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  1. #1
    brian20 is offline New Member
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    winny/test-e advice

    First I understand made a mistake trying to take winny only cycle. I've had success in the past when I was younger and went for it again, but decided to change.

    Here's the deal, I've been taking win at 50mg ed for just under two weeks. I'm getting some test e today which will last me 10 - 12 weeks. The win is 7 week qty. Obviously taking winny at the end rather than beginning would be ideal. Should I take winny for another week while the test kicks in, stop the winny and start it back up on week 6 of my test cycle ? Or something else?

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Questions I need some answers 1st

    What's you full stats?
    Do you have anything else besides test like AI pct ect...?
    what's your goals?
    What do think you will get off of winny?
    What is your full plan how much a week?
    What type of test?

  3. #3
    brian20 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014

    33 years old, 6'1", 205 LB, 10% BF APPROX

    Just looking to lean up and cut a little. Not looking for a lot of mass. Just a little bulk and boost if that makes sense.

    Test enanthate 300mg x 10cc. 300mg every 5 days.
    Hcg last 4 weeks and nolva 40, 40, 20, 20 for pct.

    Winny probably isn't the most optimal choice, but it's what I have. Using it to tighten and harden up and some additional vascularity.

    I also know most would suggest 500mg test every 5, but I'm trying to minimize the bloat and mass gain. I've used test enan probably 4 years ago and this would be my second t cycle

  4. #4
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well okay you need some work here,

    -an AI like arimidex .5 eod controls bloat gyno estrogen ect...
    Read this-
    Hcg should be ran thru the cycle it helps aid in recovery and keeps testicles normal read this-
    Your pct should include clomid also at 75/50/50/25. Read this--
    Also read this--

    You really don't need winny now save it for later but if you must it would be best the last half of cycle not the beginning it is not a kick starter. You really need to read as much as possible 300-350 a week is light and a waste. 500 mg a week minimal 250mg pinned twice week say Sunday and Thursday for 500mg total.
    Last edited by derekkpapa1; 06-13-2014 at 07:33 PM.

  5. #5
    brian20 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2014
    Hey I really appreciate the advice and effort you put into helping me. Based on the research you provided and more that i read on my own and the resources available to me, here's what i'm going to do as of now. I'm open to feedback, so please don't think i'm ignoring any advice given. I appreciate it.

    First, i'm going to stop taking the winny and save it for week 7. I'm saying week 7 because i have just over 5 weeks left and test will still be in my system by week 12. I've been on winny just under 2 weeks.

    I took my first test-e shot 250mg today. I'm planning on taking 250mg every 7 days (truth-about-low-dose-cycles - wont let me post the link but you can google it) . This will give me 10 weeks. I know a lot of people in these forums suggest 500mg a week, but my last test cycle about four years ago i ran 500mg every 5 days and i bloated badly. Probably gained 30lbs. Lots of water weight. Granted i didn't have my diet and workouts dialed in like i do nowadays. An AI would no doubt be nice, but i do not have access to one. Looked online, but not sure about the offshore online pharmacies that don't require a prescription. too many scams out there. Not to mention, arimidex is super expensive.

    In theory i would think 250mg every 7 should be light on the sides, including bloat, and i have a really good diet, great workout, already in great shape, and will drink a lot of water every day. At least a gallon a day. i also have nolva on hand in case i have any non bloating sides such as gyno. I'll also be taking an otc iron labs cycle support (not sure if it does anything) and liver support.

    I will run hcg 2 times a week for the entire 10 weeks.

    i'll start my winnny back up week 7 and run it through week 12 at 50mg ed oral tablet.

    I'll start my pct week 13 which should be right after the test is out of my system and my last day of winny. Currently i only have nolva available to me. I've read mixed reviews on taking clomid. seems some say just run nolva, some say nolva and clomid are virtually the same with nolva being more effective, and then some saying run both. i dont have a source for clomid at the moment. Another online pharmacy issue.

    and i know i kind of sporadically started this cycle. i didn't put much thought into fully preparing and having everything i want on hand. fortunately i opened my eyes shortly after starting a winny only cycle and have learned a lot.

    Thanks again. Any other feedback is welcome.
    Last edited by brian20; 06-14-2014 at 12:11 AM.

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