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Thread: Fourth Cycle - Test Prop / Tren Ace / D-bol / IGF-1 LR3 - 8 Weeks - Reviews Needed!

  1. #1
    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    Fourth Cycle - Test Prop / Tren Ace / D-bol / IGF-1 LR3 - 8 Weeks - Reviews Needed!

    Hello everyone,

    So I'm trying a few different compounds this time around with a shorter cycle compared to my first 3; here's a bit of a background to where I've been:

    1. Test E 500mg/Week for 12 weeks
    2. Test E 500mg/Week for 12 weeks + D-bol 30mgED for first 4 weeks
    3. Test E 750mg/Week for 12 weeks + D-bol 50mgED for first 6 weeks + Deca 400mg/week for 12 weeks

    This last cycle was my best in terms of gains but also in terms of sides; my second cycle was my best overall IMO because the sides were virtually nil and the gains were considerable.

    These are some of my stats:

    • Age: 30
    • Weight: 180 lbs
    • Height: 5'07
    • Body Fat: 7-8%
    • Experience: 5 years
    • Diet: Protein remains the same at 300-400 grams a day ; Carbs and Fats vary depending on activity level and training for that day.

    This time around I'm planning a shorter cycle but sticking with the two compound I know work great for me and also adding Tren and a bit of IGF-1 LR3 I got as a gift recently so might as well. Here's the breakdown:

    ----------Test Enan-----Tren--------D-bol------IGF-1 LR 3-----Aromasin ----Cabergoline----HCG --------Nolva--
    Week 1---100mg/ED ---50mg/ED ---30mg/ED ---20mcg/EWD ---12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK---250iu/E3D------------
    Week 2---100mg/ED ---50mg/ED ---30mg/ED ---20mcg/EWD ---12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK---250iu/E3D------------
    Week 3---100mg/ED ---50mg/ED ---30mg/ED ---20mcg/EWD ---12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK---250iu/E3D------------
    Week 4---100mg/ED ---50mg/ED ---30mg/ED ---20mcg/EWD ---12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK---250iu/E3D------------
    Week 5---100mg/ED ---50mg/ED ---30mg/ED ---20mcg/EWD ---12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK---250iu/E3D------------
    Week 6---100mg/ED ---50mg/ED ---30mg/ED ---20mcg/EWD ---12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK---250iu/E3D------------
    Week 7---100mg/ED ---50mg/ED ---30mg/ED ---20mcg/EWD ---12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK---250iu/E3D------------
    Week 8---100mg/ED ---50mg/ED ---30mg/ED ---20mcg/EWD ---12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK---250iu/E3D------------
    Week 9-------------------------------------------------------12.5 mg/ED----1mg/WK-----------------40mg/ED
    Week 10------------------------------------------------------12.5 mg/ED----------------------------40mg/ED
    Week 11------------------------------------------------------12.5 mg/ED----------------------------20mg/ED
    Week 12------------------------------------------------------6.25 mg/ED----------------------------20mg/ED

    Couple of notes for the cycle:

    • -D-bol is dosed at 10mg per tab. First 4 weeks 3x per day. All taken spread out and the last one at least an hour before working out.
    • -IGF-1 LR 3 Is administered Sub Q; immediately post workout.
    • -Aromasin as AI of choice all throughout cycle.
    • -Cabergoline to combat possible proloactin issues with Tren. Taken on Mondays (half life is 7 days). Also taken one week after cessation just in case.
    • -HCG is taken SubQ on Mon and Thu ; 500iu per Week until start of PCT.
    • -Nolva is the only SERM I have for this cycle, may extend it to 5 or 6 weeks dosed at 20mg/ED. Thinking it should be enough along with the Aromasin.

    So there it is guys. Please feel free to many comments or suggestions; I'm all ears. Specially with the Tren, if anyone has any experience with a cycle like this I would appreciate the feedback. Also I was looking into maybe replacing the D-bol with Masteron ; I've read it stack very well with test p and tren ace, any suggestions on that?
    Thanks for the read guys. Hope to hear from ya soon.


    Last edited by NoBulkNoCutJustGrow; 04-06-2014 at 10:55 AM.

  2. #2
    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    Updating changes for my log....

    -Test Prop changed to Test E and will administering ED.
    -Tren Ace will be administered IM (Test may be SubQ as doses are .4 cc's)
    -Tren will be dosed ED at 50 mg /ED for more stable blood levels and the reduction in sides. Test E will be a 100 mg ED.
    -D-bol stays at 30 mg throughout instead of 50 mg for last 4 weeks.
    Last edited by NoBulkNoCutJustGrow; 04-06-2014 at 02:03 PM.

  3. #3
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    You already used Test E. did you have had any problems?? what do you expect from prop?? which advantage do you expect from short ester??? I know its a fashion these days using short esters, I did it, and its a simple torture. I'd only take short ester If I get doping tested, If I don't have that issue, I'd never go back to short ester again. And the bloat story its a myth. you want less water retention?? take less test, that's it! IGF1-LR3, don't know bro, I got freakin miodesopsies from that, and they won't never go away. maybe its just me. But its similar to insulin , so you'll be on hypoglicemia all day and your eyes could suffer. Long acting IGF1 in my logic is bs, never used DES, but after all I read DES should be the better choice. You need to feed the muscle with IGF1 when he's more receptive, that's after workout. If you take LR3, your body will be bombed all day with IGF1, resulting in gut and bone growth, and less muscle growth. that's only my thaught about IGF1, I'll never use it again, so I can never tell you if Its true that DES works better, but sometimes you have to use your brain too instead of listening to other people, like Rich Piana says. I know, you get much of good info on the internet, but when you start thinking about the logic, you spot a lot of bs round there. like short esters, and long acting IGF1. do some research, and do whatever you think its best, I did exactly what you did because I listened to others

  4. #4
    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    You already used Test E. did you have had any problems?? what do you expect from prop?? which advantage do you expect from short ester??? I know its a fashion these days using short esters, I did it, and its a simple torture. I'd only take short ester If I get doping tested, If I don't have that issue, I'd never go back to short ester again. And the bloat story its a myth. you want less water retention?? take less test, that's it! IGF1-LR3, don't know bro, I got freakin miodesopsies from that, and they won't never go away. maybe its just me. But its similar to insulin, so you'll be on hypoglicemia all day and your eyes could suffer. Long acting IGF1 in my logic is bs, never used DES, but after all I read DES should be the better choice. You need to feed the muscle with IGF1 when he's more receptive, that's after workout. If you take LR3, your body will be bombed all day with IGF1, resulting in gut and bone growth, and less muscle growth. that's only my thaught about IGF1, I'll never use it again, so I can never tell you if Its true that DES works better, but sometimes you have to use your brain too instead of listening to other people, like Rich Piana says. I know, you get much of good info on the internet, but when you start thinking about the logic, you spot a lot of bs round there. like short esters, and long acting IGF1. do some research, and do whatever you think its best, I did exactly what you did because I listened to others
    Precisely why I changed to enanthate instead of prop; it's worked for me perfectly fine in the past. The Tren I'll be doing short ester because it's my first time trying tren and if my body can't handle the side then it'll be out of system faster as opposed to an longer ester; also long ester sides can be more pronounced and that goes for any compound, the cumulative effect of a long acting hormone is what causes the sides to be stronger than in short ester compounds.

    As for the IGF-1 L3, I've been taking it already for 3 weeks and I must say I do feel a difference in the gym but it's only now manifesting. No so much in the beginning but as day go by I feel it more and more and my body is reacting very well to it. I have had some "downs" but a piece of fruit quickly solves that and it's only happen a handful of times in 3 weeks. I'm currently researching DES a bit more before I add it to my regimen but it's definitely on my radar right now; it seems the addition of the DES could enhance the effectiveness of the IGF-1.

    In any case thanks for your response. I appreciate any feedback I can get.

  5. #5
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    ok the story of tren ace for first cycle. IMO tren sides are overrated, but everyone may react different from compound to compound. I think with 400mg of tren enth you are G2G even for first cycle. If your diet is in check, and your gear is legit, you get shredded to the bone even without cardio, and without any major sides besides night sweats and agressive behaviour. If you feel safer with ace, go for it, IGF1 sides were for me 1000x nastier than tren sides. the only bad tren side I got, was dizzyness with brain fog, like IGF1, in my case above 500mg EW. so I would not mix them if you plan to go high on tren. Ironically I only got bad sides with ace, maybe because its fast acting, so it peaks fast and short after the pin you feel like crap. EOD injections are worse than ED. But its me, I feel like enth peaks slower so to get the bad feeling, you have to make a crazy injection. also insomnia was more pronounced on ace, maybe because i always pinned after workout. If you don't mind to pin ED and probably deal with the ace PIP, go for short ester. If pinning and pip is an issue for you, go for enth, you want to do 350mg EW ace, that's more or less 400mg of enth. And with caber on hand you're G2G.

  6. #6
    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    ok the story of tren ace for first cycle. IMO tren sides are overrated, but everyone may react different from compound to compound. I think with 400mg of tren enth you are G2G even for first cycle. If your diet is in check, and your gear is legit, you get shredded to the bone even without cardio, and without any major sides besides night sweats and agressive behaviour. If you feel safer with ace, go for it, IGF1 sides were for me 1000x nastier than tren sides. the only bad tren side I got, was dizzyness with brain fog, like IGF1, in my case above 500mg EW. so I would not mix them if you plan to go high on tren. Ironically I only got bad sides with ace, maybe because its fast acting, so it peaks fast and short after the pin you feel like crap. EOD injections are worse than ED. But its me, I feel like enth peaks slower so to get the bad feeling, you have to make a crazy injection. also insomnia was more pronounced on ace, maybe because i always pinned after workout. If you don't mind to pin ED and probably deal with the ace PIP, go for short ester. If pinning and pip is an issue for you, go for enth, you want to do 350mg EW ace, that's more or less 400mg of enth. And with caber on hand you're G2G.
    Thanks for the input! I might consider enanthate now for the Tren too. In any case with which ever ester I decide to go with I'l be pinning ED. This is because of a theory I want to put to a test which is supposedly with ED pining you would have more stable blood levels throughout the cycle without the seesaw pattern seen in 2x/week or 3x/week regimens. Look at this diagram below; as the intervals get longer the dips get longer and more pronounced.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	scenario1.PNG 
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ID:	149738

    This leads me to believe that ED pins would provide the more stable blood levels. Although if you put the numbers in a AAS calculator you would see that you get higher peeks with 2/3x/week instead of ED but the ED numbers are even throughout the cycle peeking and staying there as long as the sane doses keep coming. This is what I get if I input ONE(1) dose of 100 mg ED for 12 weeks:

    Day 1: 100mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 2: 190.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 3: 272.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 4: 346.9mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 5: 414.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 6: 475.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 7: 530.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 8: 580.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 9: 625.7mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 10: 666.7mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 11: 703.8mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 12: 737.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 13: 767.9mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 14: 795.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 15: 820.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 16: 843.1mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 17: 863.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 18: 882.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 19: 899mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 20: 914.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 21: 928mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 22: 940.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 23: 951.8mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 24: 962.1mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 25: 971.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 26: 979.8mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 27: 987.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 28: 994.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 29: 1000.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 30: 1006.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 31: 1011.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 32: 1016mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 33: 1020.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 34: 1024mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 35: 1027.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 36: 1030.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 37: 1033.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 38: 1036mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 39: 1038.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 40: 1040.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 41: 1042.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 42: 1044mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 43: 1045.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 44: 1047mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 45: 1048.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 46: 1049.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 47: 1050.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 48: 1051.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 49: 1052.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 50: 1053.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 51: 1054mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 52: 1054.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 53: 1055.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 54: 1055.7mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 55: 1056.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 56: 1056.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 57: 1057mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 58: 1057.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 59: 1057.7mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 60: 1058mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 61: 1058.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 62: 1058.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 63: 1058.7mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 64: 1058.9mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 65: 1059.1mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 66: 1059.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 67: 1059.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 68: 1059.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 69: 1059.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 70: 1059.7mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 71: 1059.8mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 72: 1059.9mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 73: 1060mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 74: 1060.1mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 75: 1060.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 76: 1060.3mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 77: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 78: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 79: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 80: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 81: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 82: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 83: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 84: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 85: 1060.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day

    This is with 2x/week doses of 350 mg each equaling the same 700 mg /week as with ED pins:

    Day 1: 350mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 2: 317mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 3: 287.1mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 4: 260mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 5: 568.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 6: 515mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 7: 466.4mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 8: 772.5mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 9: 699.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 10: 633.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 11: 573.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 12: 852.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 13: 772.5mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 14: 699.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 15: 983.7mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 16: 891.1mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 17: 807mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 18: 730.8mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 19: 995.1mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 20: 901.2mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 21: 816.2mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 22: 1089.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 23: 986.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 24: 893.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 25: 809.3mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 26: 1066.1mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 27: 965.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 28: 874.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 29: 1142.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 30: 1034.5mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 31: 937mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 32: 848.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 33: 1101.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 34: 997.8mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 35: 903.8mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 36: 1168.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 37: 1058.4mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 38: 958.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 39: 868.2mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 40: 1119.4mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 41: 1013.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 42: 918.3mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 43: 1181.8mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 44: 1070.4mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 45: 969.5mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 46: 878mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 47: 1128.3mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 48: 1021.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 49: 925.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 50: 1188.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 51: 1076.4mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 52: 974.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 53: 882.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 54: 1132.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 55: 1026mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 56: 929.2mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 57: 1191.7mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 58: 1079.4mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 59: 977.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 60: 885.3mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 61: 1134.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 62: 1028mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 63: 931.1mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 64: 1193.4mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 65: 1080.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 66: 979mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 67: 886.5mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 68: 1136.1mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 69: 1029mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 70: 932mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 71: 1194.2mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 72: 1081.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 73: 979.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 74: 887.2mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 75: 1136.6mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 76: 1029.5mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 77: 932.5mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 78: 1194.6mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day
    Day 79: 1082mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 80: 980mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 81: 887.5mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 82: 1136.9mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 83: 1029.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 84: 932.7mg T, 0mg E/D/T
    Day 85: 1194.8mg T, 0mg E/D/TInjection Day

    As you can see the peeks are higher but it's not nearly as stable as ED pinning. I want to know if this translates into more gains and less sides or neither.

  7. #7
    XxAndreaxX is offline Senior Member
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    From my experience, I felt peaks with tren ace pinning ED. But I never felt peaks by pinning tren Enth 2x week. With 2x enth injection, you will have peaks for shure, but at 400mg EW the dose is so weak that you won’t notice them. That’s why enth exists, to save pins, and make the experience a lot easier. I’d pin test 2x week, dosing it size dependant. More test, more size, cause of water retention.
    2x week tren enth at 400mg week, its very similar to 350 acetate, assuming your gear is right dosed. If your diet is in check, you’ll go way under 10%BF. Masteron enth could give you the final touch, and make your grainy and hard. People around there say tren makes you grainy and vascular, but In my experience, I only get cut, and pack some crazy lean mass.

    Now for the IGF1.... I have been reading many articles, and tried to understand how it works. IGF1 is responsable for growth in general. Everything IGF1 touches (that have receptors for it), will grow. Now, it seems the whole body is covered with IGF1 receptors, bones, organs muscles, intestine, maybe the only organ that do not have these receptors is our Dick. Its a classic!
    But back to the IGF1, not every tissue has the same amount of IGF1 receptors. And from what I read, Muscles have a very small amount of IGF1 receptors. If you workout ant take IGF1 DES, your muscles are more receptive, so you will get a serious part to your muscles. But another part will go to other receptors. If you take IGF1 LR3, I don’t think that there’s some difference pinning right after workout, IGF1 will float around in your body, the whole day, and attach everywere you have big amount of receptors.
    My conclusion is, there is no big info about IGF-1, I’d stay away from that, I don’t want to enter some sort of Palumboism stage, and I think IGF-1 is a critical Palumboism promotor. I read some article were it says IGF1 causes hyperplasia. It sounds cool. But the problem is it seems Hyperplasia is caused only in rats, humans can’t do hyperplasia. I don’t have any exact reference, its only from reading and reading websites and articles, but there’s very little info about IGF1 on humans. The only reference I have, Bbers of the golden era looked healthy and aesthetic, bbers after 90’s simply look deformed.

  8. #8
    Live for the PUMP's Avatar
    Live for the PUMP is offline Senior Member
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    I am doing a similar cycle. Except using proviron instead of dbol and prop vs. enanthate . IGF is some great stuff and works well as a synergistic. However I would double or triple that little bit your doing.

  9. #9
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Make sure the IGF-1 you get is from a good source. Most of the places online sell it in a form that has no biological activity.

  10. #10
    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    I am doing a similar cycle. Except using proviron instead of dbol and prop vs. enanthate. IGF is some great stuff and works well as a synergistic. However I would double or triple that little bit your doing.
    Thanks for the reply bro. Yeah I hear ya on the dosing. I actually started already on the igf-1 L3 for 3 weeks now at 50 mcg ED and now is when I'm feeling it for some reason. Not so much in the beginning but now it's starting to "kick in" for me. What was your experience like with IGF? Did you feel it right away at the gym or did it also creep up on you?

    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Make sure the IGF-1 you get is from a good source. Most of the places online sell it in a form that has no biological activity.
    Thanks for the reply Doc. Yeah it's hard to find a reliable source that for sure. Specially since there's so much discrepancy in the prices. Some sites have it for 60$ something and other for up to $120! So there's quite a bit of difference in pricing. Not to say that the most expensive is the one probably legit but you never know. It's a hit or miss ordeal I suppose.

  11. #11
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoBulkNoCutJustGrow View Post
    Thanks for the reply bro. Yeah I hear ya on the dosing. I actually started already on the igf-1 L3 for 3 weeks now at 50 mcg ED and now is when I'm feeling it for some reason. Not so much in the beginning but now it's starting to "kick in" for me. What was your experience like with IGF? Did you feel it right away at the gym or did it also creep up on you?

    Thanks for the reply Doc. Yeah it's hard to find a reliable source that for sure. Specially since there's so much discrepancy in the prices. Some sites have it for 60$ something and other for up to $120! So there's quite a bit of difference in pricing. Not to say that the most expensive is the one probably legit but you never know. It's a hit or miss ordeal I suppose.
    That may be the issue. You want it from a recombinant source ($$$) not a synthetic (<$) source. The former is biologically active whereas the latter is not. This may be reflected in the pricing. I know RUI/AR-R has stated on another forum that they use recombinant sources.

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    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    That may be the issue. You want it from a recombinant source ($$$) not a synthetic (<$) source. The former is biologically active whereas the latter is not. This may be reflected in the pricing. I know RUI/AR-R has stated on another forum that they use recombinant sources.
    That's VERY good to know bro thanks for that piece of info. Next purchase for the cycle I'll be looking into AR-R 's. You learn something every day, thanks man. That might explain the huge discrepancy in pricing for sure.
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  13. #13
    Live for the PUMP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoBulkNoCutJustGrow View Post
    Thanks for the reply bro. Yeah I hear ya on the dosing. I actually started already on the igf-1 L3 for 3 weeks now at 50 mcg ED and now is when I'm feeling it for some reason. Not so much in the beginning but now it's starting to "kick in" for me. What was your experience like with IGF? Did you feel it right away at the gym or did it also creep up on you?
    I felt IGF first day I used it! My first cycle with it was 40mcg to start then bumped to 60mcg. It gives me vascularity, energy, huge pumps, and makes my muscles look more freakish. I believe it works best where applied, however it helps every muscle to grow. I use it mostly on chest, bis, and traps because that is the muscles I want to develop the freaky look with.

    Try doing 25mcg in each bicep before a bi workout with some carbs. You should get an insane pump! It makes mine look all freaky, lol.

  14. #14
    NoBulkNoCutJustGrow is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Live for the PUMP View Post
    I felt IGF first day I used it! My first cycle with it was 40mcg to start then bumped to 60mcg. It gives me vascularity, energy, huge pumps, and makes my muscles look more freakish. I believe it works best where applied, however it helps every muscle to grow. I use it mostly on chest, bis, and traps because that is the muscles I want to develop the freaky look with.

    Try doing 25mcg in each bicep before a bi workout with some carbs. You should get an insane pump! It makes mine look all freaky, lol.
    I'm trying that tomorrow thanks man. I've been doing it post workout about an hour after to not mess with my own MGF. Could be why I never felt that pump at the beginning like I keep hearing about. There's a lot of info still needed on IGF that's for sure. Thanks for the feedback bro.
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