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Thread: NEW TO THE GEAR - Need experienced members advice

  1. #1
    makeithappen93 is offline New Member
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    NEW TO THE GEAR - Need experienced members advice

    I took my first dose today im starting off with test eth 1.75ml every other day, and im about to be stacking deca into the "cycle" or whatever you call it. im not sure with all these terms and what they mean. Here is some background info to give you a more accurate reading / response

    178 lbs
    lean build, roughly 10 percent bf %
    moderate - vigorous ambition when lifting / exercising

    my question is, how many doses of each should I be taking a week, if so please list a schedule laid out in English and if possible please explain what "cycles" and other terms are etc. I apologize if my inexperience is inconvenient to more experienced people I probly seem like a fool posting here but im trying to do this safe.
    My caloric intake consists of anywhere between 40-60 percent protein, 25-30 percent carbs, maximum of 10-15 percent fat daily. a total of roughly 1300-1500 calories daily (which I intend to increase dramatically if necessary)
    I want to go the "Healthiest" route possible while seeing the quickest results.

    I have been lifting / doing the damn thing for 40 days fully natty, and felt I needed to take it to a new level.

    to break it down, how many ML of deca should I shoot, and how many ML of eth should I shoot? and on what days?

    I am already aware that glutes / thighs is the best place to shoot (so I've heard/read)

    ANY and ALL help is much appreciated!! please keep the responses accurate and credible based on experience and facts.

    no shame in the game, that's why they call it "gear" I suppose! Thx fellas

  2. #2
    DB1982's Avatar
    DB1982 is offline Member
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    You are in WAY over your head. I could go on and on about everything your doing wrong. But I'll keep this short. STOP!!
    Before you really mess yourself up.

  3. #3
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    In over your head is an understatement. You are going to really mess yourself up...take that to the bank.

  4. #4
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah, you need to stop now. You are injecting something that you don't even know how much to take? What about an AI, what about HCG , what about PCT? Do you have these things planned out?

  5. #5
    Kaoticsolja is offline New Member
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    Idk this guy just has to be trolling with the verbiage he used

  6. #6
    kronik420's Avatar
    kronik420 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by makeithappen93 View Post
    I have been lifting / doing the damn thing for 40 days fully natty, and felt I needed to take it to a new level.

    did you start going to the gym 40 days ago?? is that what this means?

  7. #7
    Mr. Small's Avatar
    Mr. Small is offline Member
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    On gear after 40 days of training. Obviously someone is having a laugh. At our expense also.

  8. #8
    boostjunkie09's Avatar
    boostjunkie09 is offline Junior Member
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    I hope this kid is trolling!!! 40 days of training and you are trying to cycle? STOP NOW PLEASE!!!

    1: You're too young.
    2: You don't have any training experience yet and I bet nutrition is just as bad.

    I'm am not trying to flame you out man, but you really need to stop what you're doing.

    Do a lot of research and train for at least a few years before you even consider doing gear.

    PS I've been lifting hard for four years and am finally starting to consider use.

  9. #9
    probuild42 is offline Member
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    STOP GEAR NOW!!! Please pull way back and learn to train and eat! Best of luck!

  10. #10
    saiyangod is offline New Member
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    These guys are right bro at the end its your ultimate decision. I ain't or better yet no one here is gonna rip on you for lack of knowledge about gear. But think about it what's the rush? Get to know your body's natural limit. Develop a a nutrition eating routine and as well as a workout routine. Study the hell about the gear your considering taking and definitely have patients your body will thank you later bro..

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Lmao this is unreal. I ve seen many people lacking knowledge but this guy beats all

  12. #12
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    Time out!

  13. #13
    mark woods's Avatar
    mark woods is offline Associate Member
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    Come on guys this is a bored TROLL

  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Has to be a former member with separation issues. Can't leave this place so has to linger and post dumb sh1t for kicks. Ignore this guy. He's waisting your time.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 04-06-2014 at 02:38 AM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk
    Has to be a former member will separation issues. Can't leave this place so has to linger and post dumb sh1t for kicks. Ignore this guy. He's waisting your time.
    Agreed. Has yet to respond. Obviously trolling. Time waister.


  16. #16
    makeithappen93 is offline New Member
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    not trolling, and I knew I would get a lot of these responses. and I've been lifting for 2 years and played sports hard in high school, but Ive only been going REALLY hard for about 40 days. I have a healthy diet and have upped my caloric intake to 2500 daily, and I will be doing the test 2x per week at 750mg, and the deca durabloin I will add in on my third injection which will be 5 days from now roughly, at 650mg. This is the advice I was given from a source I know. I'm not trolling, simply lacking experience and i'm here to hopefully obtain some of that.

  17. #17
    makeithappen93 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice any and all credible information is appreciated. other than telling me to stop . My question is in my first cycle how many ml should I aim for with these compounds?
    Last edited by makeithappen93; 04-06-2014 at 09:15 AM.

  18. #18
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Think about this logically for one moment. Your SOURCE is telling you what and how much to use. Do you think he is looking out for you or assuring he has a fat wallet? Nobody here knows you so it's safe to believe that they have no ill intent or benefit from you running gear that you shouldn't. Age issue aside, you don't have the knowledge yet to proceed with this in a safe manner. If you push forward you could likely mess up your natural hormone producing ability FOREVER!

    PLEASE...STOP...NOW. Give it a few weeks of reading, asking questions and becoming more educated. If you still feel the need to carry on at that point, then you will be better educated to do so.

  19. #19
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    1. for your own health and for the life of your testicles (unless you don't really care about them working in the future) STOP. Save the gear for a safer age first off. Secondly, because you'll probably ignore the age, at least stop until you know what you're putting in your body. This is not "magic get huge fast juice" this is life and body changing human hormones your injecting into yourself all willy-nilly. You may be impatient now but I promise you will thank us later if you take our advice. As Lunk stated, we are here to share years of knowledge and experience with people we don't know. We aren't selling anything and have no reason to give you bad advice. Every member here is here because they want to learn or share what they have learned with people like you that have no idea whats going on. Please just take the advice and better educate yourself. The fact you don't mention AI, PCT, HCG or any of the other basic components of a safe cycle scares me. And ill totally leave alone the poor dosing, lack of prl control, and use of broscience.
    2. If you choose not to take our advice, I look forward to hearing your story in our cycles gone wrong thread years from now when your dick doesn't work

  20. #20
    makeithappen93 is offline New Member
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    I appreciate all the help here lady and gentleman. I'm going to set the stuff aside and read up and keep it natty for a while and see what happens. I've already seen natural progress so like you guys are saying, there is truly no NEED for it at this point. I simply dipped my toes in the water, and I'm glad I came here so yall could bring this to my attention. If I do decide to go that route in the future I will be further educated on the subject. thanks a ton - and I'll be making it happen either way Much love to everyone who replied
    Lunk1 likes this.

  21. #21
    makeithappen93 is offline New Member
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    out of curiousity, what are AI,PCT, and HCG ?

  22. #22
    makeithappen93 is offline New Member
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    also, what is the shelf life of my Test eth - I cracked the seal on that for the one time I shot up. and I have a full vial of deca sealed so that should last a while shouldn't it?

  23. #23
    probuild42 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by makeithappen93 View Post
    out of curiousity, what are AI,PCT, and HCG ?
    I doubt any one here will spoon feed the info your requesting. Do a lot research! Use the search function. Check this out.

    Quote Originally Posted by makeithappen93 View Post
    also, what is the shelf life of my Test eth - I cracked the seal on that for the one time I shot up. and I have a full vial of deca sealed so that should last a while shouldn't it?
    Test will stay good for a few years. Plenty of time for you to learn and let your body finish naturally developing!

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