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  1. #1
    TTundra_10 is offline New Member
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    Anxiety and sore throat, etc. after first Test C ??

    Good day all, I've been a viewer of this site for many months and just now needed to sign up to ask a super important question. This is my first post.

    Two days ago I started a Test C 250 cycle, with intentions of inj 1ml e3.5days for 10 weeks. (Basically following the outline under first cycle post)

    Inj quad at 2pm, felt great all day, went to sleep at 12am, woke up at 1:30am with what seemed like an anxiety attack. Breathes felt short and slightly suffocating, heart rate was normal (61) though the beats were hard. As well there was an odd sensation in chest area that's difficult to describe, pressure maybe? It was quite concerning, and i couldn't fall asleep for hours. It slightly subsided Monday afternoon, followed by a wicked sore throat, runny nose, some sneezing, and slight ear ache in one ear. Which is still here as i type. I haven't been sick in forever, nor do I get anxiety attacks ever, so I'm absolutely confident it's a result of the Test.

    I've searched this site and found some others who've experienced similar affects once starting. My initial thought was to stop immediately, I'm blown away that my immune system was shut down so hard so fast. 16 years ago when I (have since learned) was too young I tried V, sus250 (awesome) and a couple others over the course of a year and a half, I didn't experience anything like this. I'm 36 now.

    **Again, my initial thought was to stop completely despite being prepared and excited for this. I guess my question is, is it best to stop and walk away? Or is there another option? Like trying one more inj to see if the anxiety subsides? Maybe try easing in with half a ml for a week or so? Then bump up to 1ml? Or, like initially stated, just walk away?

    Any ideas on what would be best in this scenario please??

  2. #2
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dont let your anxiety take over. Of course you should probably stop to avoid any further problems. But, if that happened to me I would probably do what you suggested and try half again to see if that is actually the cause. I frontload when I start a cycle and double up on my first injections and have never noticed anything. So I am probably not the right person to talk to here. But I feel for you and wanted to at least respond so you know that there are people you can talk to on here. Let us know how it goes, whatever you decide. But hopefully someone with more experience will have better information for you. I remember my first injection, 20 years ago, and if I woke up the next day with all sorts of problems, I would probably have attributed it all to steroids as well. Good luck.

  3. #3
    Martialfit is offline New Member
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    Sounds like you got a cold bro.Anxiety can definitely fuel itself if you let it. Keep in mind the symptoms and timing may be coincedence.

  4. #4
    TTundra_10 is offline New Member
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    Oki-des bro thanks for your input and care with regards to my situation. I really appreciate it, and like you say, I do hope there is another knowledgeable member with good advice too, I'd love to hear it. The second shot would be scheduled soon and I'm trying to prepare now for the next step, whichever direction it may be.

    Martial fit, there is absolutely no reason for me get anxiety, or fuel anxiety. I like the pinning process and look forward to it, like someone else on the site stated, it's like a ritual for the entire process. I can load that ml and into the quad it goes with ease. I had no worries or concerns all day, and fell asleep like a baby. Where things went amiss was when I was woken up because of what I described earlier. After searching this site there are posts that confirm anxiety can be caused by fluctuation in hormones and such. I'm just searching for knowledgeable info to see if there's an adjustment of some sort I can make to try and keep this going or if I should forget about it. I don't really want to just assume I can keep going but then have to stop after 6 shots to find out that's the end, oh and now I'm shut down to boot.

    I appreciate any constructive info though, thank you .

  5. #5
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Test flu?

    AAS does suppress your immune system

  6. #6
    TTundra_10 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FONZY007 View Post
    Test flu?

    AAS does suppress your immune system
    Yeah I definitely believe its along those lines.. I hate that AAS suppresses the immune system!

    Anyway, any thoughts on how I should move forward with this? It's the anxiety attack that I'm most concerned about, you just can't function with that going on. And again, that came on while I was sleeping, it wasn't me getting all freaked out about something before hand.

    I would really love to hear from Austinite or someone of his calibre and knowledge, regarding a good way to tackle this. Are ya out there? Lol

  7. #7
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Everybody I know has a cold.

  8. #8
    TTundra_10 is offline New Member
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    Are there Any knowledgeable members who can advise??

  9. #9
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    Anxiety can be brought on by a handful of things. I uses to struggle with anxiety years ago. I still have bouts with it, but I have more control on it now.

    Any fluctuation in hormone levels can potentially cause emotional sides of anxiety and/or depression. I know you said you've uses before without any problems, so maybe this just hit your body a different way that it didn't like.

  10. #10
    TTundra_10 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    Anxiety can be brought on by a handful of things. I uses to struggle with anxiety years ago. I still have bouts with it, but I have more control on it now.

    Any fluctuation in hormone levels can potentially cause emotional sides of anxiety and/or depression. I know you said you've uses before without any problems, so maybe this just hit your body a different way that it didn't like.
    Hey I appreciate the input thank you. I'm wondering if trying another at a lower dose to start, for maybe a week or two, thus easing in to the full 1ml shot e3.5d is a viable option, or should I stop entirely? And how long till Test C250 shuts you down? I ask that cause I don't want to have to stop after 6 shots cause the anxiety isn't going away, then learn I'm shut down.

    Is there no one whose experienced this or knows about this with advice?

  11. #11
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    It's impossible to tell if running a cycle is going to shut you down or not. The only thing in your control is taking the appropriate precautions and defense against shutting down. Running HCG throughout cycle and a proper PCT is the best you can do.

    No one will be able to tell you what is going to happen. The only way you can tell if its the anabolics that are causing the anxiety, is to try your next injection. If it's a risk you don't want to take, then I would abort the cycle.

  12. #12
    efiles123 is offline Associate Member
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    I blamed my first cycle for the onset of my panic attacks. Decided to avoid aas for a few years figuring they fuel the cause. Now, over 3 years later I'm in pct of my second cycle and had no sign of any increase in anxiety. No more panic attacks these days either.

  13. #13
    TTundra_10 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post
    It's impossible to tell if running a cycle is going to shut you down or not. The only thing in your control is taking the appropriate precautions and defense against shutting down. Running HCG throughout cycle and a proper PCT is the best you can do.

    No one will be able to tell you what is going to happen. The only way you can tell if its the anabolics that are causing the anxiety, is to try your next injection. If it's a risk you don't want to take, then I would abort the cycle.
    Quote Originally Posted by efiles123 View Post
    I blamed my first cycle for the onset of my panic attacks. Decided to avoid aas for a few years figuring they fuel the cause. Now, over 3 years later I'm in pct of my second cycle and had no sign of any increase in anxiety. No more panic attacks these days either.
    K thanks guys, I know for sure it was the test that caused the anxiety. So I've decided ill do another shot, but a lesser dose to see what happens. Then proceed cautiously from there.

    As requested I will update with the results. Thanks again to all who provided constructive advice in this post.

  14. #14
    TTundra_10 is offline New Member
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    Ok as promised, here is the update. My initial plan was 1ml Test C e3.5d. 500mg/wk. Due to this issue of anxiety that came up I had to modify that plan to experiment a little, with anticipation I could work this matter out and continue with the cycle rather than having to walk away. Of note, as a result of the bad reaction, and possibility of aborting the cycle, i did not start the Arimidex right away. So here's how it went:

    Feb.23 first injection 1ml (bad anxiety 11hrs later)
    Feb.28 .25ml (almost immediately felt a very reduced anxiety sensation)
    Mar.01 .25ml ( "" "" )
    Mar.04 .5ml with .25 Arimidex (absolutely no anxiety sensation/felt great)
    Mar.06 .5ml with .25 Arimidex ( "" "" )


    Mar. 08 .75ml w/Arimidex
    I will proceed with 375mg/wk, .25 Arimidex eod and re-evaluate from there.

    So it appears the Arimidex has curbed the anxiety sensation. I found this very interesting. Whatever the cause, I'm very pleased it seems to be over with.
    Last edited by TTundra_10; 03-07-2014 at 12:25 AM.

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