Let's say 30mg dbol a day for 4-6 weeks at the middle or end of a 500mg/w test cycle (point is one would already have test built up at this point). On workout days you take the whole 30mg dose before training and on off days you split it up throughout the day in 3 10mg doses. Would it be too much off a rollercoaster? Would the dbol work as well when you are taking the whole dose, meaning it's out of your system before you take another one? What i've read is that people are reporting better strength gains when taking the whole dose a couple of hours pre-workout but for a bodybuilding perspective it would be more beneficial to split the dose, which is only logical to me. Goal would be mainly strength but also size since they go hand in hand, therefor the idea for this dosing came up. Training is 4 days a week, so 3 rest days where you just eat and grow, so taking the dose throughout the day seems more beneficial on those days where on training days strength is the main goal.
