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  1. #1
    warrior133 is offline New Member
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    Cool hello guys im new here and neeed your help !! :D

    hello guys n girls ! this is a nice website to learn more about steroids and i love that !!! i need a lot of help and i hope all of u gonna be patient because im not used completely to roid but my knowledge is very very basic !... okay lets begin

    this winter , im planning going on a cycle (3months) of roids... i read a couple of threads about tren that is the most dangerous one but i know it is.. the things is this will be my first first first SERIOUS injection cycle ( i did by the past 3 injection for fun haha i know its dumb .. i did 2 times test and winstrol )

    should i run only test the first month and after kick in with test and tren of just tren and test all the way to the end ?? ( i plan taking anadrol while too) i am 20 years old 5'8 ive been trainning for about 3 years seriously and i think now its the time for me to get things serious :P

    thanks for your help guys ! i know theres a lot of threads like mine but i just wanna ask my own question to get the answers that my head wants ty

    from a guy that doesnt want to get fck up by roids

  2. #2
    Red Bastard's Avatar
    Red Bastard is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior133 View Post

    from a guy that doesnt want to get fck up by roids
    Then spend the next 4 or 5 years researching here, and building a better natural base. You really are too young, and woefully unknowledgeable on the subject. Read every informative "stickyied" post, and all the others that are just like yours. ALL the answers that "your head wants"(lol!!), have been repeated 100 times a month...

    When you are finally ready, you will know, without having to have answers spoon fed to you, like a child, that a first cycle should ALWAYS be Test Only!!

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior133 View Post
    hello guys n girls ! this is a nice website to learn more about steroids and i love that !!! i need a lot of help and i hope all of u gonna be patient because im not used completely to roid but my knowledge is very very basic !... okay lets begin

    this winter , im planning going on a cycle (3months) of roids... i read a couple of threads about tren that is the most dangerous one but i know it is.. the things is this will be my first first first SERIOUS injection cycle ( i did by the past 3 injection for fun haha i know its dumb .. i did 2 times test and winstrol )

    should i run only test the first month and after kick in with test and tren of just tren and test all the way to the end ?? ( i plan taking anadrol while too) i am 20 years old 5'8 ive been trainning for about 3 years seriously and i think now its the time for me to get things serious :P

    thanks for your help guys ! i know theres a lot of threads like mine but i just wanna ask my own question to get the answers that my head wants ty

    from a guy that doesnt want to get fck up by roids
    One of the first things to start reading is this thread:

    The young and Steroids

    You really need to understand the risks and dangers of shutting down your HTPA at your age and the long term damage it may cause. Plenty of guys your age already members here, chose not to listen, ran steroids very young, and now have a number of health complications because of the damage done to their HTPA.

    Very few people are going to recommend any cycle for someone under the age of 25.

    Read up on the posts in the nutrition and training sub forums. How, what, and when you eat as well as your training plan and commitment to BOTH, are far more important than any steroid . Nutrition and training are the core fundamentals. Without a proper nutrition and training plan to drive muscle growth, your steroid cycle will be a big waste of time. Growth comes from food and training. Steroids are a final phase to consider; they never come before a long term commitment to nutrition and proper training.

  4. #4
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Your last sentence says it all. You are too young. DO NOT CYCLE AT THIS TIME.

  5. #5
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    20 yrs old is not a good age to start. Heed the advise given above.

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