you're going to "run it."

    That makes perfect sense to me.
    Ohhhh. Is THAT the decision process now? Good! I have 16 bottles. I guess I'll use them all NOW instead of over the next 18-24 months. Lol

  12. #12
    slfmade's Avatar
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    I have some chlorine on hand. What should I stack it with and when should I run it? I think I'm ready for the next level.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Ohhhh. Is THAT the decision process now? Good! I have 16 bottles. I guess I'll use them all NOW instead of over the next 18-24 months. Lol
    Oh man, I don't wanna use up all my TRT test right now! Jeez, I can never keep up with the current trend.

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond

    Oh man, I don't wanna use up all my TRT test right now! Jeez, I can never keep up with the current trend.
    Apparently I missed the memo that said, "if you have it, you MUST use it all.

    Currently I am also trying to eat ALL the food in the house. A little harder than I expected.

    Test Prop - Tren - Mast Cycle and PCT Layed Out....ALL Oppinions Appreciated-image-3589724052.jpg
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  15. #15
    Schwarzeneger is offline New Member
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    wow.. you guys are all just hater ****s. Guess posting a serious thread with legitimate questions doesn't warrant shit with you people. So much for any kind of 'community' here..

    Im a serious person so I don't play games and talk shit like you people.

  16. #16
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzeneger
    wow.. you guys are all just hater ****s. Guess posting a serious thread with legitimate questions doesn't warrant shit with you people. So much for any kind of 'community' here..

    Im a serious person so I don't play games and talk shit like you people.
    Well there are other options.

    Test Prop - Tren - Mast Cycle and PCT Layed Out....ALL Oppinions Appreciated-image-472685105.jpg
    lovbyts, ironbeck and gold43 like this.

  17. #17
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    You know what i respect everyone that posted in this thread. But you guys jumped down this guys throat way to fast. Yes he shouldnt jump straight to such an advanced cyle. But the way you presented that to him left something to be desired. (Except for BIB)
    Last edited by michael30; 02-23-2014 at 11:32 PM.

  18. #18
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzeneger View Post
    wow.. you guys are all just hater ****s. Guess posting a serious thread with legitimate questions doesn't warrant shit with you people. So much for any kind of 'community' here..

    Im a serious person so I don't play games and talk shit like you people.

    OK guys cant you see he is getting butt hurt. It's nice to pick on little girls dont you know? She came her looking for help. Oh wait, this is a dude??? Maybe he still has high E2 from his last cycle?

    Yeah one of the main reasons the young and steroids dont mix is due to no common sense or being able to listen to anyone else. They always know better.

    Just because you want to do what you want to do and think you are serious does not mean it's right or that we have to agree with you or give you advice that you want to hear.

  19. #19
    Schwarzeneger is offline New Member
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    Seriously do you guys just cruise the forum to look for people to talk shit about.

    phhh. I guess if that's how you have your fun. knock yourself out with the trash talk if it makes you feel bigger.

    In all honesty, all you people that posted negative comments are just followers. One person leaves a negative comment so you; like children, follow suit and think your the coolest person in the world.

    Im already big as **** so I don't have to prove myself or talk trash, and certainly don't have any inclination to be a bully, which is obviously what all you little napoleon complex guys have. Was trying to get something constructive out of this thread/forum, but boy was I wrong.

    And still amongst the trash other advice than run a test only cycle.

    you guys are real pros
    Last edited by Schwarzeneger; 02-24-2014 at 11:09 AM.

  20. #20
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzeneger
    Seriously do you guys just cruise the forum to look for people to talk shit about.

    phhh. I guess if that's how you have your fun. knock yourself out with the trash talk if it makes you feel bigger.

    In all honesty, all you people that posted negative comments are just followers. One person leaves a negative comment so you; like children, follow suit and think your the coolest person in the world.

    Im already big as **** so I don't have to prove myself or talk trash, and certainly don't have any inclination to be a bully, which is obviously what all you little napoleon complex guys have. Was trying to get something constructive out of this thread/forum, but boy was I wrong.

    And still amongst the trash other advice than run a test only cycle.

    you guys are real pros
    Dude, get a grip and see someone about that chip on your shoulder. You came here seeking advice, feedback, opinions, etc. Your attitude was essentially, "these are the compounds I have, I'm running them anyway, so just tell me what I want to hear". Jesus, you sound like my three year old daughter and her egocentric view of the world. "Mine, mine, mine and gimme gimme gimme".

    You've been provided feedback. It may not be what you had hoped to hear. Perhaps even a few comments didn't sit well with you. Look, if you believe you're mature enough to run cycles, then you're certainly mature enough to handle positive and negative criticism. If you disagree with the advice offered, great. That's your prerogative. You can acknowledge it and continue to solicit feedback from others, or try other forums if you are dissatisfied here.

    I don't get some of the younger members who have this sense of entitlement yet their egos are so easily bruised when we don't acquiesce to their every little demand or request. In life, you aren't going to hear or get everything you want. Why on earth would you expect an Internet chat room to stroke your ego and tell you what you want to know or hear?!?

    Now all you're doing is being argumentative and slanderous? How is that going to help your cause or get you to your goals?
    DontTaseMeBro likes this.

  21. #21
    Schwarzeneger is offline New Member
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    Your right..I don't take kindly to people just saying negative and slanderous comments just to do so or just because someone else started to.

    I've gotten one bit of feedback that wasn't a direct **** you.. and that was from BIB. Everything else said by anyone here has been slanderous to begin with. This is a STEROID forum. I'm asking for opinions on this particular cycle. Not on what is recommended. I appreciate all feedback and concerns, but like I said. This is the gear I researched and have and would like to know what people think about the cycle...not about me.

    I'm not bitching or crying or not taking in what is being said. I'd like to forego the pandering back and forth and just hear what you guys think about the cycle I posted, not on what I should do instead.

  22. #22
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzeneger
    Your right..I don't take kindly to people just saying negative and slanderous comments just to do so or just because someone else started to.

    I've gotten one bit of feedback that wasn't a direct **** you.. and that was from BIB. Everything else said by anyone here has been slanderous to begin with. This is a STEROID forum. I'm asking for opinions on this particular cycle. Not on what is recommended. I appreciate all feedback and concerns, but like I said. This is the gear I researched and have and would like to know what people think about the cycle...not about me.

    I'm not bitching or crying or not taking in what is being said. I'd like to forego the pandering back and forth and just hear what you guys think about the cycle I posted, not on what I should do instead.
    There will always be a bit of pandering I suppose.

    As far as the proposal, I'm not a huge proponent of blends. It's harder to regulate side effects and doses if it becomes an issue. Your recommended doses aren't a big concern. Are you considering a DA for prolactin risks? I may have missed it and will check again.

    0.5mg of adex EOD may be too much. 0.25mg EOD will generally suffice but it varies individually.

    Fareston (toremifen) isn't one I would prescribe. It can have a greater impact on your QTc interval (the depolarization and repolarization of the ventricles in your heart) resulting in prolongation. QTc prolongation can many times result in heart arrhythmias or worse (Torsade de Pointes - ventricular tachycardia).

    With low doses of clomid used for short durations, the side effects you may have heard about (headaches, blurred vision, nausea) are generally not a problem. The benefit of clomid as well is that it helps facilitate normal intratesticular function and its spermatogenetic properties will help being sperm number and motility back to normal ranges post cycle.

  23. #23
    Schwarzeneger is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply MuscleInk. DA for prolactin risks? You mean like caber or prami? I'm not too familiar with anti prolactin compounds..What type and what dosage would you recommend for this cycle? Would the masteron not cover the issues the DA's would?

    As for the mix, I didn't fully think of dosing individually if there were a fault, but im going to make the best of it. That's why im going with a reasonable dose; to see how I do with the mix of compounds.

    My problem with the adex is that they're 1mg pills, so I was going to use a pill cutter to make them .5mg. How would you suggest I do it to best equal .25mg EOD? Would .5mg every 3 days be a better option?

    Thanks for the info on the torem as well. I feel like there isn't too much out there research wise. I used the torem before, but have nolva as well, so I will definitely go with the nolva/clomid for this PCT

    Also, I was thinking of lowering the HCG dose to 250iu x2 per week instead of 500iu 2x per week so that I can run it from weeks 2-11 instead of 5-10.

    What are your thoughts on that as well?

    And last thing. I've read so many conflicting things on when and what dosage to run the HCG on cycle, and then also about when to take the last dose and when to start PCT...Opinions on that??

    thanks in advance
    Last edited by Schwarzeneger; 02-24-2014 at 02:59 PM.

  24. #24
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzeneger
    Thanks for the reply MuscleInk. DA for prolactin risks? I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that?

    As for the mix, I didn't fully think of dosing individually if there were a fault, but im going to make the best of it. That's why im going with a reasonable dose; to see how I do with the mix of compounds.

    My problem with the adex is that they're 1mg pills, so I was going to use a pill cutter to make them .5mg. How would you suggest I do it to best equal .25mg EOD? Would .5mg every 3 days be a better option?

    Thanks for the info on the torem as well. I feel like there isn't too much out there research wise. I used the torem before, but have nolva as well, so I will definitely go with the nolva/clomid for this PCT
    Like nandrolone , tren is a 19-nor compound and like most 19-nors, there is a risk for prolactin changes that would be a greater concern than estrogen changes. If your estrogen is maintained within normal limits, prolactin control may not be an issue, but due to the risks, you should be aware of the possibility. Dopamine (the neurotransmitter) agonists such as cabergoline or pramipexole will help regulate prolactin levels. Many guys keep the DAs and use it if it becomes an issue, others simply run the DA on cycle.

    Adex has a half life of 50 hours. Running it every 3 days at 0.50mg isn't optimal but may do the trick depending on how quickly your body aromatizes testosterone - aromatase activity varies from person to person. With a 50 hour half life, EOD is preferred to keep E2 levels from rising. I have run adex at .50mg 2x/wk on a test-only cycle off 500mg/wk and my E2 levels held within normal, but stacking compounds has always required adex @ EOD.

    Some people tolerate torem well. Those with pre-existing cardiac syndromes are advised against its use. Personally, with all the stress and strain I already put my body through, I'd rather limit risks than increase them. Just my opinion.

  25. #25
    Schwarzeneger is offline New Member
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    Well think ill get some prami just in case. Any thoughts on the HCG dosage/timing and when to stop and administer the PCT?

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