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Thread: 12 Week Bulk & Cut Cycle Decisions...Help Needed!

  1. #1
    JonnyRan is offline New Member
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    Question 12 Week Bulk & Cut Cycle Decisions...Help Needed!

    Last edited by JonnyRan; 04-14-2014 at 04:40 PM.

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    I'm guessing you have an extensive cycle history if you are seriously thinking option 2 or 3? Although the comments made in points 3 & 4 indicate a serious lack of research and suggest you haven't run a cycle?
    devil-1986 likes this.

  3. #3
    devil-1986's Avatar
    devil-1986 is offline Associate Member
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    welcome to forum

  4. #4
    JonnyRan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post

    I'm guessing you have an extensive cycle history if you are seriously thinking option 2 or 3? Although the comments made in points 3 & 4 indicate a serious lack of research and suggest you haven't run a cycle?
    I'm 23, I don't have an extensive cycle history however I have run a test only 12 week cycle 2 years ago & run dbol , test & clen last year.

    To an extent I have lack of knowledge in certain areas which I'll admit, hence why I have come to ask for after weeks of research and realising that everyone has very different views on everything I have asked about here I thought it easier to open my cycles up to criticism.

    Thanks for your reply guys.

  5. #5
    tren_monster is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonnyRan
    First of all I'd like to say a massive hello to everyone and may the gains be with you. I've been deliberating and researching over a few choices for my pre-summer cycle and I'd love it if anyone could help me a little bit with some advice. I've been training for 3 years + and my diet & workout routine have been sufficiently played with so I have a solid base for training during this cycle. Stats: Height - 6ft1 Weight - 84kg / 185 Pounds Bodyfat - 11% I'm looking to do some kind of variation of 6/8 week bulk 4/6 week cut and I've put together 3 choices so far... However, I'm very open to other suggestions Option 1: Weeks 1-12 test e 600mg e/w Weeks 1-6 50mg dbol e/d Weeks 6-12 clen 120mcg e/d 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Option 2: Week 1-4 - dbol 35mg/day week 1-6 - sust 250mg/ E4thD week 7-12- prop 200mg/EOD week 7-12- tren 75mg/ED week 9-12- winny tabs 60mg/ ED Option 3: Sustanon 250 - 500mg per week, weeks 1-10 Deca durabolan - 400mg per week, weeks 1-10 Dianabol - 35mg per day, weeks 1-4 Winstrol 30mg/ed, weeks 7-12 My questions are: 1) In terms of building lean muscle which I will keep and then ripping up to a good level which would be my best option? 2) Is there any advice / other options you could provide me with? 3) Which would be best for me to run after a bulk cycle between anavar/winny/clen if my goal was to maintain the built muscle, harden my muscles and most importantly decrease body fat around my stomach. 4) Whatever cycle for the bulk/cut should I run nolva/HCG/clomid throughout the entire cycle? Thanks for any advice you can impart, I'm always keen to learn and given the knowledge base of all the experienced people here I'm sure you can guide me in the right direction!
    Three years of lifting exp is not enough to reach genetic potential. Given those three years I'd say you have very little to no cycle experience so with that tren shouldn't even be in your vocabulary yet. IMO you should stay natty for as long as possible and only use AAS to break through a plateau. I don't think you're ready for AAS but you're going to use anyway regardless so I'd say just stick to one compound such as test e at 500mg/wk or two compounds using Dbol as a kick start at 40mg/ed for the first 4 weeks.

  6. #6
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    23 is still young to be hitting the aas. AAS are not a quick fix for summer. I would wait, but if you are going to use what are your goals and stats?

    Here are some questions you need to ask yourself.
    1. You didn't say if you wanted. Its bulk OR cut.
    2. Do have hcg and an AI while your on cycle (must have in hand before you start cycle)
    3. A good PCT program? (must have in hand before you start cycle)
    4. Have the money to run a cycle with all the gear and FOOD that you will need.
    5. Most important - The discipline to train, eat proper and abstain from things like alcohol, drugs, partying, late nights out so you get the proper amount of sleep?

  7. #7
    JonnyRan is offline New Member
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    Hey tren monster & bigtahl, I appreciate your responses.

    I've been lifting more than 3 years, I'd say its nearer to 4 but don't let that lead you to think I have a lack of experience because I don't mess around when I go to the gym and never have. I have always trained hard, and eaten clean consistently. I do agree however after speaking to a few friends about this cycle I've removed tren from my mind until I am much more experienced. Also, thank you for your advice it is appreciated.

    BigTahl, Although some people advise 25 is the correct age to start, I personally don't see a huge risk in a clean 12 wk cycle providing all the necessary precautions are taken.
    1. I believe a lot of people run both cycles pre-comp with good results and I've seen some good members results in the past so I think to an extent you can hold the gains and lose body fat at the end of the cycle without too much damage?
    2. I'll show you exactly what I plan to do at the end of this post.
    4 + 5. Yes I'll be able to buy whatever is necessary, in preparation for this I stopped drinking completely a few weeks ago and begun making sure I get my 8 hours each night.

    Sustanon 250 - 500mg per week, weeks 1-10
    Dianabol - 30mg per day, weeks 1-4
    Clen 120mcg e/d weeks 6-12 (2 weeks on 2 weeks off) - Although I will be building up to this dosage from the start..not starting on 120mcg.
    Milk thistle during Dbol
    Tamoxifen and every fourth day during cycle have a tamoxi
    PCT: 3 pills tamoxifen first day of pct
    Followed by 2 a day next days
    Then one a day ten days after that

  8. #8
    tren_monster is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonnyRan
    Hey tren monster & bigtahl, I appreciate your responses. I've been lifting more than 3 years, I'd say its nearer to 4 but don't let that lead you to think I have a lack of experience because I don't mess around when I go to the gym and never have. I have always trained hard, and eaten clean consistently. I do agree however after speaking to a few friends about this cycle I've removed tren from my mind until I am much more experienced. Also, thank you for your advice it is appreciated. BigTahl, Although some people advise 25 is the correct age to start, I personally don't see a huge risk in a clean 12 wk cycle providing all the necessary precautions are taken. 1. I believe a lot of people run both cycles pre-comp with good results and I've seen some good members results in the past so I think to an extent you can hold the gains and lose body fat at the end of the cycle without too much damage? 2. I'll show you exactly what I plan to do at the end of this post. 4 + 5. Yes I'll be able to buy whatever is necessary, in preparation for this I stopped drinking completely a few weeks ago and begun making sure I get my 8 hours each night. Sustanon 250 - 500mg per week, weeks 1-10 Dianabol - 30mg per day, weeks 1-4 Clen 120mcg e/d weeks 6-12 (2 weeks on 2 weeks off) - Although I will be building up to this dosage from the start..not starting on 120mcg. Milk thistle during Dbol Tamoxifen and every fourth day during cycle have a tamoxi PCT: 3 pills tamoxifen first day of pct Followed by 2 a day next days Then one a day ten days after that
    Clen is a nasty ass compound with nasty sides that come along with it. It's among the few that I will NEVER use again. Among that list is Nolva and clomid.

    I'd add in something other than milk thistle.

  9. #9
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    I personnally love clen abd feel great on it.

    You need to try to see, but if I were you I would look into T3.

    Good luck

  10. #10
    reporich is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonnyRan View Post
    Hey tren monster & bigtahl, I appreciate your responses.

    I've been lifting more than 3 years, I'd say its nearer to 4 but don't let that lead you to think I have a lack of experience because I don't mess around when I go to the gym and never have. I have always trained hard, and eaten clean consistently. I do agree however after speaking to a few friends about this cycle I've removed tren from my mind until I am much more experienced. Also, thank you for your advice it is appreciated.

    BigTahl, Although some people advise 25 is the correct age to start, I personally don't see a huge risk in a clean 12 wk cycle providing all the necessary precautions are taken.
    1. I believe a lot of people run both cycles pre-comp with good results and I've seen some good members results in the past so I think to an extent you can hold the gains and lose body fat at the end of the cycle without too much damage?
    2. I'll show you exactly what I plan to do at the end of this post.
    4 + 5. Yes I'll be able to buy whatever is necessary, in preparation for this I stopped drinking completely a few weeks ago and begun making sure I get my 8 hours each night.

    Sustanon 250 - 500mg per week, weeks 1-10
    Dianabol - 30mg per day, weeks 1-4
    Clen 120mcg e/d weeks 6-12 (2 weeks on 2 weeks off) - Although I will be building up to this dosage from the start..not starting on 120mcg.
    Milk thistle during Dbol
    Tamoxifen and every fourth day during cycle have a tamoxi
    PCT: 3 pills tamoxifen first day of pct
    Followed by 2 a day next days
    Then one a day ten days after that
    For a first cycle? Fail

  11. #11
    JonnyRan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tren_monster View Post
    Clen is a nasty ass compound with nasty sides that come along with it. It's among the few that I will NEVER use again. Among that list is Nolva and clomid.

    I'd add in something other than milk thistle.
    Each to their own, I've had it once before and was fine on it (apart from I was ridiculously hot a lot of the time).

    What would you add in?

  12. #12
    tren_monster is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JonnyRan
    Each to their own, I've had it once before and was fine on it (apart from I was ridiculously hot a lot of the time). What would you add in?
    Liver cleanse, blood pressure and lipid stabile.

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