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Thread: Needing your advice!! Thanks Gentlemen

  1. #1
    MajorT is offline New Member
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    Needing your advice!! Thanks Gentlemen

    First off, you'll have to forgive my lack of knowledge when it comes to forums and the acronyms present. I do read them from time to time just not avidly. (I thought possibly making my own account and getting involved would help my interests)

    My stats are as follows:
    6 Foot 2 inches tall weighing in at about 230 and hanging around 10-12 percent body fat. W/O (the one acronym i feel that i know lol) everyday just about or have some kind of activity. Done plenty of cycles to know what i can handle and what I'm doing really. Started lifting when i was about 175 and would have got to where i am much faster if it wasn't for college basketball. BUT! now that that is over and my hooping days are behind me I hope to take this very serious and maybe enter my first physique comp. next year. (BUT again, just a little goal in the making, not my main focus right now) OH! and I just turned 24.

    The cycle I'm planning to run have the contents of Sustanon , Tren E, and Equipoise . Iv'e ran Sus and Tren E plenty of times before but never EQ. Was wondering what would be a good stack of them all.

    This is what I had in mind.

    Sustanon- 750 Mg a week, weeks 1-14, inject MWF
    Tren E- - 600 Mg a week, weeks 1-12, inject MWF
    Equipois - 800 Mg a week, weeks 4-16, Inject Tuesday and Saturday I'm thinking

    I have Nolva, A-dex, Letro, Clomid, and even Cabaser on hand.

    Was also looking for advice on PCT and the proper way to run the Cabaser.

    (((((Been doing a lot of reading about SERM's and stuff)))))

    I know it's a big cycle, and i know i should be okay with the Test and Tren amounts. The EQ being involved and the PCT to keep the sides away is my main concern.


  2. #2
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    You're 24 and you've already run Sus/Tren plenty of times? With plenty of Sus/Tren cycles under your belt you're wondering about PCT? What was your cycle history and PCT history?

  3. #3
    MajorT is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    You're 24 and you've already run Sus/Tren plenty of times? With plenty of Sus/Tren cycles under your belt you're wondering about PCT? What was your cycle history and PCT history?
    well iv'e ran Test E and Tren E before, and close but never in these dosages. Furthermore iv'e never ran EQ at all. so iv'e got a little curiosity in mind about it.

    also i do get slightly puffy nipples sometimes when I'm on tren. but I've read some great advice on here about different kinds of SERM's and stuff to prevent that. And also read up on Cabaser. Like i said, i don't get it bad, but even a little gets on my nerves!!

    but normally i just run a little nolvadex at the end for a few weeks and either aroma or letro throughout. However I know that this is one of my more advanced cycles to date so I'm really gonna have to discipline myself and take all the proper steps needed.

  4. #4
    goin4itall is offline New Member
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    why run the eq. 2 weeks beyond the sust and not just run the sust throughout. Also to see the effects of eq it takes a while why only 12 weeks and not the full 16? While I do believe this cycle is too much for someone of your age I need to ask, what exactly is your goal here. Not trying to be an ass. Just trying to get more info so we can give sound advice.

  5. #5
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Equipoise is crap IMO. And being so young I have to ask if when was your last cycle? How many times have you cycled?

  6. #6
    MajorT is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goin4itall View Post
    why run the eq. 2 weeks beyond the sust and not just run the sust throughout. Also to see the effects of eq it takes a while why only 12 weeks and not the full 16? While I do believe this cycle is too much for someone of your age I need to ask, what exactly is your goal here. Not trying to be an ass. Just trying to get more info so we can give sound advice.
    I totally see your point with the EQ. It's probably looking more like a 4-18 instead of 4-16 (depending on the advice and my own judgement of course) but my intentions are to use it for a bridge into my winter bulking cycle.

    And my goal is to simply gain some lean hard mass and mass that stays with me throughout the winter (hence the EQ). As I'm sure you know the weight that one gains from EQ usually stays on and is not lost. So as you can probably see by now my plan is to gain quite a bit of lean hard mass before the winter comes around while bridging into a pretty intense bulking cycle.

  7. #7
    MajorT is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    Equipoise is crap IMO. And being so young I have to ask if when was your last cycle? How many times have you cycled?
    Thats funny, EQ is one of the first and highly appreciated forms of juice out there from what i read and have been told by very experienced builders???

    Last cycle was aprox 5 weeks ago, should be about 7 weeks before i start this one.

    And plenty to be prepared

  8. #8
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    EQ is a very slow acting steroid so you need to take it for over 12 weeks for it to be useful. You plan on only adding it in week 4 and going to week 16 so what benefit would it really give you? If you are running Sustanon and Tren E why would you add it to your cycle? Its just my opinion that I think it is crap.

    If you dont know what the proper PCT is than I think you really need to wait on this next cycle. Your cycle time off should be the length of your cycle plus your PCT. So 12 week cycle and 4 week pct you need to wait 16 weeks at a minimum before you start your next cycle. This will allow your body to recover and level off producing its own natural levels.

    For PCT you need to run both Nolva and clomid. You should also be taking your dex while on your cycle not just having it around. When was the last time you had any blood work done? Have you ever had blood work done?

    You need to do some more reading on this site. Your young and you are at much great risk of ending up with medical problems like ED and needing to be on TRT if your not careful. I am not trying to be a jerk but you need a lot more education before you run your next cycle for your own safety.

    Here is a good place to start reading. Austinite's Educational Article Database
    NACH3 likes this.

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    X2... Well put BigTahl!!! As stated above Austinites educational threads are extremely knowledgable if not some of the best sh-- I've read... And ya can never stop learning bro... We're just lookin out for your overall health bro... Nothing personal!!

  10. #10
    goin4itall is offline New Member
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    Spot on BigTahl. I also agree eq is s#!t. Or at least it's not for me. I guess everyone is different. 7 wks off is not near enough. What was your last cycle and how long was it? Seems to me your not giving your body enough time to recover and trying to get there too fast. Take it from someone who knows. Trt at a young age sux when it could be avoided by taking sound advice and doing things right. Go get bloodwork done. See where your levels are go from there. Give your body proper time to recover to its natural state before you do permanent damage. Then take your time, eat right, train hard and when your body is recovered and ready then ask about the next step.

  11. #11
    MajorT is offline New Member
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    [QUOTE=BigTahl;6880976]EQ is a very slow acting steroid so you need to take it for over 12 weeks for it to be useful. You plan on only adding it in week 4 and going to week 16 so what benefit would it really give you? If you are running Sustanon and Tren E why would you add it to your cycle? Its just my opinion that I think it is crap.

    If you dont know what the proper PCT is than I think you really need to wait on this next cycle. Your cycle time off should be the length of your cycle plus your PCT. So 12 week cycle and 4 week pct you need to wait 16 weeks at a minimum before you start your next cycle. This will allow your body to recover and level off producing its own natural levels.

    For PCT you need to run both Nolva and clomid. You should also be taking your dex while on your cycle not just having it around. When was the last time you had any blood work done? Have you ever had blood work done?

    You need to do some more reading on this site. Your young and you are at much great risk of ending up with medical problems like ED and needing to be on TRT if your not careful. I am not trying to be a jerk but you need a lot more education before you run your next cycle for your own safety.

    No, Nothing is being taken offensive here guys lol stop apologizing, it's advice and that's precisely what i asked for. I like to learn I'm 24 with multiple degrees, i know when knowledge is being given and i appreciate it greatly!!

    Moving on tho!! Yes to the blood work, iv'e had it done before my last cycle, however not after. BUT seeing how i got some time before i start ill for sure go get it checked prior to the first pin. (Got free med so no biggie lol)

    and idk if you caught my post earlier on this thread BigTahl but i said that i was going to run it for a bit longer than i stated in the very first post. My plan was to use it for a bridge into my next cycle. Iv'e heard a few times to take just as much time off as one person was on. However iv'e also seen where it doesn't take near that long. I think it depends highly on the cycle and the person conducting the cycle as well as how good someone is at taking the PCT.

    Also, i didn't think 24 was that young anymore. I see frekin kids 18,19,20 years old on here all the time asking for advice. By all means I appreciate not being called old lol! but i think my body is plenty mature after playing multiple college sports, especially if I'm smart about it. (Which is what I'm trying to do here of course)

    NOTE: Im not saying any of you are wrong by what I'm about to say i just wanted to throw it in there and get other's opinions other than my own.

    Iv'e got a buddy who is going for his pro card, he literally NEVER gets off some form of test. Even when he's so called "off" he still takes a few hundred mg's a week. This is a cycle that i put together to hopefully get me to where i could possibly compete sometime in the next year (bulking hard in the winter of course) , and he said it was good but it's nothing like he takes. -__- ... jerk. lol But he's a few years older than me i know and I've done some pretty intense cycles before however i think this one slightly tops them.

    SIDE NOTE: Thanks big T for the advice on PCT. Thats really what I'm wanting more than anything out of this.

  12. #12
    MajorT is offline New Member
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    yeaaaa, totally screwed that post up. smh. Kanye shrug*

  13. #13
    goin4itall is offline New Member
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    Add 250 iu of hcg for entire cycle . Makes pct easier

  14. #14
    goin4itall is offline New Member
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    250 iu 2x per wk

  15. #15
    MajorT is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goin4itall View Post
    Add 250 iu of hcg for entire cycle . Makes pct easier
    could you give me a little of you insight on the HCG ?

    where to inject?
    how often?
    what type of needle?
    constituting with water tips possibly?

    Much appreciated

  16. #16
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    This is what Autinite has written about HCG . Yes 250 U twice a week.
    How To Properly Mix hCG

    As you all know, hcg comes in a powder form and needs to be mixed with bacteriostatic water in preparation for injections. In this example, we will use a 5,000 unit vial. Obviously, you need to observe the math and adjust according to how you want your hCG concentrated per CC.

    Step 1: Transfer 5 CC's of bacteriostatic water into the vial containing your hCG powder. No more than 3 CC's at once.

    Step 2: After each bacteriostatic water transfer, you'll need to draw out just as much air to release pressure.

    Step 3: Swirl the mix gently and keep it in the refrigerator.

    Once you've completed your mix above, you now have a 5,000 iu vial that contains 1,000 iu's of hCG for every CC. So if you want to shoot 250iu, that would be 0.25 CC/ML. Or 25 units on a slin pin. I personally use injectable B12 to mix my hCG. Helps me get both B12 and hCG in one shot.

    How the Math Works for Mixing hCG

    I'm adding this segment because it seems a lot of people still don't understand how to calculate their doses after mixing. Note that CC and ML are the same thing. So here is the math to prevent anymore questions about this...

    A standard insulin syringe can hold 1 CC in volume. Each barrel will have markings in 1 unit increments up to 100. So each CC displays 100 unit markings.

    Step 1: Amount of hCG units in a vial DIVIDED BY total CC's of solution added = Amount of hCG you will have per CC.
    Step 1 example: 10,000 / 10 = 1,000

    Step 2: Amount of hCG per CC (result of step 1) DIVIDED BY 100 (number of units on a slin pin) = amount of hCG per unit.
    Step 2 example: 1,000 / 100 = 10

    Step 3: Amount desired per injection DIVIDED BY amount of hCG per unit (result of step 2) = Number of units to draw from your mixed vial.
    Step 3 example: 250 IU / 10 = 25 units. You would draw 25 units, or a quarter of a CC on a slin pin.

    Hope that clears it up.

    Let's Clear Up Some Confusion About Handling hCG

    Let's get a few myths out of the way...

    Myth # 1: hCG must be injected subcutaneously. (This is not true, IM injections work just as well. SubQ is fine, but only matters if you're a TRT patient)
    Myth # 2: I cannot use hCG past 30 days (This is not true, use it for 2 months. It'll be fine)
    Myth # 3: I can use oral hCG I got at the store. (This is not true and is simply a complete scam. Avoid it.)

    hCG needs to be refrigerated for the sole purpose of preserving potency. It does not "go bad", ever. hCG merely loses potency over time, and at a faster pace when placed at room temperature.

    hCG can be used for 90 days after reconstituting it. After 90 days, it loses approximately 10% potency per month. You can leave hCG at room temperature for about a week with negligible potency loss. No loss if it's in the early stages after mixing. After 90 days, you would simply increase dose to compensate for the 10% loss per month. So for those of you who travel, do not be afraid to take your hCG. No need to go through the extra measure of keeping it cool.

    The reason hCG generally does not arrive mixed, is because in some cases, it is frozen in powder form, which would preserve the compound for millions of years. This way you can thaw the powder and use it at your convenience. Some manufacturers ship premixed compounds, such as the HUCOG brand, which is extracted from pregnant rat urine.

    hCG is not as "fragile" as most of us are led to believe. If you prefer to minimize injections, you can combine your steroid compounds with hCG into the same syringe and inject. The only real way to destroy hCG is by freezing and thawing pre-loaded/premixed syringes, as the ice crystals tend to destroy the proteins. If you decide to freeze your mixed hCG, be sure not to re-freeze it, ever.

    The expiration dates are merely the length of time the potency was tested. This is also used/marketed so that you purchase more of this compound.

    How To Administer hCG

    How Much hCG do I need on cycle and when do I start?

    Start using it from week 1. Timing does not matter, just spread it out. For cycling, 250 iu two to three times weekly will suffice. Do not use hCG back to back. If you choose twice weekly at that dose, run it every 3.5 days, just like you would with Test cyp. If you choose 3 times weekly, run it Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There's only so much stimulation that can occur with hCG, so you should never bother with doses in excess of 500 iu at once. If you're injecting 250 iu and after several weeks you're still experiencing some issues, increase your dose 100 iu's at a time, not to exceed 500 iu's twice weekly. Your weekly grand total should never have to exceed 1000 IU, ever.

    If you inject your hCG subcutaneously, always be sure that you do not inject more than 0.6 CC at once. Volumes greater than 0.6 CC will result in lumps under your skin that can be quite uncomfortable and in some cases painful to the touch. This goes for anything that is injected subQ, including testosterone , B12 & hCG. This is volume related, not iu or milligram related. So be sure to mix your hCG with a concentration resulting in about half of a CC or less.

    Injections in subcutaneous fat should be administered using a syringe with a high gauge. Some folks use a 27 gauge syringe, but I prefer a 29 gauge. Even a 31 gauge works great. Water based compounds get through the tiny bore with ease.

    If injecting in a muscle, do not flex it. Just relax and inject. If injecting subQ, just find a good spot about 2 to 6 inches from the naval and inject.

    That's all folks. Have a powerful day,

    ~ Austinite

  17. #17
    goin4itall is offline New Member
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    I'd say that pretty much sums it up on the hcg . Lol. Great information.

  18. #18
    MajorT is offline New Member
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    Thank Youuu! I like how i can put it in with my other shots! helps a TON! And so does the part about traveling and storage. Im a consultant so I'm on the move with work quite often. huge thanks

  19. #19
    Lovemiami's Avatar
    Lovemiami is offline Associate Member
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    Awesome info and just in time,RECAP, so I can have the powder and the solution at room temperature and after the mixed I would stored it in the refrigerator or the freezer ?

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