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  1. #1
    bruary is offline New Member
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    35 and Just got a prescription for androgel due to low T

    Hello everyone, been a long time since I logged on here. Got a few questions.

    I've been feeling like crap lately, no energy, loss of excitement, no motivation and I just feel groggy and tired all the time. I have zero motivation to lift and I feel like my body looks soft and I'm losing muscle. I'm not however having any decreased interest in sex as I'm horny a lot and I also have no problems with erections.

    I went to my Dr. And asked for some bloods to be done...everything came back normal except my T was low....he had me get another T test and it came back even lower then the first he told me I'm a candidate for TRT and prescribed me androgel .

    He wants me taking two pumps every morning then he wants to see me again after a month. I'm excited and bummed at the same time....excited because of the muscle I might be able to add and for my zest for life returning....but bummed because I'm 35 and have low T.....anyway, **** it. Here's my questions.

    I took a prohormone about a year was by finaflex and very similiar to 1-AD...I took it for about7 days then stopped cold-turkey...for about three nights in a row my heart was beating very was scary and I thought I was going to have a heart attack! It was fine during the day but for 3 nights it was beating all sorts of sporadic.....I should also mention that I was going through one of the most stressful times of my life so I am uncertain exactly what the cause of it was.

    Can anyone tell me if they think this androgel will affect me in this way? And what dose is effective at building muscle? Thanks for any input.

  2. #2
    Baxter35's Avatar
    Baxter35 is offline Member
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    If you are low T, then getting your counts well into normal range will allow an increase in muscle if you have the diet and exercise to go with it. As far as dosage is concerned, only bloodwork will tell what amount will be needed for you. And no, you shouldn't get have any problem with the elevated\irregular heart rate that you saw on prohormones from any form of prescription test replacement, regardless of transdermal or injections.
    Last edited by Baxter35; 08-03-2014 at 07:28 PM.

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    If you are low T, then getting your counts well into normal range will allow an increase in muscle if you have the diet and exercise to go with it. As far ad dosage is concerned, only bloodwork will tell what amount will be needed for you. And no, you should see none of those I'll side effects from any form of prescription test replacement, regardless of transdermal or injections.
    Not entirely true. Everyone has a very different physiology and hereditary factors that can influence the degree and/or severity of side effects. Body fat will also have an influence - men beyond 20% body fat are more prone to side effects of TRT than those who are not. In addition, some men may have pre-existing HTN or hyperlipidemia and should be followed more closely for changes in blood chemistry that may be early hallmarks for elevated iso factors.

    While I agree that TRT doses generally yield fewer side effects, a blanket statement that there will be NO side effects is incorrect. Both TRT clients and anabolic steroid users should be aware of side effects and monitoring their health (which includes routine blood work, CBC, CMP, Lipid or VAP analysis, and annual PSA screen) to ensure safe effective use.

  4. #4
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    Listen to MI. He knows his stuff. Could make a joke about going to have your prostate checked yearly now but you will find out about that.

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigTahl View Post
    Listen to MI. He knows his stuff. Could make a joke about going to have your prostate checked yearly now but you will find out about that.
    The DRE is generally not something an MD looks forward to giving either. I'd much rather have a tiny asian female MD giving me the exam.

  6. #6
    bruary is offline New Member
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    I've had EKG's and an ultra sound done on my heart. My Dr. Who prescribed me the androgel is also my cardiologist. So he's aware of my heart history...and it is healthy. Have you ever heard of sporadic heart beat on a cycle? I mean I was taking such a mild dose of what was said to be a very mild PH. Just puzzles me.

  7. #7
    Baxter35's Avatar
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    Sorry, my statement was taken out of context and I definitely don't want anyone thinking I meant trt can't have ANY side effects....there are plenty. I was referring specifically to the elevated heart rate that the OP said he experienced for a few days while taking a prohormone. And yes, listen to Muscleink, he knows his stuff.

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    Sorry, my statement was taken out of context and I definitely don't want anyone thinking I meant trt can't have ANY side effects....there are plenty. I was referring specifically to the elevated heart rate that the OP said he experienced for a few days while taking a prohormone. And yes, listen to Muscleink, he knows his stuff.
    No worries, glad we both clarified. Appreciate your input as well.

  9. #9
    bruary is offline New Member
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    I'm in excellent shape and have a little unsightly body fat on my abdomen and Lower back...not even a handful. Can I expect a noticeable change in my physic for the better? I want to add some quality muscle but at the same time, don't want that sporadic heart-beat. I believe the PH I was on last year was called 1-andro. And I was in it for a mere7 days....stopped cold turkey and If I remember correctly the following 3 nights, sporadic heart rate. Fine during the day though. I was also smoking a nearly a pack of newports a day and was mentally unstable....broke up with a girl and literally nearly had a breakdown. Ashamed to admit it now but whatever. Anyway, is this shit gonna kill me or what? Lol. I read all your responses and thank you sincerely for the input.

  10. #10
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This should probably be better off moved to the HRT section.

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