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  1. #1
    mz06 is offline New Member
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    Think i may have got bunk gear, advice on how to proceed

    hoping you guys can give me some advice here. I am currently 6 weeks into a Test-E cycle that started out at 600mg and am now at 720mg and I have not been seeing the changes i should. This is only my second cycle, the first was test E also but from a different UGL. During my first cycle i got a little acne, water retention, atrophy, pretty much all the signs within about 3-4 weeks but so far on this cycle nothing. So i bumped the dose from 600 to 720 about 2 weeks ago and still nothing. Im not sure if i can post the UGL lab here but all the reviews were great when i ordered but now that i look their website is gone.

    Now to my questions. I still have plenty of gear left from the UGL from my first cycle. Can i just switch over and if i see results run a complete cycle of this gear? Or will that be bad if the gear i am currently using is just underdosed? Basically which of these options should i go with?

    1. Continue with the gear im on and run the full cycle and PCT.
    2. Discontinue cycle and start PCT and prepare for next cycle
    3. Switch to a gear that i know is GTG and run for 6 more weeks
    4. Switch to a gear that i know is GTG and run for a full 12 week cycle

    sorry for the long read, any advice you can give is appreciated.

  2. #2
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Blood work is the only way to tell for sure. My first cycle was test e and I thought it was bunk. I got blood work done and it verified it was not bunk. Test e is slow, your gains are slow. Use caution when bumping your dose, verify whether or not it is real or bunk before making any changes.

  3. #3
    Wizwell's Avatar
    Wizwell is offline Associate Member
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    Agree with King6. Only bloodwork will tell you for sure. I would switch gear mid cycle if bloodwork determines your gear is bunk.

  4. #4
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    OP, write out everything you ate yesterday.

    You'll need bloodwork to confirm if your gear is bunk or not. But in the meantime, we can see if there is another reason you're not noticing anything.

    With test E, you really wouldn't even start noticing any results until 4 or 5 weeks in to it. So I think it's possible it could take over 6 weeks for something to happen.

  5. #5
    flenser is offline Junior Member
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    I think you should get blood work now, but switch your gear while you're waiting for the results. If the results show the gear was good, no harm done. But if it's not, your #4 option seems best.

  6. #6
    JuiceBox7 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    Bloodwork... but i would still stay on schedule with a PCT and pinning up until then

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