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Thread: Igf1 + hgh

  1. #1
    strongrunner is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Igf1 + hgh

    I have several questions about stacking IGF and HGH.

    I'm 18 almost 19, 5'10, 140-145

    I want to preface with why I want to use these and what my goals are. I'm a collegiate track athlete. I run mid-distance (400m and 800m) which are endurance base but have an important strength element. I have been dealing with significant knee issues due to a surgery I had on both knees in high school. Also due to this I've had to spend significant time on the bike and not running which has limited my ability to develop a strong endurance base.

    My thought is that both HGH and IFG would not only help prevent and heal my reoccurring knee issues, but also increase my RBC and therefor increase my VO2 max. Also if my knees would be stronger I could do more miles and do more workouts without being limited my injuries (running performance is largely determined by how many miles you can do before getting hurt).

    In terms of dose I was think absolutely minimal doses of HGH and moderate doses of IGF. I have numbers in mind but want to hear your suggestions.
    In terms of cycle length I was thinking of starting at just 8 weeks.

    The boost I need is minimal and although it would be nice to have an improved physique this is by no means the main goal.

    If you read all that, thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help.

    So to ask specific questions:

    Concerns about my age...I've read about why steroids at my age are not ideal is this at all mitigated by a short cycle and low doses.

    Ideal dosage for RBC/VO2 and injury prevention

    Is this a complete enough stack? Remember I don't want to put on huge muscle gains but am looking for performance boost related to my sport.

    EDIT: added specific questions.
    Last edited by strongrunner; 04-18-2014 at 07:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Bert is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    You do know your body already produces a good amount of gh, don't you.

  3. #3
    strongrunner is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I am aware. That's why I say low doses of hgh. I was thinking 2-2.5iu. I would skip the hgh completely but I hear IGF really comes into it's own when combined with hgh.

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