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  1. #1
    elsaqo is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    first cycle - advice/rate? (prop + npp)

    Hey folks-

    I'm starting my first cycle in the next few weeks (waiting for the rest of my gear to get in the mail,) but I figured I would post and ask for some advice first.

    I picked up some homebrew prop and npp, and I purchased some exemestane, HCG (pregnyl), and clomid.

    I was thinking:

    1-8 test prop 150mg MWF
    1-6 NPP 100mg MWF
    2-8 Exem 12.5mg ED
    2-8 HCG 250mg M/F
    9-13 clomid 50/25/25/25

    Does this sound about right? Am I stopping HCG early enough, and am I starting PCT late enough?


    maybe 17% bf (possibly a little less.)

    Looking to gain some quality muscle and lose some fat (i have a comp in 6 months.)

    Any and all advice is appreciated.


  2. #2
    Shifu87 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Imo. Save the exem for side effects or unwanted boating which you shouldn't get anyway. Having test on a per week basis is also imo nonsense. You're body doesn't understand a 7 day work week. Do take you're 50mg off of a dose and Eod=every other day take 125. Or if you have enough take 150 eod. Nandrolones work well with some estrogen in you're system and proviron for prop is g2g it fees up all of what you inject, makes you hornier than test alone and fights that little boat you would be taking exem for.

    Progestin is you're only real enemy here. If your keep estrogen down progestin just floats around looking for something to bind too. If not proviron just go winny at a low dose to understand what it does then jump it up if you're feeling froggy. Npp will lube joints winny will dry them out but fight progestin and estrogen. G2g Goodluck.

  3. #3
    elsaqo is offline New Member
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    Jul 2012
    I'm only using the MWF schedule so I can have a way to organize myself.

    No thanks with Proviron , and I'd like to keep my cycle extraordinarily simple the first time around.

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Mar 2006
    Don't run a cycle with that high a dose of test without an AI. Unless blood work confirms you don't need one.

    First cycle should be test only. There is work to be done on your pct too.

    Read this

    And repost your revised cycle

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