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  1. #1
    AngryNR3C4 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Cycling vs blasting and cruising, masteron for AI, does hcg work no matter what?

    I read GH15 bible.
    GH15 says to be on all the time, and if you need to make babies, just buy some hcg and it will be good.
    Also, it seems like GH15 doesn't recommend AI, but masteron instead.
    He says PCT is a joke and to always stay on.

    I hear Jason Blaha and Jerry Ward dislike cycling too, saying you lose most of the gains.

    Anyway, I'm just asking if cycling is maybe a waste of money/time.
    Seems like people cycle until they shutdown and then blast and cruise,
    or they cycle and don't like losing gains and go blast and cruise.

    I'm not planning to run anything soon. Maybe in a year.

    So I guess I've got 3 questions:

    Is cycling wasting time/money since I'm very likely to eventually blast and cruise?
    Is masteron a replacement for AI?
    Does hcg work no matter what?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Stop listening to gh15bible guys a knob

    What are your stats?
    how long have you been training?
    cycling isn't a waste of time if you know what your doing
    masteron isn't a good AI
    yes hcg does work

  3. #3
    AngryNR3C4 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    93kg (205 lbs), ~25% bf, 180cm (5'11'' feet), age 28

    First year of solid training and dieting. I've been half assing my diet for few years, also half assing my lifting for a year.
    Now I'm going strong. I'm doing icf 5x5, getting great progress.

    Plan is to get to low bf%, get a good source, and get huge.

  4. #4
    probuild42 is offline Member
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    May 2013
    In the cage!
    This "Blast and Cruise" concept seems to pop up often around here lately. I am not a vet by any means but hears my thoughts. Get blood work before you even think about cycling to find out what your natural T levels are. If you are on the high side of the scale, I would hold off the gear for a few more years, train hard and eat right. You only have one HPTA system! Blasting and cruising seems like a real good way to break it! Getting big may be all that you want right now, but life changes and something may prevent you that is beyond your control from reaching your goals! With that said do you really want to be pinning the rest of your life. Easier said then done! Packing gear around everywhere you go. Having talks with friends, family and spouses about your testosterone use? Or trying to hide it from everyone (which you will most likely not be successful at). Not to mention possible long term health risks, constent doctor visit's to manage therapy and cost of treatment!

    If it is not broke why try and break it?

    This is a lifestyle of good health. Stay strong bro!

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