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  1. #1
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
    Randy_Mar is offline Associate Member
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    Question Switching from Enanthate to Acetate mid-cycle (Better Results?)

    I've never done this but I've been thinking about this theory. I was curious if changing up your esters but keeping same compound would be better on your receptors, and result in better gains?

    For example:

    x-amount of Test Enanthate (10wks)
    x-mount of Tren enanthate (10wks)


    x-amount of Test Enanthate (6wks)
    x-mount of Tren enanthate (6wks)
    x-amount of Test Propionate (4wks)
    x-mount of Tren acetate (4wks)

    Would you expect different results, or about the same?
    Last edited by Randy_Mar; 06-27-2014 at 09:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Test is test.

  3. #3
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar View Post
    I've never done this but I've been thinking about this theory. I was curious if changing up your esters but keeping same compound would be better on your receptors, and result in better gains?

    For example:

    x-amount of Test Enanthate (10wks)
    x-mount of Tren enanthate (10wks)


    x-amount of Test Enanthate (6wks)
    x-mount of Tren enanthate (6wks)
    x-amount of Test Propionate (4wks)
    x-mount of Tren acetate (4wks)

    Would you expect different results, or about the same?
    Too many variables even if you ran the 2 cycles to compare!!

    Replicating the exact macro intake.

    Training times and intensity.

    Recovery and mood etc.

    Dont overthink things just do the long ester or short imo

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    The body doesn't build up a tolerance to test or any other androgen. Muscle cell ARs up regulate with the dosage over time. Gains slow down not because of desensitization but due to genetic limitations. If you put on 10 pounds in 2 months that is more than most people can gain in a year natty, so of course gains will slow down. Most people don't know how to train and diet properly to over come these plateaus. Also, when cycling the body will store more glycogen and nutrients in muscles. Once muscles reach a threshold were they are completely saturated no more nutrients can be stored. This is why muscles expansion slows down mid/end of cycle even though hypertrophy is continuing. You may gain 2 pounds or more a week the first 2 months on cycle, but then only a pound or less a week after that because once muscle cells are full of nutrients you will be only gaining tissue.

  5. #5
    Randy_Mar's Avatar
    Randy_Mar is offline Associate Member
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    This definitely all makes sense fellas!! I appreciate the input. I was just over analyzing things!

  6. #6
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Most of us do this and forget that the training intensity and diet are the most important factors

  7. #7
    DFRELAT's Avatar
    DFRELAT is offline Associate Member
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    Only reason to do this is that for a certain period of time you'll get some overlapping of the long esters with the short esters giving you in the end a higher dosage than actually taken... But I don't really see why anyone would this, for example say you have a strongman competitiion on a certain date just take short esters on top a week or two before like many people do for example with test suspension days before and on competiton day.

  8. #8
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy_Mar View Post
    I've never done this but I've been thinking about this theory. I was curious if changing up your esters but keeping same compound would be better on your receptors, and result in better gains?

    For example:

    x-amount of Test Enanthate (10wks)
    x-mount of Tren enanthate (10wks)


    x-amount of Test Enanthate (6wks)
    x-mount of Tren enanthate (6wks)
    x-amount of Test Propionate (4wks)
    x-mount of Tren acetate (4wks)

    Would you expect different results, or about the same?
    changing esthers mid cycle will spike blood serum levels. if you REALLY know what you are doing, you could gradually step up the shorter burning esthers to cover the diminishing blood serum levels left over from the longer burning esthers. But that would mean you know something about half lives, math and algebra. And no, I've never worked out the formula personally, although it shouldn't be too difficult to construct such a formula.


  9. #9
    Zedded is offline Junior Member
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    im pretty sure different esters have different amounts of test in them per mg

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