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  1. #1
    Gaior is offline New Member
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    Can I come off years of testosterone use?


    I'm 57 and have been on testosterone terapy for past 6+ years.. I originally started taking steroids to increase/maintain mass in my early 40's.
    Did a few cycles test/deca or whatever over a five year period. Then when I came off my test levels hit the floor. I went and had blood work done and my
    test levels where the lowest the doctor had ever seen. He then put me on test therapy of 1ml every two weeks. I've pretty much been doing
    this for the past 5-6 years. I never came off properly "Clomid" "HCG " etc.. to try to kick start my natural test levels. Not sure if there is any way to
    do it at this point (after taking test for 6 years straight) and my age. One factor that is different that other people: I lost one testicle when I as in my teens so I'm running with 1 which
    hampers the issue at hand.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks Gairo

  2. #2
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    IMO, you would be better off getting a good TRT protocol because after 6+ years being shutdowned, with one testicle. And 57YO... It is HIGHLY unlikely that you are going to recover...

    Whats your motivation with stopping TRT?

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Honestly at this point, and at your age. I'd probably stay on TRT. Just get on a proper protocol. 200mg every two weeks is horrible considering tests half life is approximately 5-7 days metabolism dependent. Meaning you need to inject at least once per week. Your doc should know this but most don't really know hormones. He's dosing you on the terminal life of testosterone which is a big mistake. Most in the TRT forum find that splitting your weekly dose in half and injecting every 3-4 days is even better. It provides more stable serum levels (which you sorely need) as well as better E2 control.

    Visit the TRT forum and read the sticky threads and interact a bit. You can learn a lot there. If you did choose to try a pct I would look into the Scally Power PCT Protocol. Google it. But seriously, I stand by what I said in the first paragraph. You need a proper protocol and you'll feel great.

    Oh, welcome to the forum.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #4
    Gaior is offline New Member
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    My motivation was just to see if I could go natural.. But giving my age and condition I thought it would be highly unlikely. Just wanted another opinion. Before I started doing cycles around 45 years old I think my test levels were somewhat normal but I'm not sure. After doing a few cycles in my natural test shut down and I'm just wondering if there might be a chance of kick starting my natural test again after 6+ years of TRT.

    Thanks gairo

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaior
    My motivation was just to see if I could go natural.. But giving my age and condition I thought it would be highly unlikely. Just wanted another opinion. Before I started doing cycles around 45 years old I think my test levels were somewhat normal but I'm not sure. After doing a few cycles in my natural test shut down and I'm just wondering if there might be a chance of kick starting my natural test again after 6+ years of TRT. Thanks gairo
    Given age, history of use, and inguinal orchiectomy, very unlikely you would see any recovery of function to normal levels. Permanent TRT would be clinically indicated for you.

  6. #6
    Gaior is offline New Member
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    Kind of what I figured.. My guess was that I was lucky enough to get onto TRT when I was on the downside of my 40's. Who knows how I'd feel if I hadn't started taking test on my own to increase mussel mass.
    At around 45 years old I could put up 4 wheels so I was lifting allot 5-6 days a week for many years. I'm just curious to know if there's any way back.. My doc just ran blood work on me after 1 1/2 weeks of no shot and he says it's the lowest test levels he's ever seen. Bummer. I have the test levels of a Postmenopausal women .. Sad Free Test 0.10L Total 82L

  7. #7
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaior
    Kind of what I figured.. My guess was that I was lucky enough to get onto TRT when I was on the downside of my 40's. Who knows how I'd feel if I hadn't started taking test on my own to increase mussel mass. At around 45 years old I could put up 4 wheels so I was lifting allot 5-6 days a week for many years. I'm just curious to know if there's any way back.. My doc just ran blood work on me after 1 1/2 weeks of no shot and he says it's the lowest test levels he's ever seen. Bummer. I have the test levels of a Postmenopausal women .. Sad Free Test 0.10L Total 82L
    Yes, in almost every case, TRT is (or should be) the last therapy offered to restore serum testosterone levels after other methods have been pursued. Once TRT is prescribed, it's a life long commitment. Your physician could certainly discontinue your therapy and see if there is any recovery of natural production but in my professional opinion, it would be nothing short of a miracle for your body to manufacture normal levels of testosterone . TRT is generally a chronic therapy.

  8. #8
    Gaior is offline New Member
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    Apr 2014
    Thanks for the input. Peace Gairo

  9. #9
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaior
    Thanks for the input. Peace Gairo
    You're welcome. Anytime.

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