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  1. #1
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2013

    First cycle questions! Pelase help!

    The guy that sells me the roids told me I dont need an AI but use nolva during cycle becacause it does the same as a AI, it blocks estrogens.
    What would happen if i follow his advice of not using AI but nolva on cycle.

    Why my first cycle should only consist of test? Am i really rísking myself much much more for including a compound such as dbol to kickstart the cycle?

    My hemoglobin levels precycle are a tad higher than the reference valúes. How do I control how often I should do blood work to see my blood is not to thick.
    Donating blood would affect my cycle? How often shoulder i donate?

    How do i know my AI is working?

    Is it necesary to run hgc on cycle? What is the general concesus with this..

    How about nolva and clomid in conjuction for pct? Do i really need both or I can go just fine with one..

    My main concern really is the thickening of the blood. Read somewhere blood can thickens wayy to fast..

    Any advice greatly apreciated
    Last edited by PRODIJ; 05-14-2014 at 08:07 AM.

  2. #2
    qwertylifts is offline New Member
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    You can easily buy an ai from a number of trusted sites. Unless u want alot of water retention and make it obvious your on cycle.I didnt take an ai in the beginning of my first cycle . To see how I would react to the test. But when my nipples became sensitive I started using it

  3. #3
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    how about blood thickening?

  4. #4
    ElGringo is offline Junior Member
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    1- you will be asked for your stats
    2- test only because it's your first cycle. you don't risk much by running something else, but chances are test will be more than enough
    3- there is no general consensus as to when to run HGC, even among veterans/experts
    4- same with novla/clomid. i've seen people claim they take nolva only but most people advice to take them together. go to the PCT section and search for a thread called "Nolvadex vs. Clomid for PCT" on the first page

  5. #5
    rooftop1's Avatar
    rooftop1 is offline Junior Member
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    Imo worrying about blood thickening on a mild test cycle is a non issue. As for an AI it depends on your bf% the higher the bf % the more test will aromatase this can cause a host of sides as well as limiting gains . A sensitive assay estradiol test before 2-3 weeks in another 6-8 weeks in will tell you where you are as far as e2. I'm on trt so I run hcg all the time but I would think that since it keeps your hpta functioning then it would make pct easier. What are your stats? Your diet it the most important aspect as far as progress no matter what your goals are. Eat right (right amount for your goal, right maco split for your goal) train like your life depends on it and sleep like a baby! Then add AAS.

  6. #6
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2013
    thanks for the advice.

    I am at 5,9. 80kgs. 16-17% body fat

    I want to do the following cycle.

    week 1-4 30mg Dbol
    week1-12 500mg test-e
    week1-12 hgc 500ui week
    week 1-14 arimidex 0.25 EOD

    then clomid and nolva for pct

    is 0.25 arimides EOD enough to start?? How do I know if I have to up the dose? I took the arimidex dose sample from the "planning my first cycle.." but should I increase the dose since I use Dbol? Also my body fat is a tad higher..

    (any add on, move out of my cycle advice??)

    *will I get better results if I up test to 600mg week and Dbol to 40mg?? Is it muhc riskier? is it worth it? Will this alter de armidex dose? the hgc dose or pct?
    Last edited by PRODIJ; 05-14-2014 at 05:56 PM.

  7. #7
    rooftop1's Avatar
    rooftop1 is offline Junior Member
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    I would get below 15% bf and test only for first cycle . This is the same advice that everyone else will give you that way you know how your body reacts to test only then on subsequent cycles you can add a compound at a time. The surefire way to know what AI does you need is to do bloodwork throughout the cycle. As for PCT let someone else chime in as I stay on test year-round.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ View Post
    The guy that sells me the roids told me I dont need an AI but use nolva during cycle becacause it does the same as a AI, it blocks estrogens.
    What would happen if i follow his advice of not using AI but nolva on cycle.

    Why my first cycle should only consist of test? (yes)Am i really rísking myself much much more for including a compound such as dbol to kickstart the cycle? (you risk running two compounds you know nothing about and understanding neither post cycle. Run test only, understand it, become familiar with it, and understand the sides of this foundation hormone. Later, if you must stack, only add one unknown variable (hormone) into the equation and see what that does. this is called the scientific approach. You are not a lab rat, you do not have an extra body, so be respectful of your body and don't take any unnecessary risks)

    My hemoglobin levels precycle are a tad higher than the reference valúes. How do I control how often I should do blood work to see my blood is not to thick.
    Donating blood would affect my cycle? How often shoulder i donate? (donate as often as you can. start aspirin therapy, typicall 80mg/day. this will make your blood less sticky)

    How do i know my AI is working? (blood test checking for estradiol)

    Is it necesary to run hgc on cycle? What is the general concesus with this..(do you plan on having any more children? do you feel it is cosmetically necessary to preserve testicular size? do you plan on PCT'ing and accelerating the process of returning natty test production back to precycle levels? if you answered yes to any of this, then I would recommend using HCG)

    How about nolva and clomid in conjuction for pct? Do i really need both or I can go just fine with one..

    My main concern really is the thickening of the blood. Read somewhere blood can thickens wayy to fast..

    Any advice greatly apreciated
    comments in RED

  9. #9
    PRODIJ is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2013
    thanks everyone for the advice. Taking them into account.

    is donating blood one a week from week 3 to week 12 too much?

  10. #10
    rooftop1's Avatar
    rooftop1 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PRODIJ
    thanks everyone for the advice. Taking them into account. is donating blood one a week from week 3 to week 12 too much?
    Blood banks won't let you donate once a week. After your initial donation they will prompt you to donate after a certain amount of time, can't recall the time frame, btw do not check the box regarding drugs used intravenously not prescribed by dr's.

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