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Thread: Test Cyp and Tren E w/ Letro

  1. #1
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    Test Cyp and Tren E w/ Letro

    Whats up guys? First time on the forum so go easy on me. SO! I asked around and got set up with a Test Cyp -Tren E cycle with Letro to be used 2 weeks in to keep estrogen low.

    212 lbs
    Diet is on point.
    Last check BF was 16%
    Healthy 25 yr old male.
    First Cycle
    Starting with 600 test E/300 Tren E per week for 2 weeks
    Staying level with Test, increasing Tren to 450, adding two drops of letro for 5-6 weeks
    Dropping down Test and Tren for final two weeks and continuing with Letro for 2 more weeks to complete Cycle.

    Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?

    My goal is mostly aesthetic. I am already fairly vascular in arms and chest is coming along nicely and well ab's are diet so I am continuing to eat clean and perform HIIT cardio.

    Will this combo help me cut fat or at least appear more muscular? I'm thinking about using Winni or Anav with test after this cycle?

    Its loaded with info, I know, Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Photo on 3-3-14 at 9.00 PM.jpg 
Views:	1012 
Size:	159.4 KB 
ID:	149549but any insight is appreciated!

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Was this cycle recommended by your dealer?

  3. #3
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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  4. #4
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    Don't listen to your dealer and read this.

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  5. #5
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    Well, thats kind of too late. I started today. What are your concerns.... About to read that now.

  6. #6
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    Well, thats kind of too late. I started today. What are your concerns.... About to read that now.
    Drop the tren , get HCG , get PCT, do blood work.

    My concerns are that tren should not be a part of anyone's first cycle. You make no mention of HCG, PCT, or blood work. Your dealer also gave you one of the strongest AI's out there which could have been better replaced with adex or aromasin .

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Doc touched on just a few of the issues. Your dealer talked you into a potentially dangerous cycle so that he could maximize profits. As Doc said, Letro is extremely powerful and I will nearly guarantee that the dosage he has set for you will entirely crash your E2 level and you will feel like shyt.

    Tren is a hormone that can have serious effects on your lipids and you need to understand how to combat some of the health problems that can be associated with it. Starting out with multiple compounds also makes it impossible for you to judge what hormone might be causing certain side effects should you develop a problem.

    Just the fact that he has you ramping doses up and down tells me that he barely knows more about the compounds than you do. Please do not go into this so blind. Simply stop NOW and do some serious research, We will gladly help you...

  8. #8
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    PCT is understood, we talked about it and was going to get it in the middle of the cycle. I didn't do blood work, a novice mistake. Let me ask you this. What results would I expect to see from the cycle listed above?

  9. #9
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    I can just go with the Test for now.

  10. #10
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    PCT is understood, we talked about it and was going to get it in the middle of the cycle. I didn't do blood work, a novice mistake. Let me ask you this. What results would I expect to see from the cycle listed above?
    There are too many horror stories to list...always get EVERYTHING you need before beginning. A quick search would show you threads and threads of ppl who either fvcked themselves or are worried and panicking wondering how they'll get the compoounds they need bc they started pinning first.

    I'd still suggest mid cycle and end of cycle bloods, frankly the more the better.

    Personally I find your question irrelevant no offense. The best advice you're going to get (best not always being what we want to hear) is to not run the cycle listed. Having said that your results will be dictated by your training and nutrition.

  11. #11
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    ok, a tren test cycle seems to be more geared towards bulking from what I read. or when cutting thru diet, the tren protects the muscles, not really aiding in the cutting process but protecting what you've gained while you cut. Would that be a fair analysis?

  12. #12
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    I'm going to Run Test and just hang on to the Tren .

  13. #13
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    ok, so with the test only.. what should i run? Test Cyp, right now I'm at 300mgs/twice a week.. well by right now I mean thats what I started today. What should i do?

  14. #14
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    ok, a tren test cycle seems to be more geared towards bulking from what I read. or when cutting thru diet, the tren protects the muscles, not really aiding in the cutting process but protecting what you've gained while you cut. Would that be a fair analysis?
    It really boils down to diet since all steroids can help with cutting or bulking to some degree.

  15. #15
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    I'm going to Run Test and just hang on to the Tren.
    Good idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    ok, so with the test only.. what should i run? Test Cyp, right now I'm at 300mgs/twice a week.. well by right now I mean thats what I started today. What should i do?
    Test for 12-14wks, an AI, HCG . 600mg/wk is a good dose.

  16. #16
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Whitey. There is only 1 right answer and I have heavy doubt you will listen but....stop any steroids ! Spend a hours, days and weeks on this site getting your diet, training and cycle dialed in before jumping in. Have everything you need and be both mentally and physically prepared to get the most out of your cycle.

    There is plenty of time and the stuff will keep for years. It's a lot easier to avoid trouble than fix it after it's started.
    WhiteyB likes this.

  17. #17
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    You know your doctor can only help you if your honest, so your right. I am going to continue with the Test for now. My diet and training are up to standards. And my research so far has yielded me nothing in terms of what I need. I have seen that first cycle probably even two should be Test and to note how the body reacts. But how to choose and add in a second compound hasn't been explained. I am bigger build, so ultimately I would like help in cutting up. or appearing to be cut i should say.

  18. #18
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    You know your doctor can only help you if your honest, so your right. I am going to continue with the Test for now. My diet and training are up to standards. And my research so far has yielded me nothing in terms of what I need. I have seen that first cycle probably even two should be Test and to note how the body reacts. But how to choose and add in a second compound hasn't been explained. I am bigger build, so ultimately I would like help in cutting up. or appearing to be cut i should say.
    Cutting up or bulking has nearly nothing to do with compounds and is mainly diet determined as Doc stated. You need an AI other than Letro to use while on test. If you do not have it then you will likely suffer from elevated estrogen levels that could cause a number of sides and even risky health issues. I still say stop for at least a week or 2 while you research and get all of your stuff you will need on cycle and after.

    Waiting 2 weeks isn't going to be the end of the world and the one injection wont have a bit of an effect. Play it smart and don't end up like the 19 and 20 year olds that don't care about their health.

  19. #19
    WhiteyB is offline New Member
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    is there not a dose of Letro that would work to combat the sides of test?

  20. #20
    Docd187123 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    is there not a dose of Letro that would work to combat the sides of test?
    I have to say Lunk's responses are spot on Whitey. Just remember that his advice reflects on his desire to see you stay healthy. Just keep an open mind and digest his advice.

    There would be a dose of letro that works but the thing with letro is a small amount can have a tremendous impact on your E2 levels. It is much harder to tank E2 with aromasin or adex which carries over into them being much easier to use and beginner friendly. Letro is potent enough that a small mistake in dosing or lack of experience with managing hormonal levels (like in the case here) can have you fvcked with no E2. It's normally left up to the kore experienced guys to use it since they have the experience. I've never used it so I can't offer more for you.

  21. #21
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Listen to these guys.

    Also, are you cutting? Is that what you mean by aesthetic? Your bodyfat looks way higher than the 16% you think it is, I'd have gotten it down to somewhere close to where you think it is before starting your cycle.

    Good luck though

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteyB View Post
    ok, a tren test cycle seems to be more geared towards bulking from what I read. or when cutting thru diet, the tren protects the muscles, not really aiding in the cutting process but protecting what you've gained while you cut. Would that be a fair analysis?
    see this is where your logic fall can bulk or cut with any steroid because what your failing to grasp is your diet and training/cardio will dictate your gains/success/failure....all aas protect muscle not just tren that's because they are anabolic ...if your still going to cycle then yes keep it simple with just test...

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