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  • 1 Post By BBrian

Thread: How long can you go without running eq during cycle and can you stop it at week 8?

  1. #1
    manky chops is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    How long can you go without running eq during cycle and can you stop it at week 8?

    Totally random questions im just putting out there , gotta learn somehow i guess n i cant find anwsers to these two anywhere.

    Up 4kgs on my cycle half way through atm no sides jus sex drive thru the roof haha. Pimples starting to show more on back too

  2. #2
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Could you be more specific about what you're trying to ask here? By "eq" do you mean Equipoise or equipment, i.e. steroids ? Additionally, running a cycle for 8 weeks is very common and preferred by many. Without being too presumptuous, it sounds like you should have spent more time educating yourself on steroids before experimenting with them.
    DAAS likes this.

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