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Thread: first timer looking for a few pointers

  1. #1
    canucklehead is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014

    first timer looking for a few pointers

    I've been trying to educate myself as much as possible on what will be the most beneficial in my situation, but instead of scrolling through a bunch of other people's threads and reading synopsis on what companies trying to sell them are saying, and what the government funded anti-steroid sites say about them, I thought I might try putting in my own thread.

    I'm 23 years old, I weigh 165 pounds, 5'10. I play rugby and I'm looking to increase in mass to around 180. I've been working out 4-5 times a week for about 3 years I change it up in the gym and consume a large amount of calories but I have seemed to have hit the plateau of my mass gaining capabilities. I have a fast metabolism that the last time I got checked put my body fat at somewhere around 6%. I'm looking for a program/cycle that will help me cardiovascularly such as something that will boost my EPO to high levels, and allow me to put on mass at a moderate-fast rate, but because I work out with teammates I'd prefer a certain amount of deniability so if i can take the majority orally that would be preferred (I am aware of liver issues with this). If anyone knows what a good beginner cycle for someone in my situation might be, I would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Jun 2010
    Middle of the Mojave, CA
    Welcome to the board,

    Glad you decided to educate before medicating. Some things on the anti steroid govt page may be true some may be not. But one that is definitely true is that your bodys hormones don't completely balance out until 25 years of age or so.

    You risk damaging your body's ability to produce natural testosterone for the rest of your life. The science behind it is written in the thread above called "the young and the steroids "

    Almost all oral only cycles end up with the same result, you put on a few lbs for the time that you're on and then you drop it all in a couple weeks.

    All but just a few oral steroids will hinder your bodies ability to produce natural testosterone.
    What does that mean for you? No boners without viagra if at all.

    So stick around a while. read up. Learn more about diet and training.

    once again welcome
    gold43 likes this.

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