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  1. #1
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014

    New To Forums, Questions about current cycle.

    Hey everyone, Just created an account i've been "Lurking" for over a year, can usually find most any of my questions by using searching around, but i have a few id like to run past through you guys. First some stats;
    19(let the flaming begin)
    227 as of this morning
    11% bf
    3 cycles under my belt
    Current cycle;
    Tren A 700mg/wk
    Test E 600mg (yes i frontloaded test and gave it 1 week to kick before starting tren a)
    Mast P 600mg.
    Going on 3 weeks.

    I have 50mg per ML Liquid dbol . Heres questions;
    Since my tren is kicked in, and im running mast P, will this stop majority of the dbol bloat and Moon face that my family and girl quickly pick up on and preach to me about (Been there done that)? I also work in oil field and was just switched to graveyard shift, will this negatively effect recovery and growth? If so does anyone know of anyway to fix this or make up for it? Thanks!
    Last edited by RiceGhost7.62; 04-05-2014 at 10:00 PM.

  2. #2
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Sleep is sleep. Doesn't really matter when you get it. It's just important that you get plenty of it.
    Are you not using an AI? Mast will NOT act as a sufficient AI to help negate the effects of high estrogen levels such as bloating.

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    ^^^ding ding ding
    At those doses I'd have an AI on hand and depending on you cycle history I'd be running caber or prami

  4. #4
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014
    Alright, great. I have Aromasin 25mg tabs on hand, i havent seen much of a differnece when using AIs during cycle truthfully, as far as moon face goes, so was hoping tren and mast would keep things "Dry"

  5. #5
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014
    Alright, great. I have Aromasin 25mg tabs on hand, i havent seen much of a differnece when using AIs during cycle truthfully, as far as moon face goes, so was hoping tren and mast would keep things "Dry". Also running caber

  6. #6
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by RiceGhost7.62 View Post
    Alright, great. I have Aromasin 25mg tabs on hand, i havent seen much of a differnece when using AIs during cycle truthfully, as far as moon face goes, so was hoping tren and mast would keep things "Dry"
    You need to use it. Just cause you can't "see" any issues, doesn't mean there isn't.

  7. #7
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Alright. Ive been following Gavin Kanes program, were it was suggested to leave AIs out, unless needed. Appreciate reply

  8. #8
    Lunk1's Avatar
    Lunk1 is offline aka "JOB"
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    Quote Originally Posted by RiceGhost7.62 View Post
    Alright. Ive been following Gavin Kanes program, were it was suggested to leave AIs out, unless needed. Appreciate reply
    Don't know who that is but it's an antiquated method. Way to many risks associated with high E2 levels and you the old though that an AI inhibits gains is essentially BS.

  9. #9
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Its from an article tossed around alot between forums called gavin Kane's Hardcore bulking i dont know who exaclty he is exactly, Two of my buddies recently put on 20lbs after pct. Its old info though, i guess i will begin to take Aromasin 3x a week, why not im always down to try out something new

  10. #10
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Actually having this discussion on another thread right now. Estrogen has side effects you can't see as well, prostate issues, infertility, coronary health issues.

  11. #11
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    I probably wont use and AIs actually... See my girlfriends bi, and doesnt put out much lately, so ive decided that if i leave estrogen blockers out, get me a a really nice man boob rack, she will be more into me. Feel me? Then start a new clothing line specializing in "Bros", man version of a Bra, and get rich.

    Lol definatly joking, i'll start taking The aromasin EOD

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Did you say you were 19 and on your 3rd cycle? Was I the only one to pick up on this lol


  13. #13
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Maybe, or they realized its a lost cause to argue. Started for typical wrong reasons. Had been kicked off D1 College baseball team for drvgs, day after a workout which put me in rhabdomolysis 3 days later, and in hospital for 2 weeks risking kidney failure due to 60,000 creatine kenisis. Sure didnt get better after that, 3 days after i was released from hospital i was drinking fitfths of jack not caring out of depression, blew all graduation money and savings on coke, alcohol, and dumb shit (about 8k), dropped out of college, couldnt go home, no goals or ambition.

    Then i got a vial of powertrip test e, did it for typical insecure low self esteem teenager reasons. But By end of cycle i was off most all substances completely and focused on putting on weight.. Snapped me outta a phase and gave me a reason. Spent last year surfing forums and guides leanring, did a test e homebrew about 3 months ago. Now i have a job that pays 50,000 a year and goals and a new outlook. So its for best in my mind, keeps me straight and goal oriented. Peace
    Last edited by RiceGhost7.62; 04-06-2014 at 04:41 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RiceGhost7.62
    Maybe, or they realized its a lost cause to argue. Started for typical wrong reasons. Had been kicked off D1 College baseball team for drvgs, day after a workout which put me in rhabdomolysis 3 days later, and in hospital for 2 weeks risking kidney failure due to 60,000 creatine kenisis. Sure didnt get better after that, 3 days after i was released from hospital i was drinking fitfths of jack not caring out of depression, blew all graduation money and savings on coke, alcohol, and dumb shit (about 8k), dropped out of college, couldnt go home, no goals or ambition. Then i got a vial of powertrip test e, did it for typical insecure low self esteem teenager reasons. But By end of cycle i was off most all substances completely and focused on putting on weight.. Snapped me outta a phase and gave me a reason. Spent last year surfing forums and guides leanring, did a test e homebrew about 3 months ago. Now i have a job that pays 50,000 a year and goals and a new outlook. So its for best in my mind, keeps me straight and goal oriented. Peace
    I played some d1 baseball, nice


  15. #15
    RiceGhost7.62 is offline New Member
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    Awesome man, Position?
    Ive been throwing and do alot of joint stability work, the thought crosses my mind to go back.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RiceGhost7.62
    Awesome man, Position? Ive been throwing and do alot of joint stability work, the thought crosses my mind to go back.
    Catcher, I haven't thrown the rock in over a year lol


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