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  1. #1
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    Weird tailbone pain after glut....

    This has happened to me after my last couple injections... If I pin my left glute its in the left upper part of my glute near my tailbone, if I pin my right glute I have it in the right upper part of my glute near my tailbone.. I'm pinning 250 of test c with a 1 1/2 in 25g needle... Its not a really bad pain it just feels like a bruise... Is the oil just settling up there or something??

  2. #2
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Where are you pinning on your glute from the perspective of someone behind you? Sciatic nerve comes to mind but usually that is pretty sharp pain, not like a bruise at all, so I want to rule that out. If you aren't injecting in the right spot or injecting correctly then I imagine that could happen. The only way oil should be migrating up there is if you aren't getting the needle deep enough into your muscle I would think.

  3. #3
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    No, I'm in the upper outer part... I was wondering as well if maybe its not getting deep enough and I'm injecting into fat but there is no bump or redness at the injection site and I'm using a 1.5g needle and my bf is below 15%... I'm not putting the needle in all the way but pretty close, the needle is definitely over an inch in...

  4. #4
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    No, I'm in the upper outer part... I was wondering as well if maybe its not getting deep enough and I'm injecting into fat but there is no bump or redness at the injection site and I'm using a 1.5g needle and my bf is below 15%... I'm not putting the needle in all the way but pretty close, the needle is definitely over an inch in...
    Well after reading that I would say that would be my primary suspect in the case. No point in an inch and a half needle if you are going all the way in. I push the needle all the way in but not to the point that I am pushing an indentation into my skin. I would say try that and if it doesn't help on the next injection then we can speculate from there.

  5. #5
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    Ok... Maybe it isn't in the muscle... I really am not feeling what I should from the test either... So maybe it is in the fat and thats why its taking so long for me to feel the effects of the test??? Because correct me if I'm wrong but even if I'm injecting into the fat I'll still get the test into my blood stream it just takes longer correct?? I'm on the end of my 5th week and not feeling a whole lot, just slight strength increase and slight libido increase...

  6. #6
    RangerDanger830's Avatar
    RangerDanger830 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yeah it'll still get into the body eventually. As far as the exact absorption rate in fat as opposed to muscle, I can't say. I am sure it isn't much different. Muscle is undoubtedly better though so let's just play it safe and go balls deep with the needle. Just don't push it to the point of pushing skin in, then you can hit bone, sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn't. I know nothing about your cycle but generally you won't feel like superman on AAS, not the way people think anyway.

  7. #7
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Avoid ass sex for the next 30 days and if the problem persists then see a doctor

  8. #8
    Rothrock's Avatar
    Rothrock is offline New Member
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    25 gage ....thats a small stick. That must take forever to push.

  9. #9
    riotz0r is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rothrock View Post
    25 gage ....thats a small stick. That must take forever to push.
    Its not bad... Its only 1cc so it probably takes 30 seconds or so. This is my first cycle but after I run out of 25s I'll definitely get 23s. I was told not to put the needle in all the way in case it breaks, thats I leave a little out. However, I do have a rather big ass for a guy so maybe it isn't going in far enough... <--I guess that doesn't sound right and can go with Lunks post lol

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